
Witcher:Blood Sequences

Eleazar, while sorting through his father's legacy, stumbled upon a spellbook. Inside, it detailed various methods for hunting monsters and alchemical formulae. Initially, he dismissed it as a jest, only to grasp the full extent of its mysteries upon discovering the alchemical laboratory. With a humble plea for life, he consumed a potion that symbolized death······

Caaaat · Fantasy
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350 Chs

Transcendental Props

The crystal ball glowed faintly in the dimly lit basement.

Eleazar wants to rummage through the transcendental items left behind by his father.

Potions, weapons, rune seals... Whatever works is fine, as long as it works.

The shelves had been rummaged through, and he'd nearly broken a bottle of water ghost brain specimens in doing so, but in the end, he'd come up empty-handed.

"No? That can't be right..."

Eleazar repacked the shelves.

A freshman rookie like him, with such a good foundation, should have been in seclusion and practice, but he had already promised Fina to go out on a trip, so there was nothing he could do about it.

Nor did he want to cause trouble and clash with those mysterious things, he just wanted to have the means to protect himself just in case.

Contemplating this for a moment, Eleazar turns on his sensory abilities with a bit of hesitation...

The foremost role of this is to be used to explore the hidden spirituality of those who are not known...

And in this place, this room, all of these elements.

The moment he turned on his ability, the light in the basement dimmed once more, the crystal ball's light flickered on and off, and in the shadows he couldn't see, it seemed as if an uncountable number of things were writhing about.

The body is surrounded by evil!

He slowly turned to the rows of shelves of various dark creature organs immersed in containers.

Fingers, eyeballs, unidentified liver, brain tissue, bones...

Although they had been dissected to pieces, the residual superhuman activity still made them as if they were alive.

He woke them up!

They were tempting him!

As if murmuring in his ear, as if whispering in his heart, the hazy voice echoed around the basement, enticing him to let go of his heart completely...

Witcher's strong willpower allowed him to quickly rid himself of these depravity-inducing ravings.

Eleazar is shocked out of his skin and quickly shuts down his sensory abilities.

Those things still have a legacy of incredibly transcendent activity...

A less strong-willed person might go up to them and interact with them.

But it's a horrible trap, and the only result is the brutal end of an out-of-control death.

They are evil, and even when they are made into magic potions, they are just changing into another way of emitting evil thoughts.

Eleazar quickly confirmed that his father would never store his equipment in such a place.

The Witcher's laboratory is also a dark and boundless cage that seals in untold evil.

It was extremely unsafe to even meditate in this place, and not at all suitable for resting.

Clutching his magic guidebook, Eleazar steps up the steps and closes the door to the place once more.

Up to this point, the vicious remnants of those tightly wound up in the body, which is in the sun under the ice melted.

If an ordinary person had accidentally intruded just now, they would have gotten very sick from it.

Eleazar is wondering if his rare and terminal disease .... Wasn't contracted by accidentally running into this place as a child.

Covering his heart, which had been rejuvenated, he breathed a soft sigh of relief.

Fortunately, one survives.


There weren't many places to hide things in the store, and after turning on his senses for a spin, Eleazar accidentally realized that the secret was right next to the coat rack, in a counter reserved for incoming customers to place their miscellaneous items.

A place where it's extremely easy for someone to slip something by.

The most dangerous place is the safest?

Eleazar walks over with a surprised look on his face and rummages around a bit.

Quickly, he retrieved an age-worn metal box from the cabinet.

It seems to have been taken out and put in so often that the corners of the box are bumped and irregularly dented, and some of the coating on the edges of the lid opening has come off.

That's right, the faint spiritual fluctuations were coming from this broken box.

Raising the box to his ear, Eleazar gave it a gentle shake.


The sound of a pile of clutter crashing came from inside.

There is the characteristic thick sound of metal and the crisp sound of glassware...

Eleazar's heart skipped a beat and he hurriedly opened the box to check if something was damaged.

Reflected in front of them were three slender tubes of azure potion, a dozen or so silver bullets...

There was also a blackened revolver that gave him a jolt.

Looking at the forbidding weapon, a feeling that times have changed rises in Eleazar.

A freshman Transcendent like him would be a bullet away from being hit in the vitals by a hot weapon.

Even though promoted to the higher ranks, their flesh had been strengthened to the point that it could withstand the swings of ordinary swords, the sharp claws of dark creatures, and low-level spells, it was still difficult to escape the concentrated fire sweep of such hot weapons.

Times have changed, technology is changing rapidly, guns dominate the world, (under caliber, within range) all beings are equal, and transcendentalists retreat into the background.

Survival of the fittest, the unfit... All out.

It was obvious that my father was trying very hard to adapt to the times.

It wasn't the dark days of the books where you could break into the world equipped with a silver sword, so he had switched to a more advanced weapon.

Black Iron Revolver, with Silver Slug, the perfect evil nemesis.

Aiming the sights, he lowered the pistol and proceeded to check something else.

These three tubes of potions for unknown purposes...

Eleazar picks up a tube, carefully uncorks it, and sniffs it carefully.


It was as if his nasal passages were frozen, and a piercing chill went straight to his head.

It was then that he realized that a small piece of colorless crystal had settled in the azure liquid, which was hard to notice without a closer look.

It's... It's not a potion?

Eleazar didn't know much about it, all he knew was that it would kill him if he drank it.

Sliding the cork back in and setting the potion down, he picked up the nearby magic guidebook and flipped it open.

Scroll to the Engineering section to find a description of such a thing.

[Frost Detonator: A crystallization of alchemy and engineering, simple and easy to use, just by destroying the balance of the test tube, it can release super-cold energy of absolute zero to the surrounding area].

[Energy level: 3]

"Hiss..." Eleazar sucked in a cold breath.

This one tiny test tube had the power of a high-level spell when it was shattered!

In other words, he might have shaken the iron box a little harder just now, and he might have been solidified into an eternal ice sculpture.

"Dad really, how dare you leave something that dangerous lying around..."

Eleazar muttered and set the detonator aside.

He had already brainstormed scenarios for the use of this thing.

Freeze a difficult monster, then aim a silver bullet at the vitals to kill it in a single blow, handsome and dashing.

He was going to take them all.

Five silver bullets were loaded, leaving one round empty and set to avoid misfiring, and counting the rest of the bullets, Eleazar realized that there were only seventeen left.

That means he'll have to find a way to replenish himself when these run out.

"Well, silver warheads should be able to be made in the alchemy lab down there, but primers and casings... Where do I get those?"

That is a transcendent bullet that is harder and more judgmental than processing a normal bullet.