
Witcher:Blood Sequences

Eleazar, while sorting through his father's legacy, stumbled upon a spellbook. Inside, it detailed various methods for hunting monsters and alchemical formulae. Initially, he dismissed it as a jest, only to grasp the full extent of its mysteries upon discovering the alchemical laboratory. With a humble plea for life, he consumed a potion that symbolized death······

Caaaat · Fantasy
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350 Chs


Taking all of the silver bullets out, Eleazar realizes that there are three last items in the box.

A silver box the size of a cigarette case, half a piece of chalk, and a silver ring.

The faint spirituality he had perceived earlier had emanated from these three items.

In the notes of the magic guidebook, there is this.

[Unknown transcendent things should not be tried at will.]

No one knows what happens when something rare is activated with spirituality.

Like the pendant watch that the rich girl had brought in, it nearly drew on his spirit and unleashed unknown powers.

Fire, frost, poison, petrification, curse, blessing... Death took up a full 90% of this unknown array of options!

The most proper way to do this would be to identify the function.

Where there is transcendence, there must be a record of it.

Any transcendent object left over from ancient times will have its traces in history.

He doesn't have the Dark Chronicles, but he does have the Alchemical Engineering Book.

Eleazar flipped open the book of magic guides once more.

Then in Alchemy... On the gold-colored page of prop consumables, he was surprised to find a description of chalk.

[Passing Chalk]

[Grade: Legend]

[Use: Draw a dotted door with chalk and push it open!


Golden Legend!

Eleazar carefully twists the half chalk, his fingers trembling slightly.

This is a legendary prop that can distort space!

It's just a shame that the number of times it can be used seems to be running out.

But if you just paint the dog holes each time, it should last half as long!

Eleazar gave himself credit for being smart!

The remaining two items were not alchemy props.

It was only on the page of Engineering Combat Enhancements that he found the instructions for the silver box.

It's an ancient mechanical trap, activated by an infusion of psychic energy, that springs to life at the touch of a button.

And then the silver ring, he couldn't find the introduction.

The biggest headache came in the form of transcendental items not documented in his books here.

Eleazar picked up the ring and looked at it closely.

The style is a very plain and common silver finger ring with no decoration on the surface and no engraved text on the inner ring.

It looks very unassuming...

The spiritual fluctuations emanating from it were also minimal, and no abnormalities could even be detected with the perception ability turned off.

Eleazar thought for a moment.

"How can something worn on one's hand not be that suicidal function..."

With such a small spiritual fluctuation, it also didn't seem like something that could unleash a spell of mass destruction.

After a moment's thought, Eleazar slipped the ring on her index finger, then raised her hand toward the store door and leaned her body back.

As the spirituality infused the ring, he subconsciously tilted his head back again.

Nothing seems to be happening...

There just seemed to be something extra in his hand that made him subconsciously grip it.

Eleazar looked back.

I only saw my five fingers close together and rise, as if holding something.

Slowly bringing his hand back, he narrowed his eyes.

The air seems a little distorted.

There was no way to see the abnormality with the naked eye, so he had to turn on his perception state.

As the light around him dimmed, the tip of the iceberg finally lifted from the hidden things in his hands.

It was an invisible blade that was formless and invisible to the naked eye!

Eleazar grips it in both hands in some awe, holding the imperceptible, invisible blade upright.

This is truly a transcendent weapon!

Because there was no weight, there was also no sense of hand, and the distance was only perceived by that weak spiritual connection.

Eleazar took a flick at the counter next to him, and what was intended to be just a chopped-off corner to test the sharpness caught him off guard and split the entire counter in half.


Well, it takes specialized practice to become proficient with it.

Or maybe it's used when perception is turned on.

Eleazar takes his time sorting through the day's haul.

The illusion that a newly built trumpet has gained full-grade equipment and feels invincible is born.

Well, there was a little accident, though.

Gathering his things, Eleazar looked at the counter next to him that had been split in half.


With an ample number of cards, he could finally put his heart down and focus on cultivation.

For the rest of this period, it was day after day of meditation.

Aug. 23: Meditation; a slight increase in spirituality.

Aug. 24: Meditation; a slight increase in spirituality.

Aug. 25: Fina visits and opens for business.

Aug. 26: Meditation; a slight increase in spirituality.

Aug. 27: Meditation; a slight increase in spirituality.

August 28: Fina comes over to discuss going out.

August 29: Meditate for half a day to free up time to pack.

On the last night, Eleazar held his pocket watch, ready to test the results of the day's meditation.

As the color in his eyes dimmed, he, who had already entered a state of perception, observed everything around him with an indifferent sight.

The hazy moonlight cast down in front of him, and the many mirrors in the dimly lit store reflected thousands of himself.

The small town of Crowe was very peaceful in the darkness of the night, and I wondered if it was because my father had already cleaned up, or if this was the norm in the real world, where transcendental phenomena simply weren't as common as one might think.

In such a calm analysis, time passed little by little, and the duration of the ability this time lasted so long that he surprised himself.

Focused meditation had boosted his spirituality a great deal.

He waited until his brain was completely drained before he pressed stopwatch over his aching brain.

21 minutes and 11 seconds...

The duration has been exactly 5 times longer than when it was first awakened.

But spirituality is more than just the energy needed to activate transcendental abilities, it's also the fuel for all sorts of transcendental items, and this much of him is not enough.

A qualified transcendentalist should be meditating and exercising spirituality from a young age.

His current progress could only be described as slowly approaching that of a qualified Transcendent.

There is no room for complacency...

With this realization, Eleazar closes his eyes once more and replaces sleep with meditation.


The morning of August 30th ...

Eleazar yawns and awakens right on time.

The body that hadn't moved all night had some back pain.

He looked up at the time on the wall.

7:13 pm ...

Slightly more than a teeny bit late, probably because last night's depletion of spirituality made him greedy for a little more time.

"Never mind, there's still enough time..."

Muttering, Eleazar quickly got up to go wash up and change into another outfit for the trip.

The luggage was ready yesterday, he needed to check something else now.

Fire up the pipes, windows, doors, and most importantly the basement...

Though it was said that Fina's family at the store would help look after it while he was gone, he still had to take safety measures.

Always make sure that the place is not broken into by outsiders, such as thieves.

Activating the mechanism, Eleazar pushes hard and finds that the secret door is completely locked before pulling the bookshelf over for a first line of defense.

Lock the large door to the den again.

He had done all the protection he could, the rest... He could only rely on the security of the shopping streets, the care of Fina's parents, and the low crime rate that the police department had been publicizing for the past few years.

Approaching the door, Eleazar, dressed in a brown trench coat and carrying a suitcase, looks back one last time.

If he had the chance, he would relocate this lab in the future.

Pulling open the door to the store, he smiled weakly at Fina, who stood in the doorway to greet him.
