
Wisp and The Beasts Around Him

Wisp had a horrible life to put it lightly. His life was pure hell and it never seemed to get better. But when he has a tragic passing, the goddess of Chaos offers him a second chance at life. In this new life, he just wants a quiet life, void of problems. He doesn't want problems and doesn't want to be a hero. He just wants to kick back and relax. He just wants a family. One that he could never find in his old world. And he manages to get one by his skill of beast taming. But even in this new world, trouble always seems to follow him. He just can't catch a break.

StarYoshi · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Elven Debacle

It's been a week since Wisp got Eclipse to join his odd family. He mostly flies in circles around the house all day. He keeps watch of the surroundings and warns them if anything comes close. One time, he even tried to attack Syrup after thinking she was trying to steal from the house. She fainted from shock and yelled at Wisp later for nearly giving her a heart attack. She decided to stay a few days too, but tried to avoid the demon bird as much as possible.

Wisp made lunch for his 5 companions. He enjoyed seeing them all eat together, even though Midro and Igneous would steal each other's food and Syrup would glare hatefully at Eclipse. It gave them all personality. It made every day fun and interesting.

Later that day, Wisp decided to implement a garden outside his house in the backyard. It took too much time to make 2-hour trips to grab food from the wide-ranging plateau, especially considering he's only explored 1/5 of the huge area in the last half a year. He needed a more stable food source

Syrup decided to help. Wisp learned that she loved to build things with her hands because it reminded her of her childhood when she'd make crafts with her dad. So, she plowed the field and built the fences. Of course, everyone pitched in to make the mini garden.

[Cleric level increased. Rouge level 30. Cleric level 11. Beast tamer level 8.]

It seems Wisp enjoyed making the garden so much with his family, that his beast-tamer level went up by two.

He wanted to start growing foods he enjoyed. Things like apples, oranges, bananas, grapes, sugar cane, carrots, and more. He decided that one day, he'd head to a human civilization to get seeds.

"I can't wait to see what you're food will taste like now." Syrup said while chuckling.

"I'll head out tomorrow to get seeds. Could you show me around the city? It will be my first time entering one since coming to this world."

"Oh, yeah, sure. I'll do anything so long as my master keeps making delicious food."

Wisp did have a few seeds from the fruits he ate while in the forest. He kept them just in case a time like this arose. He planted them for now.

[New Cleric Skill Unlocked - Greater Buff. Increases by 1.75 the strength, speed, and defense of an ally for 10 seconds.

[New Cleric Skill Unlocked - Accelerator. Increase the speed of healing and growth.]

Wisp wondered if he could make the plants grow faster with this skill. He reached his hand out and a dim light green light began to cover the field. The ground popped up cherry-like fruits only a minute later.

"Wow, they look so good!" Syrup said, watering at the mouth. She wasn't the only one. Midro and Igneous and looked at the fruit with lust and gluttony.

"Alright, calm down you three."

"My liege, what on earth did you just do?"

"I... don't really know."

Night fell later that day. They slept inside of the house. Argriss and Syrup slept on the couch. Igneous and Eclipse slept inside of the spare room that was bearly big enough to fit the both of them. And Midro slept in the bed alongside Wisp.

Midro got up in the middle of the night. She could smell someone coming outside. She hopped up to the window and bit the handle to throw it open. She looked down, she saw elves sneaking into their garden and taking some of the cherries they didn't collect. She began to panic and jumped onto her master's stomach. She pushed her paws against his face while barking at him, which eventually got him up.

"H-Huh... Midro... what's wrong, girl?"

Midro bit onto Wisp's sleeve and pulled him out of the bed, making him fall on the floor. She barked at him again and gestured her head towards the door. Then, she grabbed her sword and ran out of the room.

"Wait, Midro, where are you..."

Wisp was still tired. It's only been two hours since he fell asleep. But, he still got up to follow Midro. When he got outside, he saw two people putting their cherries into a basket. There was a man and a woman.

The lady was a blue-eyed girl with long, light green hair, the length of which fell past her back. She also had a staff on her back and long pointy ears.

A man with long green-tinted blond hair, green eyes, and pointy ears. He wears something similar to a robe of a priest covered with various symbols.

"H-Hey! What are you doing?!"

Midro growled at the two intruders.

The man gave the woman his basket and she began to run away. The man grabbed a bow on his back.

"Midro, fetch."

Midro ran past the man and swung her sword at the lady. The sword barely missed her head, cutting off a little bit of her hair. Midro landed in front of her, stopping her from running further.

"Honey!" The man yelled out. Before he could run after Midro, Wisp punched him in the face, making him stumble back. It was Wisp's fatal strike technique, but since he didn't have the daggers, it didn't kill.

The man jumped back up to face Wisp. He held his bow at Wisp and Wisp charged in at him.

The man fires an arrow at Wisp's head, but Wisp Butterfly dodges to the right. He runs up to the man and in goes for a gut punch, but the elf dodges and makes his fist go through his bow. He turns around and swings his hands in front of him, slamming Wisp on the ground. He tried to stab within the head with an arrow, but Wisp caught it between his hands. Wisp spun his body on the ground and swept his legs. As the elf was falling, Wisp used his hands to push himself off the ground and kneed the elf in the chest, knocking the wind out of him. Wisp did several backflips to put a bit of distance between them before rushing back in.

The elf grabbed a dagger on his hips and started exchanging blows with Wisp. The hands flew as if on instinct. The elf tried to stab Wisps in the neck, but he dodged. As he was pulling his hand back, Wisp chopped his hand, knocking the knife out of his hand. Wisp grabbed the falling knife with his other hand and delivered two slashes to the elf, but both were evaded. The elf elbowed Wisp in the left of his waist. While he was unbalanced, the elf jumped in the air. While still in mid-air, Wisp tried to palm strike his rib cage, but the elf dodged by doing two flips in mid-air and roundhouse kicking Wisp to the ground.

The elf tried to punch Wisp in the face, but his arm was caught by Wisp.

"I'm done with you."

The elf looked very ticked off after hearing that. He tried to kick Wisp, but Wisp let go of his hand and dodged under his leg. Before the elf could pull his leg back, Wisp chop it, making the elf stumble back. While the elf tried to refocus himself, Wisp used his sneak skill to run up behind him and kicked him in the back, making him fly several meters forward. The elf got up and tried to grab his bow, but realized it was gone along with his arrow quill. He saw it in Wisp's hands. Wisp ran up to him and the elf tried to punch his head again, but Wisp dodged to the tight. He jumped in the air and wrapped the bow around his neck. When he fell back to the ground, the elf slammed against the ground. Before he could get the bow off of his neck, Wisp jumped on top of him with an arrow in his hand. Instead of just stabbing him with the arrow right then and there, Wisp pulled the arrow back on the bow string and launched the arrow at high speeds at his face while his head was still caught on the bow. The elf-man managed to dodge it. But even though he lived, he was terrified. He knew he could never beat Wisp.

Wisp jumped off of him and ran over to his wife, who was still fighting Midro, but one of her arms was off the ground and she was bleeding profusely. It seemed Midro had slashed off one of the ears of the woman. The lady launched a mini tornado from her hand, which Midro jumped over. While still in mid-air, Midro launched her sword at the woman's face, which she once again, barely dodged. When Midro landed on the ground, she launched a fireball at the lady, which she countered with another tornado.

The elven lady noticed Wisp coming at her. She launched a razor-sharp wind blade at Wisp, but he jumped over it. He gut-punched the lady before kicking her in her chest.

While the lady was still falling back, Wisp grabbed the woman's arm with his leg and pulled her back in for another punch. This time, right in her nose, breaking it. Wisp let go of the woman and jumped over her, putting her in a headlock. The elven man held an arrow to Wisp.

"Let my wife go."

"Not until you start talking."

Midro growled at the man, trying to intimidate him. If that wasn't bad enough, the elven man felt an aura of death radiate from behind him. It was the rest of Wisp's family. Argriss, Igneous, Syrup, and Eclipse were all standing behind him, ready to kill him.

"Make the smart decision."

The man fell to his knees and dropped his bow. Wisp then leg the woman go and she ran over to her husband.

"What happened here?" Syrup asked.

"Yeah, that's a good question. Speak."

The two elves had no choice. They explained their situation. They were all kicked out of their village in the elven forest, after letting in a great beast. The only reason they were executed was because the chief of the kingdom was the woman's older brother. It was a beast who toyed with them as much as she liked. A level 59 chimera.