

Trion looked for a best way to appreciate Tia for what she had done but couldn't find one. Wow, she had helped Araxie to come around, what else would he ever ask for! Quickly he picked Tia from the ground and embarrassed her while he cried. The whole situation had left him emotional. "Today you've proved that you aren't just a mere bird, but you're my mom. You've done what a mother would've done for her son. Thank you mother. I always doubted my thinking but after today, I feel like calling you mother for the rest of my days. You're my beautiful mother Tia. I'm so happy that you never left me. I love you so much Mom."

He was planting kisses everywhere on Tia's wings.

"W-where...a...am I ?"Araxie later asked after her eyes had fell open. She didn't remember how she returned back there in the cave. The only memory she had was that she was swimming to the top. "Why did you bring me back. You knew I wanted to go home, you should've helped me take me to the top instead you brought me back here. "She was shouting at him before she noticed tears on his face.

"What happened. Why are you crying... and Tia, what happened to her. Why are you holding her."

Wait! Was she this so much concerned about Tia, why? She hoped all was well.

"Tia is fine."Trion simply said so she could calm down.

"Then what's the matter?"

"I'm very happy."

"Happy! Why?"

"My Tia isn't just a bird.... She's my real Mom. You know what, I sometimes used to yell at her not knowing that she's indeed her. I... I always missed mother so much not knowing she's been around me always.

It's my fault, had I believed Vina's words,I could've realized this long time ago.

It's all my fault, I'm sorry mother."

Seeing him look regretful and sad was something that Araxie could never bear. That thing always made her heart skip as many beats as possible!

"Stop crying please. Try to get a grip of yourself. I can't bear seeing you cry like this."she was caressing his back.

There was silence for some time before Araxie asked, "I still don't understand what really happened. Won't you tell me?"

"Of course I will. Tia saved you today. You had stubbornly refused to open your eyes and come around. I didn't realize that I was venting my fear and pain on Tia. She must've felt attached because without my notice, she created fire out of the blue just by blowing so hard at the stool and like that, you were able to come around after enjoying its warmth."

"Amazing! But I don't see any reason that could make someone cry like you did. Do you want to tell me that you feared that I would die? Or you wanted to save me by yourself and Tia did instead? What was so sad in all this?"she liked troubling him as much as he loved teasing her.

"Leave it. It's like you won't be able to understand that I can't live without you. Tia didn't challenge me or what. I was only scared of losing you Araxie... and when it comes to Tia, she did what I could never have thought of.

I'm extremely grateful for what she's done. She didn't just save you, she brought back the love of my life and this has given me another reason and chance to live."he was smiling, that smile that always disturbed Araxie's mind and thinking.

Starring at his curved lips, Araxie found herself mumbling, "I love you Trion."

Oh gosh! See what his smile just made her do - she confessed!

"What did you just say?"Trion didn't believe his ears. All along he had been wanting her to confess but she always found excuses to escape but now, she was singing it.

"Say it again dear."he wished she could repeat it, maybe it could've cooled his heart down.

Staring at him for a while, Araxie's lips fell open and soon a word escaped, "he's handsome."

"Really? Am I so charming?"

"Absolutely." Maybe Araxie had lost her mind.

She was saying whatever crossed her mind. She hoped she could look away but his charm was irresistible! How could she take her eyes off of him when she really needed to walk even closer so she could admire him so well.

"Do you mean your words dear?" She didn't know why but it felt like she was fighting hard to say something, "I....I..." but words didn't come out.

"Say it please." Trion was so curious. Maybe picking words from her mouth would work- he thought before reminding her, "you..?"

"I.. I love you."

Oh my Goodness! She eventually said it. For a moment Trion felt like flying in to the sky. " Somebody should wake me up. I hope I'm not dreaming."he was failing to control his excitement that he felt like bouncing to the top.

"Say it one more time."he had turned it into something else. Perhaps he was going crazy about her.

"I said I love you."she repeated.

Wait! From where did Araxie muster the courage?

He was still lost in wonders when he saw her walk bravely to him, before he knew it, her lips were on his forehead.

She kissed him which made his heart skip a beat. He was feeling like he was in heaven.

Her soft and cold lips had done something to him.

Following the desire to pin her and maybe play with her body, Trion grabbed Araxie's hand before he pulled her to himself.

"Thank you so much Araxie. Today you've made me the happiest man in the world. I love you very much."he whispered warmly in her ears.

Looking into Araxie's hazel eyes, the only thing Trion could see was fire. And for some reasons he felt like playing with that fire. He wasn't scared of anything. Perhaps it's true that people in love aren't scared of anything, and those who are scared can't fall in love.

"Let no one convince you that we aren't meant for each other. We really belong together Araxie and moreso, we make a perfect couple. Someone would remind you that we belong to different worlds since you're a human and i... I'm a merman. I know you'll feel like it's true and maybe regret your decision, but please never think of letting me down because I won't be able to take it.

I will die."

"Shuhhh. Don't say that."

Araxie had picked something from this man's words. She was worried.

How on Earth was she going to live her life in the water when actually she wasn't that good at swimming!

"You don't have to worry. I will find a solution soon."


"Didn't I tell you how my parents made it to be together. We too will find a way out.

I wish I could meet father once, he would tell me the magic they used."

"I think I have to go home."with a sudden mixed expression on her face, Araxie rubbed off her tears.

Wait! Why was she behaving strange all of a sudden?

Trion had thought that she would stay after having confessed her love but here,she was talking about leaving him!

"Are you really going?"he politely asked.

"Sometimes loving someone doesn't mean staying together. Maybe this is our destiny, we were destined to meet and not to be together. I'm going but if you want, you can term it as long distance love. Perhaps it's what destiny wants with us. Besides, my mom has already chosen a match for me. She has so expectations from me. She wished to sit and see me get married. I know she doesn't like me that much but at least I can do that one thing for her. I'm sorry but I can't stay. Let me go please."

Trion seemed lost in thoughts for some time before Araxie interrupted him. "Are you listening to me?"

He looked like he wanted to say something but later stopped and ended up clearing his throat.

"Say something please."she was shaking him. It was obvious that her words had hit badly straight to this man's heart.

Without saying anything, Trion jumped into the water before he heard her call out for him.

She was scared that he might end up doing something bad to himself as it was evident on his face that he was really hurt and sad.

"What have I done now. It wasn't necessary to say all that to him."she was cursing and hitting her forehead. "It's my fault, I shouldn't have told him how I feel about him in the first place. I've hurt him."she hardly breathed.

Elsewhere Judith waited for her daughters to come back home after their evening walk as usual but in vain. The longer she waited, the darker it got outside which made her very worried for them. She and Marina looked like sworn enemies ever since she heard about the rumor which had it that she was a witch. Having no other choice, Judith gathered courage and went to check at Marina's house only to find that Marina wasn't worried about Araxie's absence when it was getting so late in the night.

She felt like shouting at her but she couldn't, after all it was said she was a witch.

"Won't you go with me to look for them?"

Marina was was enjoying her dinner moved her unsatisfied gaze at stared at her for a while before she spoke, "what did you just say. Hmmmm! I must appreciate your courage but tell me why would I go with you. I know you're looking for your daughters, aren't you? Then whom would I be looking for cos as far as I know...my daughter is right here with me. I hope you know that I have one daughter, don't you?"she was like mocking her.

"Don't forget that the society will question you if everyone comes to know about this."she was threatening.

"Society my foot! Let them come, I already have their medicine."she challenged.

"What will you tell to Araxie's husband to be because you won't stop it from reaching his ears. I'm sure you know how rumors can spread. He'll surely get to know about it and then..."

"Shut up and let's go."she barked in defeat.

"Are you really coming with me?"Judith couldn't believe that her trap worked so sooner than she expected.

"Anyway I'm sorry for my attitude. I've given you a hard time, right?"

"It's ok." Though Judith was feeling relieved, she was still scared. "What if she's really a witch, what would happen to me..oh my poor life! Protect me Lord."she breathed little did she know that Marina had her mind under control. She could easily read her thoughts and everything.

"Did you say something?"Marina asked.

"Oh no! I d... didn't say anything."she hurried to lie. She had no idea of what was really happening.

"Do you maybe know where they could've gone?"Marina asked ignoring her thoughts.


"Hmmm. Poor human! You want to say that you were planning to roam around the whole city looking for them?"she sounded bitterly but Judith didn't seem scared. She knew her so well because the two of them were once good friends. Their enemity started when Judith chose to believe the rumors about her friend, Marina, though she didn't have proof.