
Wisp and The Beasts Around Him

Wisp had a horrible life to put it lightly. His life was pure hell and it never seemed to get better. But when he has a tragic passing, the goddess of Chaos offers him a second chance at life. In this new life, he just wants a quiet life, void of problems. He doesn't want problems and doesn't want to be a hero. He just wants to kick back and relax. He just wants a family. One that he could never find in his old world. And he manages to get one by his skill of beast taming. But even in this new world, trouble always seems to follow him. He just can't catch a break.

StarYoshi · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
28 Chs

The Kuudere Dragoness

Wisp ventured deeper into the dungeon. If the dungeon didn't despawn after he beat the hunwasp queen, that means there's still a boss fight deeper into the dungeon. He walked deeper and deeper, slaying more and more monsters by himself until he eventually got to a giant door. Outside was a giant horizon wolf, the biggest yet. It was about 20 feet tall. It was level 35.

Wisp geared up to fight the giant wolf. The horizon wolf growled at him and charged in to bite him. But before Wisp even upped his daggers, Sol came out of nowhere and punched the wolf in the face, sending it flying into the side of the wall and killing it instantly. Wisp was at a loss for words. The little boy ran up to him with a big smile on his face.

"Onee-chan, onee-chan, praise me!"

"U-Uh... ok."

Wisp patted his head, bringing an innocent smug smile to Sol's face.

[Beast you've contracted that are 10 or more levels higher than you can come out whenever they like. Beast 30 levels higher cannot be forcefully despawned.]

[Beast 50 levels higher than you can intentionally hurt you.]

Wisp was currently level 48 and Sol was 61. This still confused Wisp. If his sister and he split and were so strong, why when they combined, they barely grew? Wisp was about to ask this question to Sol when suddenly, the door slowly started to open. The entire cave shook as the doors widened. Wisp anxiously walked into the dark room. Sol joyfully ran behind him.

The dark room lit up with torches all around the massive circular arena. In the middle of the room was a dragon in chains.

It was a large dragon, around 67 feet, with a very stoic form. It has white and blue sparkling scales as if it is wearing a bright faint light that flows and glitters across its body. It had eight humongous wings on its back and very beefy, rough legs. It had emerald green eyes that pierced one's soul with just a look and long eyelashes. The floor around the dragon was coated with ice.

The beast was level was 82. Despite the dragon's presence being so intense that he wanted to throw up, Wisp got a sneaking suspicion that this dragon was nowhere near as powerful as it should be.

The dragon opened its eyes to Wisp. Its jaw is open, revealing gallons of saliva and hundreds of razor-sharp teeth. Then, it spoke.

"A human, here?"

Their voice was very feminine. It is a girl surprised Wisp. But its voice was still deep and gave off a presence of maturity while still sounding so young at the same time.

Wisp struggled to move his body in her presence. Despite this, the dragon didn't attack him. If anything, she seemed more interested in him if anything.

[Divine Ice Dragon]

"Man, you just love informing me whenever you like, don't you?" Wisp sighed, then turned back to the dragon. "U-Uh... hello there."

"What is a human, a beast tamer at that, doing in an elven dungeon?"

"Oh, I came here rot get honey from the hunwasp queen."

"I see. And the elves let you?"

"Yep. I saved them from this little gremlin here." Wisp said while patting Sol's head.

The dragon's face was emotionless and kind of intimidating, but hearing her voice and her tone relaxed him.

"I've actually only ever met two humans before."

"Wait... aren't dragons supposed to live for like ever?"

The dragon went silent. She almost seemed insulted by his words.

"Yes, but we all have starting points. I, for instance, am only 4 years old."

"Come again."

"I take it this is your first time meeting a dragon?"


Wisp couldn't believe the giant dragon in front of him was only 4 and this strong already. That's why she probably felt weaker than a dragon should be. It's because she was still a child. Well, at least, in numbers. Wisp actually had no idea how age or mentality worked for dragons.

"So, why have you come into my room? Do you want to tame me?"

"Um... well, I just wanted to see why the dungeon didn't disappear. I take it you're the boss."

"Yes, but I wish I wasn't."


"In dungeons, monsters are randomly chosen to be the dungeon masters. Then, the goddess of chaos forces us to take residents in them."


"Yep. I've been stuck here for 2 years. Thought that's not saying much. It's just a different kind of hell for me. My life wasn't good before that wrench kidnapped me anyways."

Wisp empathizes with the dragon. She was forced to be in situations she didn't want to be in and had to deal with them whether she liked it or not. Wisp saw it in her eyes. A pain and suffering of someone who lost everything. And similarly, she saw it in his eyes too.

"Tell me human, what is your story?"

"I... probably shouldn't."

"Do you not trust me?"

"I just... don't feel comfortable sharing it with people I'm not close with."

"What an interesting human. Most human-like creatures I meet love to trauma dump. You're different."

"I can't tell if that's a compliment or not."

"Human, could you do a favor for me? Could you free me? I'm sick and tired of being here."


"I understand you might not trust me. After all, why would any monster want to be in debt to a beast tamer? But it's deeper than that. All I really want is a hoard of my own treasure."

In Wisp's past world, dragons were fiction, fire-breathing reptiles known for their greed and pride. One thing many fantasy dragons had was a hoard of treasure. Most of the time, it was golden and the like. But other times, it was just things that were personality valuable to them. It seemed dragons in this world were the same.


"A dragon by 3 years old will start to have the instinct of wanting to have treasure. The more treasure they gain, the more powerful the dragon's instinct will be. The dragon will want to protect the treasure more and more and get stronger as a result... but I never had that luxury. I've been alone in this room for 2 years, and I haven't had a genuine treasure in my life."

The dragon spins her body around. She showed her 5th wing and the bottom of her tail, which were both decaying away.

"If a dragon doesn't have anything to their name, their body will start to give way. I'll die within a few months if I don't get a hold of anything valuable."

Wisp felt bad for the dragon. He really wanted to help her, but didn't know if he was being deceived or not.

"Ok, I'll do it, but under one condition. You have to contract with me."

Unless the monster was 50 levels higher than the tamer, they couldn't hurt their master intentionally. The dragon understood this and nodded her head. Wisp walked over to her and reached his hand out as the system said she had submitted and he could tame her. A magic circle appeared under her as he said contract. But before it was complete, he stopped, confusing the dragoness.

Wisp turned back to Sol. He released that he would have shared the levels with Sol instead of leveling up solo. He walked over to him and bent down to Sol.

"Hey, buddy. Can you despawn for a second?"

"But I want to stay with you big brother."

"I promise we can spend lots of time together later if you do this for me."

"Ah, really?!"

"Yes, really."


Sol depawned himself and he went back into Wisp inventory. Wisp then turned back to the dragon.

"Are you not scared I might not treat you right?"

"Divine dragons like me have the ability to see the hearts of people and their intentions. I know you wouldn't do that... but making me your big sister is a little weird."

Wisp blushed in embarrassment. That was more akin to mind reading than heart reading. Wisp shook it off and formed the magic circle again, contracting the dragon. He despawed her, making the chains fall to the ground with a loud clanging sound. Then, he respawned her in front of him. She bowed his head before him.

"Many thanks, human. Tell me, what is the name of my new master."

"Wisp. Do you have a name?"

"Yes. Velvegetera Dragalia Unipure."

"Uh... why don't we name you something different."

"I appreciate that. I know you just don't want to say my name because it's too long, but I don't like my name either. So, please rename me."

"How about Willow?"

Willow appeared in his party menu below Sol and above Midro.

"Human, would you mind if I enter my dragonoid form? This full dragon form is exhausting to constantly keep up."


A dim blue light covers Willow's whole body. She began to shrink and her form became more and more human like. As the light fades, it shows an entirely different individual.

The giant dragon transformed into a furry (scalie) woman. She was 7 feet tall. Her blue and white scales completely covered her gorgeous and curvy figure. She had three talons on her feet, four claws on her hands, and had a short snout. She had long snow-white hair that reached down to her waist and emerald green eyes. And she wore a black and gold dress with purple gems for jewelry. She had a thick tail and eight giant wings protruding from her back that wrapped around the lower part of her body like a second dress. And she had a long purple scarf around her neck. She was an anthropomorphic dragon lady.

She got on one knee and bowed her head before him.

"I'll serve you till the day you die... which for me, won't be very long."

Wisp leveled several times, reaching level 63 rogue, level 22 cleric, and level 16 beast tamer just by taming her.

[New rogue skill, killer's edge. Advanced version of fatal strike. Does 9 times the damage instead of 3, but consumes much greater mp.]

[New Cleric skill, epic buff. Enhances the user's strength, speed, and defense times 2 for 1 minute.]

[New Cleric skill, holy heal. Heals greater damage while consuming less mp.]

[New beast tamer skill, shares. You can decide who gets exp. This happens whether your team is out or despawned. You also can see how much exp is needed for them to level up next.]

[New beast tamer skill, temporary contract. This allows you to form a contract for any beast for up to a week maximum. You don't need to have space in your party to contract them. Though, once you do, you can never contract them again.]

[New Beast Tamer Skill, shared tame. Whenever you tame a beast, all your other skills will boost slightly. This will include your rogue and cleric skills and levels.]

[Level 60 unlocked. Shop activated.]