
Wisp and The Beasts Around Him

Wisp had a horrible life to put it lightly. His life was pure hell and it never seemed to get better. But when he has a tragic passing, the goddess of Chaos offers him a second chance at life. In this new life, he just wants a quiet life, void of problems. He doesn't want problems and doesn't want to be a hero. He just wants to kick back and relax. He just wants a family. One that he could never find in his old world. And he manages to get one by his skill of beast taming. But even in this new world, trouble always seems to follow him. He just can't catch a break.

StarYoshi · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
31 Chs

The Elven Forest

"That's why we tried to steal from you. We haven't eaten in days."

Wisp felt bad for beating them up now. He decided to cook for both of them. The two were shocked he'd show such kindness, but Wisp informed them he wasn't doing it for them. He was doing it out of his own selfish desire to help other people to make himself feel better.

The two elves cried as they ate the meal. They bowed to Wisp afterwards.

"Thank you for the meal, sir!"

"Oh, no problem. P-Please raise your head. This feels weird."

They did as he said. The male cleared his throat.

"My name is Greenwood. And this is my wife, Silvertail."


"We appreciate the meal. How could we ever repay you?"

Argriss walked up to them both.

"Do you have a suitable elven young lady. A virgin with big b-"

Wisp despawns Argriss and sighs in annoyance at his forwardness.

"Where are you two gonna spend the night?"

"In the woods."

"I see. Well, if you ever need help. You know where to find me."

"Many thanks."

The days continued as normal. Another month passed by and nothing really happened. Sometimes, Wisp would see Greenwood and Silvertail walking by. Then, one day, Silvertail knocked on his door and he answered.

"Mr. Wisp, will you please join me and my husband on our trip back to the elven village?"

"Why? I thought you two were banished."

"Our friends are still in that village, fighting for the lives of their families. I don't want to turn my back on them just because they kicked me out. They were justified in doing so, and..."

Wisp thinks for a minute. He really didn't want to help, but he didn't want to send the two of them to certain death alone. Then, Syrup, who was about to leave again, walked up behind him and threw her arm around his shoulder.

"You know, I've been there before. There's actually a massive reserve of hunwasps, which means there's a massive supply of honey in the area too."

A little unknown fact about Wisp was that he loves honey. Cinnamon and honey were his two favorite flavors. He barely got to have them in his old life, due to his conditions, but whenever he could have them, it would make him drift away from his worries.

"Ok, I'll do... wait. You're only suggesting this now because you're leaving, aren't you?"

"Exactly. I ain't gonna fight whatever that thing is. I'm only level 20."

Nekomarin had a very slow growth rate. Even if they trained twice as hard as a human does, their level would still be lower.

"Alright, fine."

Wisp went along with Greenwood and Silvertail to the elven village. He battled Many monsters along the way and tried Silvertail cooking, all of which increased his cleric levels due to her special herbs and tested delicious.

While in the carriage when entering the forest, Wisp checked his stats.

[Rogue level 34. Cleric level 13. Beast tamer level 9.]

He had gained the skill to communicate with his beast telepathy. He also gained a new rogue skill called, "Rebirth Redux." This skill allows Wisp to see the weak spots of his opponent. He also realized how Fatal Strike finally works. It doesn't just propel him forward randomly. It makes it so that if Wisp hits anything that his eyes look onto, the power of the strike will be tripled.

They rolled in front of the elven village. Suddenly, many elven came around them with spears, bows, and knives. A young elf man who looked a lot like Silvertail came out of the elves with a long, green robe on.

"Sister, I thought I told you never to return."

"I know. But, that thing is still here. Please, let me fix my mistake."

"I'm sorry. But under elven law, I can not. You know what must happen now that you've returned."

Wisp and Greenwood were eventually taken out of the carriage by the guards.

"You brought him back too. And worst of all, you brought a human into our lands."

"Wait brother, he's good."

"No, I'm not." Wisp said.

Silvertail was shocked by his words, and so was Greenwood. Wisp got up and walked up to the chief, making the guards close in on him with their spears.

These elves were all around level 30. Elves had extremely slow growth rates, despite the fact they live so long. But even then, Wisp wasn't strong enough to take them all on. But he knew how powerful a facade could be. His uncle was a beloved actor on the surface, and a pedophile beneath. His ex-wife was loving woman on the surface, and an abuser and a gaslighted beneath. He may have not been strong enough to beat them physically, but maybe if he played his cards right, he could beat them mentally.

"I'm not a good person. I don't do kind things for people out of love, but out of selfishness. I show them the love I always wish I could receive to make me feel better about my awful life. People see me as a hero, but they don't know what lies beneath the surface."

The elf man didn't know how to respond. And frankly, he didn't want to. He didn't like nor have the time for humans.

"But I'm not here for you or your forest. I'm here for honey, and that's it. Oh, and also to defeat the chimera myself."

"A weak human like yourself could never defeat that monster."

"Maybe you're right. But I can still try."

The elf chief stared at Wisp. He didn't seem like the typical hero type, but he wasn't here to harm them either. The elf chief raised his hand, making the guards lower their weapons.

Wisp extends his hand and summons all of his friends, surprising the other elves.

"Eclipse, Igneous, you search for the monster. Midro, Argriss, you guys stay with me."

Igneous and Eclipse nodded. Eclipse took to the sky while Igneous ran left east onto the forest. The elven chief walked up to Wisp.

"You're a demon summoner?"

"A what?"

[There are four different kinds of summoners.]

[Beast tamers, which can make contracts with other kinds of monsters. Most hone their talents on summoning specific types of beasts, like dragons.]

[Shadow tamers, which are just beast tamers, but always evil, store their monsters in their shadow instead of a spatial cage.]

[Nhumi Knight, which is a tamer that can bond with one specific creature and fight alongside them. There only native to the sky islands in the Oceanic continent.]

[And slave traders. Which use technology to enslave other people.]

"No, I'm a beast tamer."

"I see."

In the sky, as Eclipse flew, he had several fireballs get launched up at him. He evaded them all and spiked one back to the sender. This caused a massive explosion and set the surrounding trees on fire. Wisp saw this in the distance. He also felt Igneous' rage. He was in the dead of combat as well. Argriss and Midro also seemed to be getting more and more agitated.

"There hear." Argriss said while grabbing his weapons.

Out from the bushes came five creatures.

The first was a very tall, middle-aged man with a largely muscular build, yellow skin, and turquoise eyes. He has long blonde hair tied in a ponytail, with a matching short chin beard and lack of eyebrows. He had on black armor with two massive longswords on his back.

Beside him was a small boy. who looked to be around 14 years old. He had short green hair, small horns, red eyes, and pointy ears. He wore a hoodie and shorts hybrid made of bones, black dyed flesh, and organs. He had a shock collar on her neck a kitsune mask strapped to the left of his head and an expressionless face.

Next to him was a petite girl. She was the same height and had the same clothes, but had a skirt instead of shorts. Her body was also much more feminine and she looked around 15. She had two horns on the side of her head and her feet were more like bird feet instead of human feet. She also had a shock collar and an expressionless face.

Behind her was what appeared as a cross between a cat and a bat with purple and yellow wings that seemed to end in ribbons, red eyes, and three large white claws on each hand and foot. Seven green will-o'-wisps floated it.

Behind him, walking on the ground, looked to be a bipedal white rabbit with light blue fluff hanging from its ears along with a tall body. Light blue fluff is on its arms covering it along with the bottom part of their legs and its entire feet. It has a bushy, fluffy tail on its back. It also appears to have indigo eyes with black-white coatings.

The other three felt normal, but the two twin children felt completely different. Thankfully, Wisp system immediately informed him.

[There are three different types of energy. Magic, synergeta, and mana.]

[Synergeta is a specific elemental power source given to certain people. Mana is one's spiritual power that can manifest into attacks. And magic is almost everything else.]

[Chimeras use mana.]

Greenwood clutched Wisp's arm in fear.

"Those are the chimeras."

[Golden Goblin, level 20.]

[Chimera 1, level 53.]

[Chimera 2, level 59.]

[Agicbat, level 40]

[Bunhunero, level 34.]

Wisp needed a battle plan for these guys. Fighting them all willy-nilly would get him killed very quickly.

"You elves got a human's help." The golden goblin said while laughing. "You're getting desperate."

"Leave. We've already given you what you wanted."

"No, not yet. The demon princess has requested that we kill you all for not paying your taxes. Plus, this is a good chance to get the chimeras stronger."

The golden man looked at the two children and grinned. He put his hand around their shoulders and turned on the shock collars.

"Slaughter these pathetic lowlifes."

"Master, what do we do?" Argriss asked concerningly.

Wisp knew they were gonna be strong, but he only thought there was one of them. And by Silvertail and Greenwood's reactions, so did they. Wisp thought about fleeing. He didn't know the elves and his family were in danger. Igneous was trying to run away from other golden goblins because they were starting to overwhelm him in their numbers. And Eclipse was struggling to dodge, eventually getting hit and falling into the trees. He was surrounded by weaker versions of the cat-bat creature, but there were still too many of them.

His concern wasn't for the elves but for his family and their wellbeing. As he was about to make the executive decision to run off, he got a memory. One that was far lost in his head since reincarnating.