
Wisp and The Beasts Around Him

Wisp had a horrible life to put it lightly. His life was pure hell and it never seemed to get better. But when he has a tragic passing, the goddess of Chaos offers him a second chance at life. In this new life, he just wants a quiet life, void of problems. He doesn't want problems and doesn't want to be a hero. He just wants to kick back and relax. He just wants a family. One that he could never find in his old world. And he manages to get one by his skill of beast taming. But even in this new world, trouble always seems to follow him. He just can't catch a break.

StarYoshi · Fantasy
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29 Chs


It's been a full year since Wisp came to this world. Lots of things have changed in the past few months.

Firstly, Greenwood and Silvertail both became his butler and maid. Apparently, it's an elven tradition to do so. They both had different skills. Greenwood was better at management and organization, so he'd keep track of everyone in the household. He'd also make everyone breakfast in the mornings.

Silvertail was better at cleaning and scouting. She'd often polish the house, making sure it remained in good condition. She'd also tame Wisp's job of rising around with Eclipse to see above while Wisp rode with Igneous below to scout of the plateau. She made dinner every night as well.

Apparently, hunwasp queens are asexual, and Vextora already gave birth to several dozen more workers. They all served under Wisp since he control their queen. Vextora and her subjects would make Wisp near endless supplies of honey and they would pollinate the crops from the farm, making it taste even better. Her and her army also work under Willow as a mini army she was trying to build for the house.

Of, and speaking of which, Willow wasn't really assigned to anything particular, but she found her place. Wisp would often see her meditation for 6 hours a day. Divine dragons, instead of physically training like humans do to get stronger, meditate and simulate battles in their heads to get stronger.

Willow was working on her personal army, sure, but she was working on something even greater. Treasure. Her body stopped decaying so much once she was free, but she still hasn't found a treasure. She would often leave for days at a time to find something for her to call her own.

One day when she left, she stumbled across the cave of a wyvern. The Wyvern was level 71 and she was level 97. The Wyvern wasn't strong enough to notice her concealed presence. Willow stalked the wyvern treasure, trying to see what type of treasure she could want. She's done this 5 times already to different dragons, just trying to find something she could value.

But all the wyvern had was gold and silver. Willow learned she didn't value these things. She had no reason to. Money didn't really have value in the middle of a plateau, and even if it did, why would she need it? Just to have it... Willow wasn't the kind of person to have valuable things just to have them. She needs them to have value to her personally. Plus, none of it awakened her natural instinct, so there was no point in having it anyways.

Even then, Willow decided to take a bit of the treasure for her master because he was heading into a human village in 5 weeks. She jumped down, grabbing the wyvern's attention. Angered by her presence, the beast fired a giant fireball at her. The wing that dragged on Willow like a dress rose up and the four from the left slashed the fireball in half, nullifying it.

The wyvern charged for her. Willow opened her mouth and released a beam of frost, keeping the wyvern's lower half in place. It couldn't break out of the icy cage. As Willow walked past it, it lunged one of its arms toward her. Despite the wyvern being 10 times her height, she caught the Wyvern talon with her claw, bringing it to a halt. She used two of her wings to slice off the wyvern's arm like a hot knife through butter, making it roar in pain.

Willow continued over and grabbed several gold and silver bars. She used her flexible, extendable wings to form a band with the bottom four of them and put all the gold and winger in her wing basket. Then, she left.

While walking outside, leaving the place, Willow saw the giant red ogre that Wisp told her about below her on the small mountain. It was level 92 now, and it noticed her presence despite her concealing it. He grabbed his club and roared at her while pointing his club at her. While Willow wasn't the type to kill unnecessarily, she didn't want something like this ogre in her territory. Now that she lived there, everything within a 10-mile diameter of Wisp's house was her territory. She used her four available wings to fly down to him. She was about to engage when suddenly, the entire top half of the ogre blue off, covering the mountain behind her in blood. The ogre fell lifeless to the ground, making the earth shake as it did.

Willow was stunned, though her face didn't show it. Even she would struggle somewhat with a beast like that, and it just died like that. She looked over behind the ogre's corpse to see who could have done it. And when she saw, it made perfect sense.

It was a three-headed divine dragon, the omnihydra. An anthropomorphic, sexy hydra lady. Her body was coated with black scales with a golden belly, golden under necks, golden under tail, and her 12 golden internal wings. She was incredibly tall, standing at around 10 feet. Her level was 4713 and judging by her scales pattern, she was at least 900 years old, meaning she was still very young.

Once Willow spotted her, her instincts started pulsing. She got on all four and her eyes started constricting and dilating like a wild beast. She growled and snapped her jaw at the omnihydra.

Once the omnihydra spotted Willow, she jumped up and down happily with a smile on her center head. She ran over to greet her.

"Ooh, another divine dragon! I never thought I'd find another sister in a baron place like this."

Once Willow heard her speak, she snapped back to her since. She got back on two feet and dusted off her dress. She shook her head and looked back at the hydra. But she wasn't all calm. Her tail kept flailing and her ears kept twitching. It was a flight or fight reaction.

Willow didn't know why she was here, but she had to be very careful with her words. She needed to get this divine dragon to leave as soon as possible.

"I could say the same to you."

"There's only 3 of us left. Well, 4 if we include you now. You're so young. Did you even get your baby's first treasure yet?"


Willow was frankly insulted at how the woman talked to her, but all she could do was awkwardly respond with her same blank expression. The omnihydra on the other hand was completely aloof, squealing and jumping at Willow's response.

"Aw, that's so precious! Seeing a baby dragon get their first treasure is always such a beautiful thing. Well, as much as I'd like to sit around and talk, I have to return to my king. He asked for a great ogre. Oh, you weren't planning on taking its tusk or anything, were you?"

"No, I was just gonna kill it because it was in my territory."

"Ahh! You're so cute! We'll, tootles." The omnihydra spread her wings and started to lift off. Before she flew to the sky, she turned around to Willow. "Oh, and one more thing. Your scales are decaying. That's from the lack of treasure, right? Tell me, have you been looking for what other dragons value?"

"Uh... yeah."

"Hmm, figures. My daughter ended up doing the same thing. It actually got her killed."

"I'm sorry to hear that."

"Eh, you win some you lose some. It not like it matters anyways."

That's right. She's a dragon, the most prideful and greedy creatures. They don't care for anyone, not even their own children. Willow would no this better than anyone.

"Anyways, that's beside the point. Can I recommend that you look for hidden treasure? Don't try to find what other dragons value. Instead, find what in your personal life helps you keep going. For me... well that's a secret, Tehehe.'

The omnihydra flew in the sky so fast, it looked like she teleported. Then, she flew off north with a sonic boom that reached Willow two miles below the ground.

"Hidden treasure ay..."

Regardless, Willow was just glad the woman was gone. She walked back to the back to Wisp's house. Outside, she saw everyone but Wisp and Silvertail working on the exterior. Eclipse, Greenwood, Igneous, and Argriss working on the house's expansion. They were using materials Wisp and Eclipse had gathered in order construct new rooms. With their blueprint, it seemed the end goal was to turn the house into a mini-mansion.

She saw Vextora in the house's garden with her wasp workers building a giant honeycomb for them to work in. Midro was working in the garden, watering the plants with 5 watering cans: four in her tails and one in her mouth.

Out from the house, Wisp and Silvertail walked out with freshly baked food in their hands.

"Everyone, lunch is ready!"

They all ran over to the two.

"My lord... what kind of good is this?"

It's called waffles and bacon. Well, I couldn't have syrup with it since we don't have the ingredients, so I made it with honey instead."

"Syrup... like the Nekomarin?" Greenwood questioned.

"Oh, it comes from my other wo-"

Wisp saw Willow staring at them in the distance.

"Hey, Willow, come on! Join us."

Willow was very confused right now. As she looked at these people, she had a warm feeling inside her chest. Her draconian instinct began to kick off when she saw them.

"Huh... maybe my treasure was a lot closer than I originally thought."