
Witcher:Blood Sequences

Eleazar, while sorting through his father's legacy, stumbled upon a spellbook. Inside, it detailed various methods for hunting monsters and alchemical formulae. Initially, he dismissed it as a jest, only to grasp the full extent of its mysteries upon discovering the alchemical laboratory. With a humble plea for life, he consumed a potion that symbolized death······

Caaaat · Fantasy
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350 Chs


Fina arrives and his time of leisure is over.

She didn't say or do anything, just sat down beside herself, spreading out her books and squeezing him halfway out of his seat.

She didn't hold him accountable for that perverted behavior just now, as if she didn't see the change in him either, and continued to speak in her usual tone:

"You look terrible."

Looking at the book, Fina asked faintly, "Did you take your pills today?"

The Green Herb Trial is over, it doesn't matter if that medicine is taken or not.

Still, for the peace of mind of those who cared, Eleazar held out the unmarked pill bottle, popped the cap with the top of his thumb, and poured out a capsule.

The poison resistance in his body had stabilized, and if he wanted to continue to improve, he would have to use alchemy potions down the road.

With that in mind, Eleazar dropped the pill into his mouth and chewed.

After a few seconds passed, the poison spread and his heart convulsed violently as his body boiled with blood.

His face, at a speed visible to the naked eye, flushed.

In some ways, there is indeed a great deal of fraud in this biological response.

Fina, sitting next to him, seemed to be able to hear the violent heartbeat in his body as well.

"With Uncle gone, can you get this medicine on your own later?" She asked in a cool voice.

"You don't have to worry."

After digesting the toxicity, Eleazar relieved her. Fina turned her head, her pretty face still icy cold.

"Well, it does seem like I don't have to worry about this."

"But the second thing I want to say right now is Eleazar, you're completely inept at business, and I mean seriously, you didn't even just charge people, and you can't fix clocks and watches, and if you keep this up, you're going to starve to death sooner or later."

At her reminder, Eleazar then remembered that the rich girl had indeed not paid when she left joyfully.

Not only does the other person not have the sense to pay voluntarily, but he doesn't have the sense to collect the money either.

Eleazar scratched his head.

Fia followed up with, "So have you figured out what you're going to do next?"


Eleazar's eyes went a little out of focus when he heard the term.

His future was previously arranged, completing the Green Grass Trial, taking the magic potion, and becoming a Transcendent as a way to change his fate of failing and dying.

What to do after that should have been guided by his father, but after an unexpected accident, their inheritance was broken, and that mysterious and unpredictable world can only be faced by him alone in the future.

What is the difference between the real world and the dark world described in the book, he, who has just become transcendent, knows nothing...

Seeing him fuming, Fina sighed.

"You're as slow as ever."

When she finished, she leaned back and pulled open the drawer in front of her, rummaging through it.

Eleazar already knows what she wants to take out.

"Acceptance letter from the University of St. Ingrid - Department of History".

This prospect is the dream he had before he knew those secrets.

Become a higher intellectual, a scholar, take a decent and lucrative job so that my father doesn't have to work this shabby store, save up some money, and marry a young and beautiful...


The fantasy came to an abrupt end, and Eleazar coughed against his mouth.

Fina, who was wiping the crease of her admission book beside her, glanced at him faintly.

"With this item, your future is still greatly promising."

"Finish college, get a job after graduation that pays and is decent, save up some savings, and then find a young and beautiful woman to marry and have children with..."

She was painting a rosy future, but Fina's voice grew so icy that Eleazar couldn't help but shiver.

She wasn't like this with other people, this coldness was unique to him, a heinous crime he had committed in his youthful ignorance.

Eleazar snorted and returned stiffly, "Isn't there a young and beautiful woman right in front of me, and I don't have to wait until after college to find one~"

Fina glanced at him and slowly turned back around, continuing to flip through the esoteric astronomy book.


Her tone was still icy, but Eleazar, who had been together for over a decade, could feel the chill dissipate.

Senior intellectuals are pretty good, the future is promising, and it hides another layer of his identity; Dad didn't leave much money behind, and he's going to have to support himself from now on.

After promising Fina that she would report to the university together in a week, she left satisfied.

"It's time to catch up on your studies."

Eleazar sighed and stood in front of the store looking from side to side, sensing that there wouldn't be much business, so he just closed the shop and started tutoring.

Herbalism, Occultism, Alchemy, Engineering, Spellcraft, Weapon Specialization, the store of knowledge required for a Witcher who terrorizes all creatures of darkness is beyond horrifying.

With so many transcendent realms involved, Eleazar feels that even a pig should be able to make a big kill.

In the Dark Ages, there was no shortage of resources of all kinds, dark creatures were everywhere, and all sorts of magical plants and transcendent materials were readily available, making promotion very simple.

But now, it's the age of science, where mankind completely dominates, and transcendence has become a legend of what's true and what's not.

He could still use the savings in the lab in the early stages, but by the time he got to the later stages, it was inevitable that he'd have to search all over the world for lost material.

Then he thought of the ignorant rich girl.

Secret Silver Bracelet, Nimbus Flower Essence, Extraordinary Props...

This series of transcendent items appeared on an ordinary person with no spirituality.

Eleazar was puzzled.

If there wasn't such a huge class gap between the two sides, he'd like to find a reason to visit her at her house to see if he could find out anything else.

A transcendent descendant with a broken heritage, like yourself?

Or is it that these things can be gotten if you have the money?

Eleazar made up his mind that he must hide his identity and observe their group in reality.

In the end, it's because he doesn't have the strength yet.

Eleazar smiled bitterly at the thought of this vital question.

It wasn't true that Witcher was a top Transcendence Sequence, but that was after taking several potions, and he hadn't even finished digesting the first one yet.

A competent Witcher can unleash spells, master various weapon specializations, know various hidden mysteries, and even have the spare energy to dabble in other transcendent realms.

The reason they were so powerful was precisely because of that brutal Green Grass Trial, which allowed them to take magic pills without fear.

Their super-strong toxicity resistance meant that they could drink low-level alchemy potions as if they were water, and the total number of magic potions they could take was several times that of other Sequencers.

Witcher's common disguises for his identity are Herbalist, Alchemist Apprentice, Engineering Technician, Biologist, Historian, and while these lowly Transcendental Sequences can only take one to three magical potions in their entire lives, they can drink a dozen.

Completely inhuman...

Thinking about the invincible late stages of this sequence, Eleazar consoled himself by saying, "In the early stages, just hide and develop, don't ever get into an argument with anyone, if... If I have to..."

His brow furrowed slightly at the thought of that possibility, and his voice unconsciously changed as well.

"It's better to kill."