

"No Mom, don't give up so easily. You have to fight back. You simply can't leave me like that. I'm coming to help you."I said but mother stopped me, "Don't come here please. This creature is very evil my child. I won't show you any mercy at all. Listen to me and run away dear. I don't want him to kill you too. You still have a wonderful life to live my dear child."she said as the vampire was pulling her on the ground, taking her from the road.

I was left frightened that I even feared to get inside the car. My eyes had swollen and my lips and noise had turned red. I was trembling so much but all I could do was calling out for my mother but I guess it was too late.

Wondering what to do next,I entered the car and thought of driving when I didn't know anything about the car. I didn't even know how to start it.

I had thought of hiding in the car when I saw a group of six men coming. I could've shouted for help but I felt I shouldn't. They looked strange to me and I found it hard to believe they were real.

I was afraid they might turn out to be very dangerous as well- that's why.

Maybe I was right cos I heard them talk about stealing our car.

"I think the owner just got an accident."one of them said after seeing mom's blood on the road.

"Then we should take the car."another one suggested which made my heart pump so faster than ever.

"I hope you haven't got what happened to Henry. The guy almost lost his life because of something like this. I'm not with you in this."

"Me too."the rest said which brought relief to my heart.

After they were gone, I saw two little boys who looked to be my age coming. I didn't know why but I felt I could trust them and that's when I began shouting and crying a little louder for them to notice me.

I tried moving out but only to find that I had locked the doors accidentally.

I had no choice but to break the door so they could hear me clearly.

Thank God they were not local like me because of of them knew how to drive, and that was none other than your father Martin.

They took me straight to their house and introduced me to everyone and I began staying their because they were good people who treated me with so much love and passion. They considered me as their own daughter.

Everything was back on the track before the two brothers fell in love with me.

It was a very difficult situation for me but still, I had to choose your father Martin over his brother Chris because I also had secret feelings for him. That's all."she said.

"I'm sorry mother. I didn't know about the bad side about vampires. I hate them now. How dare they kill my grandma!"Aurora was cursing. The story didn't leave her the same. It changed her completely.

"Sorry Mom. "Sara apologized with a fallen face. She was regretting asking her about this sad story.

"It's okay."she assured them.

"I guess I will go home now."Araxie said breaking the silence which had reigned the room.

"Are you out of your mind? I mean how will you face that congregation at your house. Don't forget that everyone believes that you're dead. I'm sorry to say, anyway. And do you know how your mother would scold you and humiliate you before everyone. I'm sure she's going to turn tables for you. She would say that you faked your death. I know her more than anyone else.... so please think about it."Judith warned.

"You're right. My mom can't be trusted but I'm sure she's going to feel good that I've come back. She surely won't humiliate me, especially not today. I'm not saying that I don't believe you, I just don't think that mother hates me this much that she would humiliate me instead of embracing and welcoming me back. You know she's my mother no matter what. I know sometimes she misbehaves with me but I know deep down she loves me somehow. She may be evil but she's a mother in the end. She has a motherly heart too."Araxie told them and walked away with teary eyes.

Although Marina treated her badly, defending her name was her daily responsibility. She never spared anyone who talked ill about her mother.

This left Judith and her daughters shocked. But still, Judith could understand because she was mature enough to understand her.

"She's so innocent that she doesn't want to accept that her stepmom is not a good person but something else. I hope she doesn't land herself in trouble. Protect her dear Lord."she breathed.

Laying her eyes on her home, Araxie couldn't handle it but to break down and cry. Yes, Marina mistreated her but she never thought of giving her poison. She could've done that if she wanted to get rid of her but she didn't. "I'm sorry Mrs Judith. I shouldn't have talked to you in that tone. I was helpless. I just couldn't stand hearing you people talk bad about the woman who brought me up no matter the odds. She's a mother figure in my life and I thank her for that."she cried.

As she was about to enter the gate, Tia showed up with a small piece of paper.

"Hey love,

I miss you already.

I hope you're missing me as well.

Don't forget to use the bead whenever you feel like you should. I don't know why but I'm feeling restless. You don't have to trust anyone.

Love from, Trion."

"Thank you Tia. I don't have a pen and paper with me to write back to him.

Please find a way to tell him that I love and miss him so much. "just like that, she was already smiling.

Tia's eyes wandered around and finally saw a rose flower in their compound. Araxie was able to tell that she needed one for Trion.

"How sweet! Let me go and pick one for you."Araxie said and slowly tiptoed backwards towards the garden in their premises when a familiar voice spoke from behind.

"Hey, who are you?"it was Casey's.

Araxie's heart pounded so hard because she knew it was all over for her.

She felt like turning around and look at her sister but before she could do so, she remembered Judith's words. "What if she was telling the truth?"she thought.

"I've never seen you, who are you?"Casey asked after seeing this girl's face little did she know that it was her step sister, the one she hated like nothing.

"Really! Hmmm, but I know you quite well. I remember your name is Casey, am I right?"

"Yes... but..."

"I know you people too well, you, your mother and sister, Araxie. I'm sorry for your lost. I can't believe Araxie left us so soon. I'm very sorry for what happened to her. I know you're already missing her so much, don't you?"

"Thank you for your stupid investigation."she said.

"Did she recognize me. Oh no, I hope she doesn't find out that it's me.

No...no, sister."

'How come you know everything about my family when I don't have a clue about who you are.

"I don't think you'll be able to remember me. I'm from Canada."

"From Canada! And you know my name and my mom."you're lying!

"Oh yeah. I've been in this city for a couple of weeks now. I came to know about your family and I really liked you guys. I felt the need to know more about you. I was so happy to find that your mom is very nice and innocent just like my mom."

"I see. So, why are you going that way when others are..."

"Hahaha...oh, I just wanted to get a rose flower for my pet. She likes them a lot."she said.

"Your pet."

"Here. She's my lovely pet."

"How cute! You can give her as more roses as she wants."

Thankfully she later left afterwards.

"Go Tia. Tell Trion that I'm very fine and he shouldn't worry because nothing is going to happen to me, he shouldn't worry at all. I'm enjoying disguising myself in this new look of mine.

Take good care of yourself and my Trion."she said before Tia flew away.

As she was roaming amongst the mourners, she felt heartbroken on seeing how some people were crying tirelessly for her.

She was deeply hurt but she had no to do about it.

Sitting somewhere, Araxie began crying.

Casey who had believed everything she said, came and tried to comfort her like, 'stop crying please.'

"It's too hard to believe that she's no more now. Whom will you play with now. Whom will you talk to or smile with. I'm so hurt that she left before I could meet her in person. I don't know why but I believed she was a kind and soft spoken girl, wasn't she?"she was saying all that to cover up her pain in front of Casey.

"You still haven't told me your name."Casey reminded her.

"Tia. Tia is my name."she hurried to say because she never wanted to give her room to doubt.

"Nice name. Well Tia, I don't think you knew my sister so well. She was my sister but I never accepted her as one because of her horrible ways. In fact I hated her so much. Thank God the sailors didn't find her corpse otherwise I'd have hated it as well. Mom is right, one doesn't have to put in a lot of efforts when luck is on her side - she should just sit somewhere and watch everything happen automatically. I know you must be feeling bad for that poor girl's demise but...., what can I do anyway. I mean I didn't kill her. I'm just happy that finally God heard my prayers and poof, He took her. I can't believe everything belongs to me now... I'm a millionaire!!! Every dad's property... belongs to me now, wow!"Casey was still talking when Araxie silenced her with a hot slap on her left cheek.

The slap echoed through everyone's ears that they all had to turn around and see what happened.

"How dare you hit me!"

"I can't believe you're so mean and low like this. How could you be rejoicing at your sister's death. Are you crazy?"Araxie found herself yelling at her sister out of anger.

She was so furious at the moment.

"Oh no! I hope they won't doubt my intentions after this."she breathed in regret.

"How does it concern you anyway?"Casey too was yelling back at her sister.

It wasn't long before Araxie heard Marina's cold voice, sounding from behind. She was coming from the house.

"What happened to you. Why are you holding your cheek between your hands?"

"S... she slapped me."Casey was pointing at Araxie who stood bravely before them.

"Wait, who is she. It's my first time seeing her."Marina said.

"I don't know her either. But a moment ago she was acting friendly with me. She even said she knows a lot about us."

"Why did you come here?"Marina cut in with unsatisfied gaze at Araxie whose heart was beating from her mouth.

"Hello ma'am. My name is Tia Ro...." Oh no, she almost mentioned her family name, Rodrigo.

"Do you have one name, girl, huh?"

"Roy. I'm Tia Roy, ma'am."she lied.

"So, why are you here?"

"Is everyone going to ask me the same thing, why are you here, why are you here! The first one was your daughter and now... it's you. I think mourners will ask me afterwards as well."she was fade up.

"I asked you a question young girl."Marina's soft looks were replaced with an angry expression.

Perhaps getting her angry would cause problems for her- Araxie felt she should go slow with her.

"I'm one of Araxie's friends. I'm sure you've never heard about me because I don't think you know all of her friends. I'm here to sympathize with you all. I'm very sorry for the loss."

"And why would I be knowing her friends?"