

"They used to visit the bridge every evening. I guess...."Judith said eating her fingers out of fear.

"You're even not sure! Oh my gosh, this woman wants to waste my time." Marina was naturally rude!

"I think you have a problem with me personally."Judith pointed. "At least I'm guessing, and you... what are you even doing. It's like you've come only to follow me around."she added. Judith was always a soft woman and everyone knew that fact, but she was so different when the matter was about her daughters.

"Are you challenging me now? Am I following you around?

Anyways, I believe you are right about that. I've been following you around because I expected something from you but not anymore! You're just good for nothing like every other human. You said they're here but I can't see anybody around. I hope you aren't going to ask me to jump into the river to search for them. Hahaha!!! But I don't blame you Judith. I blame the fact that you're a human, so innocent and brainless."

Wait! Was she admitting that she was a witch?

"So, she isn't human!"Judith swallowed a breath.

"Listen to me. You've left me with no choice but to summon my magic. I hope you mind me doing so, do you?"


"Yes and I don't expect you to tell anyone else after here otherwise you'll lose your life. I'm sure you've been hearing this as rumor. Perhaps a part of you wished it could all be lie, right Judith? Unfortunately that rumor is true, I'm indeed a witch! A supreme one."

"You...a...a..are a witch?"

"Yes Mrs Judith. I must appreciate your foolishness that even though you were my close friend for five good years, you never found out this truth about me."

"Witch!"the only word Judith could say that moment.

"Hey, are you trying to repeat my words?"the expression on Marina's face had changed.

"No ma'am. Forgive me."Judith found herself apologizing for nothing at all. She had just received a shock of her life, what else could she do - she was so terrified.

Before she realized Marina had summoned her powers. Her eyes were gleaming before a strong wind blew suddenly and she could hear a man's voice speaking from nowhere, "what's bothering you child?"

"Araxie has gone missing."Marina hurried to respond to that strange voice.

"How does it concern you, as far as I know you don't like that girl, am I right? So...."

"You're right. I don't like her but I really want to find her please grant me my wish Sir."

"I don't understand why you're acting like you care about her. There's something you aren't telling me Marina. And you know very well that I can't just grant wishes without hearing the whole story first."

"I'll tell you everything later Sir. I don't have time for all this right now. Try to understand Sir. I need to find her as soon as possible."

I hope you haven't forgot my rules. Anyway I have a lot of issues to work on. I'm leaving."

"No sir. I'll tell you everything but please don't leave without approving my wish"she was on her knees.

Judith who was watching everything with widely open eyes, sat somewhere as she didn't want to miss a thing.

"Go on then. I'm giving you only fifteen minutes, and please don't think of lying to me."

"I hope this creature isn't behind me!"Judith breathed so hard.

"Actually, I want to marry her off in exchange for the jewellery company. Mr Jung agreed to take her, he'll hand over the company to me. You know me when it comes to jewels, right Sir?"she said.

"I'm sorry but you can't take advantage of that girl's life like that. You killed her childhood by devouring her mother remember and now, you want to ruin her future too?

It's my fault that I always granted your wishes but not anymore. I won't let you ruin the innocent girl's life with your wicked plans.

I refuse to support you this time."he sounded cold.

"So, this has been her plan all along!"Judith was shocked. She couldn't take in what Marina had in store for poor Araxie who considered her as her mother.

"W-what are you saying Sir. Why can't you help me now. And since when did you start caring for others. Witches don't care about anyone but only themselves and if I'm to remind you, Araxie isn't a witch. She's a human. I hope you aren't mistaking her for my daughter, Casey."Marina was sounding furiously and looked disappointed.

"Mind your tongue Marina. Don't forget that I'm your master."

"Why are you doing this to me sir? I promise I'll sacrifice anything you want me to but please say yes to my wish."

"It's good that you've realized your position. Don't ever cross your limits in future because it won't be good for you at all."

Wait! Was he going to say yes? Judith hoped he could disappear instantly and leave Marina's request pending.

"Please Lord don't let this evil woman succeed with her bad intentions."Judith prayed

"I'm sorry Marina but I think it's high time you let destiny take control. I'm leaving."the voice said. Breathing so deeply, Judith believed that all was going to be cool before she had him call out her name, "Oh, I almost forgot to tell you about your daughter's whereabouts."

"Me! "she couldn't believe that the creature knew her name as well.

"Go and find them. They're on the Cliff.

Actually they're scared to come without their friend who has fell off into the Sea and hasn't come back yet."the invisible Man said and just like that, the wind stopped blowing which indicated that he had gone.

"What! Araxie drowned?"Judith wasn't able to think right. "Did she committe suicide because she didn't want to get married?"she wondered.

Marina too wasn't settled. It looked like luck wasn't on her side. "You can't do this to me Araxie. You can't ruin my plan and get away with this. I won't let you die in peace after ruining everything!"she was cursing.

"Shameless woman. She isn't bothered about the fact that Araxie drowned, she's only worried for her evil plans."

Without thinking much, Judith ran straight to the Cliff. She breathed with relief on finding both her daughters laying on the ground. They had frozen and were as cold as corpse.

She almost thought they were dead before she heard them breathing.

"Sarah, Aurora, wake up please. Your mom is here to take you home."she called and got no response.

She was still wondering what to do when a white bird showed up. It was Tia but Judith had never heard about her. Judith's lips fell open when Tia made fire to warm those two up.

"This must be Marina's doing."she thought.

She was right though, since all her life she neither thought a bird could blow out fire nor did she ever see it.

"If witches are real, magic too is."she thought.

After a while her daughters came around only to find fire burning before them.

"I hope we aren't burnt to ashes."Sarah chuckled.

As they wandered their eyes around, they saw their mother who had dozed off while waiting for them to wake up.

"Mother!"they called in a surprised tone. That little call was enough for a waiting mother to wake up.

"You're back."she didn't realize what she was saying that moment. Her face was filled with different emotions and she sounded like she wanted to cry.

"Why are you here mother. When did you arrive?"Aurora asked.

Both of them couldn't stop shivering as it was like someone had just caught them red-handed in the act.

"What's wrong. How did Araxie fall off this Cliff?"she asked with that cold face that demanded for an answer.

"Araxie...!!"they wanted to deny it.

"Yes. What happened to her. She was with you, wasn't she?"

"No."Sarah insisted. She was trying to cover up for her sister's mistake little did she know that the one she was trying to save wanted to tell everything.

"Yes Mom, Araxie was with us."Aurora cut in.

Wait! Was she going to tell her mother what really happened? Sarah hope she wouldn't.

"Actually, the thing is that we were playing around her and suddenly..."Sarah was struggling to find a good lie when she heard Aurora digging her own grave by cutting in. She was like, "I pushed her"while staring at their mother.

"What!"She thought that maybe she had lost it.

"She meant to say that she accidentally pushed her. You know how she can be when she's shocked." Sarah wanted to protect her sister even if it meant lying a thousand times for her. But Aurora...., she wasn't letting her lie in peace. She kept mumbling out the truth like, "I killed her. I'm a murderer. Somebody call police."

The matter was beyond her control. She never thought she would lose her friend like that.

"Tell me dear. What made you push her. I promise I won't tell anyone. I won't scold you either."

Judith was confused as the two of them were telling different stories yet she trusted them both.

It became difficult for her to tell who was telling the truth and who wasn't.

"You don't need to lie to me because I know everything. I know how it started and why you pushed her." This was the only way she could find out who was right and unfortunately they fell into her trap.

"You know everything! How? Did you follow us all the way here? Did you see how she pushed her?"Sarah found herself saying a different story.

"Wait! What was the reason for lying in the first place when she was going to expose herself like that?

"So, it's true you pushed her!"Judith seemed frozen. Her heart beat stopped while his brain went blank!

"What on Earth did you do Aurora? Why did you do that?"she had promised not to scold her but now, the issue was bigger than she expected.

I felt like scolding her for hours before she remembered that Marina must have been on her way to the same place.

Considering Aurora's condition, she knew there would be trouble if she mumbled such things in Marina's presence.

"We need to go from here. I'm afraid Marina might find Aurora in this state and then..."

"Did you tell her anything?"

"She was there too. She heard everything the invisible man said."

"Invisible man!"Sarah didn't get it. "I think I'm going to carry both of them home - they have both lost their minds!"she breathed.

"I don't know but all you need to know is that Marina is a witch. The rumor is true. I've seen it with my own eyes."she told her as they walked back home.

On reaching home, the first thing Judith did was to tell them everything that happened and Marina's plans for Araxie.

Aurora was right. Witches can't be trusted. I hope sister wakes up fine, we'll expose that evil woman if it's the last thing we would do."

Meanwhile, Marina arrived at the place but she didn't find anyone there. She could've teleported straight to the Cliff and reach before Judith but she had something important to deal with first.

Feeling disappointed, she went back home.

Her master's words were still playing through her mind. It was good to deal with them first before she could confront Judith and her daughters.