

"Did you say wife? So... you remarried?"

"Unfortunately yes. When Tia left on my special day, I was shattered. I couldn't think right anymore and instead of being happy for a new journey, I was feeling lonely and all lost in thoughts.

I couldn't imagine life without her by my side and before I knew it, the committee proposed that I should choose any random woman and crown her my queen because they were already angry with Tia's decision."

"And then... Did you just choose her in a haste? Like they didn't give you time to find another woman of your choice."

"I didn't choose anyone since I couldn't bring myself to. The committee members are the ones who chose her for me and made me crown her as my new queen."Beryl was already in tears.

"I'm sorry sir."Araxie found herself apologizing even when she knew it wasn't her fault at all.

"I remember I vowed not to share any physical relationship with Malinda whom they chose for me.

She was so beautiful and lovely with a sexy body but I couldn't bring myself to feel attracted to her because the sweet moments with my Tia were enough for me to live and I never felt a need to move on.

I remember Malinda didn't sit for less just to impress me but no matter how hard she tried, she never won over my heart as for it beat for only Tia. She tried seducing me but later realized I was a hard nut to crack down!

She would enter my room half naked -just in a bra and panties but still none of her tricks turned me on.

I'm not saying that she was unattractive... She was extremely attractive but unfortunately not for me. She came into my life when I had already given my heart away to somebody else.

One thing I liked about her, she would pretend like we were a happy couple in front of everyone till the day she chose to show her true colours.

She was a witch.

One day she tried to devour me and failed because I had magical powers that Tia left with me of which she had no idea about.

I was so happy that Tia saved me even when she wasn't around."

"I see it's a long story Sir."Araxie pointed. I hope she didn't find it boring!

"Yes, it's a long one. Tia's departure turned my life upside down. I'm not blaming her though as it was my fault, I should've left all these behind for her. I still remember how she left with teary eyes, and her hands holding her stomach.

She was pregnant with our first child and I always wonder if she gave birth to a bouncing child.

I didn't do anything wrong to upset her, I didn't shout at her nor did I ever raised my hand on her... I wonder why she hate me this much that she has never thought of coming over to check on me. Why all this hatred?"he couldn't hardly talk now.

"You're not well yet Sir. You should stop crying. "Araxie told him while placing her hand on his shoulder.

"Control your emotions Araxie. He's the king and not an ordinary man."she thought before pulling down her hand from this man's shoulder.

"So tell me. How's Tia and my child."he was rubbing off his tears ready to hear good news from this girl.

"They're both fine Sir."she still had to lie. Telling him the truth could worsen his condition or shocked him to death for which she wasn't prepared.

"Really?" The broad smile on his face was enough for Araxie to tell that he really loved his wife and the pregnancy.

"Can I.... maybe show you how your son looks like?" She wanted permission to do her magic.

"How... do you have his photo with you?"

"No sir."

"So ....."he looked confused.

"Here you go sir. That's him. His name is....."


"Yes. How do you know Sir?"Araxie was left shocked to find that he knew the name.

"Oh my goodness. I really can't believe this. Even though I didn't support Tia, she made sure to keep our love candle burning. We had promised ourselves that we would name our Cari if she's a girl and Trion if he's a boy. I'm sure she still loves me as much as she used too. She must be yearning for my love too, don't you think?"he seemed thoughtful.

"I'm sorry sir. I can't tell you that she's no more now. I'm afraid it might be too difficult for you to swallow. I have to lie for your sake. I hope you would one day understand my intentions behind my lies."she breathed.

"My son is handsome just like me."

"Sure. He's so charming."Araxie supplemented.

Wait! What was happening with her?

"But I don't understand, how come you have this Queen's bead. I remember Tia told me that only sea queens have this so....."

"I... I...."she couldn't find a good lie hence kept stammering.

"Isn't Tia the current queen?"

"Ahhh.. yes sir."Araxie was struggling hard to come up with a good lie when the king's voice cut in.

"Wait, are you Tia's daughter? I hope she didn't move on and gave birth to you. Or you may find she gave birth to twins and you're my daughter."

"No sir. Like I told you, I'm Michael Rodrigo's daughter."

"How do you know Tia and my son then."

"Hmmm.... I can only say that I'm in love with your son, Trion and he's the reason I'm here. Your son and I are deeply in love with each other."

Wait! Was this the right way to tell him? I hope she didn't make a mistake!

"Which means you're my soon to be daughter-in-law?"

"Yes sir but..."

"You can tell me anything dear."

"There's a problem. Trion can't marry me when I'm still like this."

"I know what you're talking about. I also went through the same when I was going to marry Tia, but you don't have to worry since I'm here. Tia managed to raise him alone till this far. I think I should do the rest as a father. You know what, all you need to do is loving my son so much and let me do everything for both of you."

"Really Sir?"

"Yes my child. It's high time I fulfilled my responsibilities as Trion's dad."

"Thank you sir. You don't know what this means to us."Araxie was so delighted with a broad smile on her face.

She never knew things would work out so quickly. It was cool for her that things were happening sooner than she expected. She didn't realize when tears started rolling down her face.

"Hey girl, stop crying already."

Thinking that her mission had been accomplished, Araxie wished to leave the next morning little did she know that Neel had planned something else for her.

He had seen everything since she entered the palace and was sure that there was something uniquely magical about her, though he still wanted to find out more about her.

He would wonder how special this girl's magic was that the king came around just on her arrival.

"Are you going somewhere?" Araxie was packing her bag when she heard that same voice which had burned her with so many cold questions.

"Me. Why?"she never expected anyone to ask her such a question. She was a visit and could leave whenever she wished but here, this man was busy asking her!

"I'm sorry. I was simply asking. Do you mind joining me for coffee in the backyard?"

"Sure."she just said so he could leave her room. She didn't want the king to get suspicious of her for anything.

"Actually my name is Neel."he introduced himself when she showed up and sat next to him for coffee.

"Hmmm. How are you Neel." They shook hands for the first time.

"I'm fine. You're Araxie, right?"

"Sure." She simply said and zipped her mouth.

Silence reigned the whole backyard, before the sound of singing birds interrupted in their peace.

"Ahhh.... I'm sorry Neel. I didn't know you're this good at keeping secrets. Mr Beryl trusts you so much. I'm sorry for my rude behavior towards you yesterday. I wanted to chase you out of the room."

"I saw that but it's okay, after all I heard everything in the end."he chuckled.

"I think I have to go back home now that Mr Beryl has promised to help us out. He still needs to recover completely. I guess I will come back. What do you think?"

She expected him to reply only to notice that he was lost in thoughts. She had to snap her fingers and bring his mind back.

"No. You can't leave him while in this condition. I mean he needs you and I'm certain you're the only one who can help him recover completely."

"What do you mean?"

"Yes Araxie. I have a feeling that your presence has something to do with his sudden recovery.

Thank you for that.

I've also noticed something magical about you."

Araxie quickly stood up from a chair with a serious expression on her face. She was about to leave when he quickly grabbed her hand and pulled her over.

"I just request you to please stay till sir has fully recovered. I won't ask for anything else. Please ma'am."

"Oh gosh! This isn't how they make requests. I mean really!"she breathed heavily.

"Don't say no please."

Araxie was left with two hearts, she felt like going back home and teaching Marina a lesson while a part of her wanted to stay and take care of Beryl, after all he was Trion's father.

"Marina's issue can wait."she breathed before she spoke, ' alright then. I'll stay till he's fully recovered'.

This left Neel's face with a broad smile that stretched from ear to ear.

"Why do you look happy?"Araxie found it awkward that this man was smiling because of her decision to stay. "Does he love the king this much?"she wondered.

"No."that's what Neel could say.


"Ahh... yes. I mean thank you."

"There's something you aren't telling me Neel. I can see it from the way you're behaving. I hope you aren't falling for me."she teased. She felt like being troublesome just like Sara.

"You're right ma'am. It's just that your beauty is irresistible but don't worry cos I'm in love with someone else."

"Oh wow. That's really cool. Can I perhaps get a chance to meet your wife. I know she's in this palace, isn't she?"she was so excited.

She was someone who liked making friends wherever she went. She was amazingly friendly and sweet and she always spread happiness wherever she went.

She was really exceptional!

"She's not my wife yet. She's just my girlfriend."

"How sweet! I can still meet her."

"I don't think you would."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, she's not from our land. she's from Akira city."

"My neighbor! This means I can possibly know her. What's her name anyway?"

"I don't think you know her. She's extremely extraordinary."

"Your statement is making me feel ordinary."she sighed softly.

"No ma'am. You're not ordinary. I simply meant that she's not a human so... it's maybe not possible for you to be knowing her."

His words were giving Araxie a heart attack. "She's not human! What is she then?"

"A hex."he simply said with no fear at all.

"Hex! Is she a witch's first daughter?"she wished he could say he was joking but only to realize that he was serious.

"Yes. She's the only daughter anyways."

"Can you tell me her dad's name." Araxie was getting scared and suspicious. She was wondering why a person would stick in love with a witch even when he knew she's indeed a witch.

"Unfortunately she's never told me about her father. All I know is that she's a half orphan. She lost her father a few years ago."

"Few years back and she's a hex! Could it be Casey. No, this is impossible."she tried connecting the dots but never thought it was possible.

"What are you thinking?"



"Oh yeah... I was wondering if this girlfriend of yours has a step sister or what."she was tricking him now.

"Not really. She doesn't have one."Neel said.

"This means she isn't my sister. It also means there's anything witch in Akira city! Oh God!"