
Wisp and The Beasts Around Him

Wisp had a horrible life to put it lightly. His life was pure hell and it never seemed to get better. But when he has a tragic passing, the goddess of Chaos offers him a second chance at life. In this new life, he just wants a quiet life, void of problems. He doesn't want problems and doesn't want to be a hero. He just wants to kick back and relax. He just wants a family. One that he could never find in his old world. And he manages to get one by his skill of beast taming. But even in this new world, trouble always seems to follow him. He just can't catch a break.

StarYoshi · Fantasy
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29 Chs

The Wasp Queen

Wisp walked a few miles away from the elven village into a cave nearby. He wanted to hire Greenwood and Silvertail as his butler and maid. He didn't want to form contracts with them, because it was simply somethign that didn't interest him. But in order to do this, he'd need to pay them a salary.

He was already making decent money by killing monsters and selling the parts to Syrup, but that was no where near enough to pay them or to expand his house with special materials that Syrup informed him of. In order to get these materials, he needed money. So, he came into this cave in order to get rare monster parts.

He also knew of the wasp creatures that produced honey. They should be somewhere near his location. Not only did he want to tame one to get honey from them, but he could also sell their parts if he found them.

When he entered the cave, he found rockbirds. They had blue feathers covering their whole body with yellow talons and a yellow beak. Their tail feathers were made of rocks and they stalked inside down on the cave ceiling like a bat. They charged in at Wisp. Despite them being slightly stronger than they were in the plateau, they were still no match for Wisp, only being about level 15. With a couple slashed from his daggers, he dismantle all of them. He saw several bunhunero and horizon wolves. Though, these horizon wolves were much bigger than the ones in the plateau, and a lot strong, averaging at level 25. Still, they were all light work for Wisp.

He continued as he ventured deeper into the cave without the assistance from his familiar friends. After that last fight, he knew he needed to grow stronger by himself. When he has his other familiars out, he shares the ex with them in combat. He needed to get through this cave, solo.

He eventually came across a destroyed stone sign that read, "hunwasp dungeon." This was his first time interesting something called a dungeon.

[Dungeon rule 1; you cannot leave once you enter. Only when the boss is defeated.]

[Dungeon rule 2; Good luck.]

His system didn't instill much confidence in him. What was annoying is the sass his system gave him. It seems the system grows more personality the higher of a level he gets.

[Rogue level 43. Cleric level 14. Beast tamer level 9]

Wisp decided he also wanted to find out a way to increase his beast tamer level so he didn't have to be so lenient with his choices of beast. He eventually came across a giant door was that looked like a hornets nest. Wisp slowly opened it as he gazed inside of it. The room was a massive honey come with approximately 90 giant wasp on the walls and ceilings. They had blue features where the black usually was and had giant hook like stingers.

Sitting on a thrown of bones and honey was a monster. The hunwasp queen. She was a humanoid wasp who's body colors are more robust, being a mix of vibrant indigoes, navy blues, and golds. She has large insect-like eyes are purple and she wears a crystalline purple crown. The area of her body that appears to be her waist is extremely thin with six sharp spider like legs around it, but her lower body thorax is big, as is her upper body. Her four wings are a sky blue color. Sectonia has white-gloved hands. However, she has no arms, so her hands just float by her side. Similarly, she had no legs or feet. And in her hand was a silver magic staff with a ruby at the top of it.

Wisp walked into the room with the bost monster. She was level 45 while her workers were 22-24. She spotted him and and held her sceptor towards Wisp, making the other wasp begin to fly towards them. But their charging didn't scare him. He simply smirked.

One wasp tried to stab him, but Wisp jumped over him and stab them in the back of the head. Wisp used the wasp body as a platform to reached the other's in the air, cutting 3 of them apart before landing back down. Another wasp tried to stab Wisp, but he backflipped out of the way, making to kick another wasp in the head while backflipping.

Wisp continued to slaughter the wasp one by one, leveling up twice at the end. He now faced towards the queen wasp at the same level as her. The queen wasp got up and floated over to Wisp. She stared him down and he began walking towards her. His walk turned into a run and his run turned into a sprint. He pulled out his other dagger and thrusted his his bladed at the queen's waist, but she blocked it with her sceptor. She flew up and raised her sceptor, summoning lightning. She mad it rain down of the dungeon room. Lucky, Wisp unlocked two new skills before coming into this room.

[Rogue skill, Assassin. This advance person of the sneak skill allows your flashstep to activate quicker and over a longer distance with a slower cool down. The passive invisible skill also last for longer.]

[Rogue skill, bandit. Allows direct any magic or manifested synergeta attacks. Can only work if the user is the same level or hire than the caster.]

Wisp dodged around the hive as he flipped away from and flashstepped our of the way of the lightning. He held up one of his daggers and the last lightning bolt struck against it. The electricity started to surge through Wisp body and his muscle began contorting. The pain was immense. It felt like his whole body was on fire. Yet, he pushed on.

He took his dagger and slashed the air, sending a lightning slash through the air. The wasp queen tried blocked it with her sceptor, but it broke in half. She simply raised her hand and the staff resembled itself.

She pointed the sceptor at Wisp and shot a lightning bolt at hik with he barely managed to dodge. She then followed it up with a fireball. The aoe nearly incinerate Wisp. He got an idea.

The queen held her sceptor towards Wisp and fired a giant water javelin at him. With kicked up one of the combs in the hive and spin kicked it into the javelin, causing an explosion and making a smoke screen. He then used his stealth skill Assassin skill to go invis for a few seconds. Using his remaining mp, he healed himself. Then, he combined two of his rogue skills, pinpoint detector and fatal strike, throwing his two daggers and turning them into homing projectiles going at Mach speeds. They blitzed through the wasp queens thorax and chest, making her fall to the ground.

Wisp panted deeply after the fight. He walked up to the wasp queen, who had fainted, but wasn't dead.

[Wasp queen fainted. Taming possible.]

Wisp reached his hand out and a magic circle appeared around the queen. Her wounds were healed and she appeared in Wisp party.

[Would you like to name Hunwasp Queen. +10]

"Please ten?"

Suddenly, ten more worker hunwasp appeared behind the queen's rising body. The all bowed their heads to me.

"Oh, yeah. This is nice. Ok, I'll name you... Vextora."