

As a good father, Michael hugged his daughter. He knew she was innocent in all that was happening. Her mother must have influenced her. Besides, she was still a little girl who would obey her mom's instructions.

Michael kissed Casey's forehead before he got his gun out and put her on gun point.

It was hurting him but he didn't have another choice. "I'm sorry child.. I have to do this for your sister."he breathed while holding her from behind.

"W-what are you doing Michael. Put the gun down. You might hurt her."Marina cried. She was shocked. She was wondering what he was trying to do with their only daughter.

"I'm doing what you've done to my daughter. You've killed her, didn't you? So, I'm going to kill her too and we'll be even afterwards."there was coldness in his voice. It looked like he was serious about his words. All that left Marina shaking in fear.

"I.. what... are you saying?"

"Don't act like you don't know anything. Stop your drama right now because I know everything with some proof as well. So, before uttering out your nosense, first think about your daughter.

"She's your daughter too."she cut in.

"Those are your own words. Araxie too was my daughter. Did you spare her, no. Then what makes you think that I can't do this?

Did you think how I would feel about all this, no. You only did what you thought was good and helpful for you, didn't you? It's what I'm doing here."

"Save me mother. I don't want to die." Little Casey was crying for her precious life.

"Don't worry child, mom is going to save you."she assured her.

"Do you even want to save her or you're just making fake promises to her?"he challenged.

"Okay, tell me what I have to do so you can spare my child. I beg of you don't hurt my child please Michael."Marina was on her knees.

"I always told you that one day you'll regret your actions...the day is today!"

Marina chose to listen and obey Michael's orders because the matter concerned her daughter's life.

"Turn around and start moving."Michael barked.

She had no choice but to do as told.

"At least tell me where you're taking me."

"What do you think....of course you're going to get Araxie out of that pit."he said through clenched teeth.

"What's the point of getting her from there. She must be dead by now."

"Shut up! My daughter isn't dead. She can't die so easily... she's a strong girl, after all she's a daughter of a famous police officer. I have a feeling that she's still alive in there."

"Feeling my foot!"Marina cursed inwardly.

Just like that they reached the place.


"I was sleeping when I heard like someone was calling out for me. It felt like that person wanted to save me.

With so much curiosity,I suddenly opened my eyes and saw very long red fingernails trying to reach for me.

I slowly moved my head to see whom they belonged to, only to find long arms coming from the top. I couldn't see that person since the pit was very deep and it was so dark in there.

"Help ..."I screamed in fear before I could see the long hands trembling.

For a moment I felt like death was approaching. I wasn't able to feel any part of my body. I was scared to the core.

I thought of stepping back but there were those skulls and bones.

"I guess the owner of the pit is here."I told myself while I waited for whatever was to happen next.

I was shaking and trembling when a woman's voice echoed through the walls of the pit. Strangely all my fear disappeared and I could feel some relief.

I wanted to call back but I could hardly utter out words due to starvation.

"Hold onto my hands Araxie. I'm here to help you dear."the same voice again.

She even knew my name. I was impressed.

Quickly I grabbed both her long hands and before I realized, I was laying on the ground.

"Here you go. Now let go of my daughter."she said after laying me down.

She didn't bother to check if I was breathing or not. But deep down she thought I was dead.

"I'm sorry Casey my child. I know I've given you a shock of your life. Please find it in your heart to forgive your father."he said before letting her go and running straight to me, who laid flatly on my back.

"Don't worry my dear. Dad is right here with you now. Nothing is going to happen to you child. " I could hear him talk though I could hardly see. The only word I could ask was water.

Thank God he always moved with a bottle of mineral water... otherwise I could've died that day.

Everything became fine again after finishing a plate of food."she narrated.

"I know you when it comes to food. I'm very sorry about all that dear. Do you still remember my first letter?" he was reminding her. He just felt like cheering her up.

"I do. I remember how it came as a shock of my life. And you know what, I felt like I was being watched after I read it. Do you know what I told myself afterwards?"

"Tell me."

"I was like... you have to be careful from now on, Araxie. You have to keep in mind that someone is stalking you."


"My heart always skipped a beat whenever I thought how I got it. I never thought that a bird can be anyone's messenger. I must say you really gave me a wonderful surprise as well as the greatest shock of my life."

"Wow. I know know why Tia and I love you so much."

"Tia likes me?"

"Yeah. She really does. In fact she's the one who saw you first the other night when you had drowned. I was able to get to your rescue in time only because of her. Tia and I have the same taste. We both liked you at first sight.


"Yes, that's why she agreed to help me deliver my letters to you. I must say she wanted me to tell you about my feelings!

"Wow! She's so nice to you."

"She really is! She's like my mom, after all she owns her soul. Tia is my first love and my best friend. I surely can't love her any less. She's been there for me."

"I can understand how special she is to you."

"Very special, just like you're to me. Honestly Tia and I have come saving lots of people from drowning, whether boys, girls, women or men....

We've saved many beautiful girls but sincerely I never got a crush on anyone. I never felt like asking anyone to stay. But today, I only wish you could stay right here with me till the end of time. I wish you could be mine Araxie." Trion could've been on his knees but unfortunately he had a tail instead. Still Araxie could see true love in his eyes.

"I love you dear and I wish I could spend the rest of my life, each moment of it spent lived with you.'

"Arrrh..... what's the time?"she diverted to another topic.

She didn't want to make fake promises to him. It's obvious that she was feeling the same way, she wished everything could turn back and she falls for him over and over again but it wasn't happening. She knew her step mom would never let her make her own decisions no matter what.

"I'm sorry Trion.

How can you not see love in my eyes too."she mumbled.

"Tia always comes to check on me every morning. She hasn't come yet...it means it's still dark up there." Trion was still talking when Tia showed up

with a fresh red rose.

"Look who's here."Araxie seemed so happy and sad as well. She wished to go back home and at the same time she didn't want to go.

What was happening with her?

"Tia... you're here. I hope the weather up there is good."he was getting a rose from Tia's beak.

"How did she get here? Does she know swimming?"

"Come on, she's a pro in that."


"I meant to say that she's an expert."

"But how..."

"Don't tell me that you've never heard of this song...'one yellow duck, swimming in the water...one yellow duck.., anyway sorry for the horrible voice. I know I'm not good at singing."

"Who lied to you?"


"Who said you have a horrible voice."she was smiling at him.

"I just know it."

"You're wrong. Your voice is the sweetest and warmest vibe that melts everyone's cold heart."she praised.

"Hmmmmm, I hope you're not saying this to make me happy just."

"I'm being honest."

"Thank you."

"Tia is here. So, can we...."she was stammering when he cut in, "I know you want to go back home."

Araxie couldn't say anything, instead she nodded.

"We can't go right now. The sea water is still very cold. I bet you won't swim through before you could freeze."he pointed but Araxie wasn't ready to listen. She thought he was only making excuses so she could stay a little longer.

"I don't care about anything else, I only want to go home.'

Was she going to swim in that cold water? He hoped she was joking though he knew she was very stubborn and could do anything to get back home because she feared Marina more than anything.

Before Trion could realize, Araxie had stepped in the water, she was swimming.

Looking seemingly shocked as well as concerned, Trion followed her up. He was sure she wouldn't make it to the surface.

Just like he thought, she froze after swimming like half an hour.

He had no choice but to take her back to the cave. "She's so stubborn! I don't want to imagine what could've happened if I didn't follow her. I hope she comes around soon. How could she endanger herself like this. She didn't even think about how I would feel if anything happens to her... she's being selfish. I mean she shouldn't thought about me at least."he wasn't talking to himself.

"Open your eyes dear. I can't bear seeing you lay down here quietly. You have to wake up for my sake please."

Trion began to lose hope after waiting for awhile but Araxie wasn't coming around.

This got him worried.

"Tia!!!"he summoned Tia. "I need your help. Araxie isn't opening her eyes and I can't let her leave me so easily like this. You know that I love her with all my heart. You like her too, don't you? Then save her. I'm starting to feel scared."he was panicking with fear.

Staring at her friend,Tia realized that Trion was deeply in love with this girl. She had never seen him this worried before.

Reaching a wooden stool from the corner, Tia blew as hard as she could before the stool caught fire.

Trion stood amazed. It was his first time seeing Tia do something magical like that.

"Fire! Did it come out of you?" His lips fell open as a sigh escaped out, when he was well aware that she wouldn't reply to his question.

For a moment Trion ran out of words seeing the stool get burnt to ashes.

Before he knew it, Araxie was calling his name.