
Wisp and The Beasts Around Him

Wisp had a horrible life to put it lightly. His life was pure hell and it never seemed to get better. But when he has a tragic passing, the goddess of Chaos offers him a second chance at life. In this new life, he just wants a quiet life, void of problems. He doesn't want problems and doesn't want to be a hero. He just wants to kick back and relax. He just wants a family. One that he could never find in his old world. And he manages to get one by his skill of beast taming. But even in this new world, trouble always seems to follow him. He just can't catch a break.

StarYoshi · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Little Brother

The fight had been going on for a while now; about 10 minutes, yet they hadn't even gotten close to the golden goblin yet. If anything, they were getting pushed back. Wisp had to constantly spawn and despawn his friends to make sure they didn't die.

Argriss charged in with his halbert at the girl, and she flipped over him. He tried to slam his hammer down on top of her, but she created a flesh sword and slashed his rib cage, making him drop the hammer. She drop-kicked him and used this body as a platform to jump back to his lost hammer, swinging around it like a poll dancer. She kicked the hammer up and tried to crush Argriss's head with it. Before he lost his head, Wisp despawned and respawned him, healing his wounds with his improved cleric skills.

Even then, he was running out of mp. He wouldn't be able to heal them soon and they had gotten no closer to winning. The boy was just as lethal. Eclipse fired several lasers down at him, but he backflipped and butterfly dodged out of the way of all of the green beams. Igneous tried to stomp on him, but the boy slid under Igneous and grabbed onto his tail. She swung the giant celphorod around and threw him into Eclipse, who was flying 40 feet in the air. Both of them came crashing down.

However, this gave Wisp's an opening. Midro. The chimeras were preoccupied. Midro ran up to the female chimera and ran around her, distracting her further. Wisp then activated his sneak skill.

The chimeras could still detect him while the skill was activated, but the golden goblin couldn't. This gave Wisp the chance to sneak behind the goblin and destroy his remote.

"W-What! Impossible!"

Both the chimeras fell to their knees when they see the remote was broken.

The golden goblin lashed out at Wisp, trying to take his head off with his broadsword. Wisp blocked the attack with one of his daggers. He tried to strike again, but Wisp parried the overhead head strike, knocking him off balance. Wisp rotated his arm and brought the dagger back around to slash off the goblin's arm, sending both it and the sword several feet in the air. Wisp roundhouse kicks the Goblin in the temple, mqking him stumble back. Then, he caught the goblin's sword as it fell back down and used both it and the dagger to impale the goblin through the chest.

The goblin goblin slid off the weapons. Wisp spun his dagger and trusted it back into its holster while shoving the sword into the ground. Wisp level up one level from this.

Wisp used all his remaining MP to heal his friends. They all come over to him, celebrating him.

"Great job, my liege."

"Thank you, but the fight isn't over yet."

Both the chimeras started walking slowly to Wisp with their heads down. His friends got ready to fight again, but to their shock, the two fell on all fours before him. They crawl over to Wisp and grab his leg.

"Onee-chan." The two say together.

Then suddenly, a bright light engulfed both of them. When the light cleared, they had fused into one. Their new appearance was gender-neutral but leaned more on the feminine side.

[Chimera had submitted.]

"Never mind. It's ok, guys. They're not a threat."

Wisp reaches his hand out without a second thought. Wisp reached his hand out to tame them. His level increased by five for taming such a powerful creature, putting his new level at 40.

[Would you like to choose gender?]

Wisp chose boy, shifting their appearance to that of a cute preteen male, and their new level was 62.

[Would you like to name?]

"Yeah... let's go with Sol."

The boy was added to his party. Sol hugged Wisp.

"Onee-chan... thank you for saving me."

Wisp patted the boy's head, making Sol's face turn red with enjoyment.

"What are you?"

"Chimeras like me are little more than personal gladiators for the demon king. Me and my sister were the new batches of experiments. They probably would have treated bacteria with more care than they treated us."

"It's true." Argriss said. "Chimeras in the demon army often wear slave collars. Because if they were not kept in check, they can quickly grow too powerful, since they're one of the only two creatures in the world that don't level slower the higher they get."

The team headed back to the base camp. The elves had just finished killing all of the monsters. The bunny monster was retreating, but Greenwood took him boy and fired an arrow 60 feet away and hit it right through its head.

"That's the last of them."

Wisp walked back with Sol by his side. The elves turned to him in horror and aimed their weapons towards them. Sol shyly hid behind Wisp.

"Wait, everyone. It's fine. I tamed him."

"H-He tamed it." One of the elven soldiers said in shock. The elves all turned to each other in concern. The elven chief walled up to Wisp.

"Y-You tamed it?"

"Yeah. This is my new friend, Sol."

"H-Hi." Sol said innocently, still hiding behind Wisp timidly. The elven chief wasn't comfortable with this, but he knew he couldn't do anything about it. He turned back to Silvertail and Greenwood.

"You two. We appreciate the help you've given us, but I hope you know this changes nothing."

Silvertail was shocked, but she understood. She and Greenwood walked out of the forest together. Wisp and Sol ran closely behind them.

"Where are you two gonna go now?" Wisp asked.

"We don't know." Greenwood responded. "Elves are made to live in a community. It's the reason we came back here first place. We hoped if we saved them, they'd accept us again. We can't live in that forest any longer."

"Why don't you come with me?"

The two elves looked in confusion at Wisp.

"Argriss was telling me we needed to expand regardless."

"What would you even have us do?"

"Oh, don't worry about that. I'll explain in thorough detail. But before I tell you, there's something I need to take care of."