
Wisp and The Beasts Around Him

Wisp had a horrible life to put it lightly. His life was pure hell and it never seemed to get better. But when he has a tragic passing, the goddess of Chaos offers him a second chance at life. In this new life, he just wants a quiet life, void of problems. He doesn't want problems and doesn't want to be a hero. He just wants to kick back and relax. He just wants a family. One that he could never find in his old world. And he manages to get one by his skill of beast taming. But even in this new world, trouble always seems to follow him. He just can't catch a break.

StarYoshi · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
29 Chs


A memory was triggered in Wisp from his past. He was outside with his wife. She was bored, so while they were at an amusement park together, she took Wisp's phone to download porn onto it. She used this as an excuse to begin hitting and abusing him. She was shoving and slapping him in the middle of the park. But no one stopped to help him. Everyone didn't care because he looked like he was going to be fine, even though she just broke his nose. Some people even thought she caught him cheating and was taking it out on him in rage. But while Harley continued her assault, a woman caught her hand while she was swinging.

Harley looked back at the woman. The girl had white hair in a braid that went over her left shoulder and she had golden eyes. She wore a snow-white sweater that exposed her back and her shoulders. On her wrist, she wore a brown and golden watch. She wore a knee-length skirt and heels on her feet with black socks. Her fingernails were pained purple and she wore a red backpack. And on her neck was a silver cross necklace.

"Hey, let go of me, you bitch!" Harley yelled at the girl.

But the young woman's gaze pierced her. Her body, though not particularly muscular, was very strong. Harley tried to yank her hand back but only ended up hurting it even more. Harley noticed the cross on her necklace.

"Do you think you're some hero, Christian hore?!"

The lady shoved Harley away, making her fall to the ground. Harley wanted to attack her but knew she would only leave injured if she actually tried to fight her. She was confident in attacking Wisp because she knew he wouldn't fight back thanks to her taking advantage of his trauma and societal norms. But she knew nothing of the lady in front of her. The unknown terrified her, so she stayed silent.

The lady walked over to Wisp, who was on the ground, and put her hand on his shoulder. At first, he recoiled a bit. The touch of another woman only reminds him of the daily hell his wife put him through. But after seeing the kindness in this woman's eyes, all his stress was alleviated like he was drifting on clouds.

"Are you ok, sir?"

Wisp tears fell from his face when the lady asked him this. This random stranger was the first person in his life since Miko died 3 years ago to actually care about his safety. Suddenly, a man ran up to them.

"Erica, what happened?"

"Babe, call the police. We're throwing this woman in prison."

Eventually, the cops did arrive. They arrested Harley, but like always, she used her crocodile tears and she made up stories to get set free the next day. Once she came home, the abuse on Wisp only got worse. Way, way worse. But even through this, he felt at peace. He was grateful that there was still someone who could care about him. Even if it was a complete stranger. For the rest of his life, he never even saw her ever again. But having someone show him kindness simply out of a desire to help him gave him hope that one day, it would get better. That one day, if he keeps going forward, he'll eventually make it out of his dark cave.

He snapped back to reality. He sees his friends around him. They all looked at him, awaiting his orders. He then started crying.

"My liege, why are you crying?..."

He wiped his tears.

"Sorry. I just... can't believe it after all this time... I got my dream."

His friends were even more confused now. Wisp stared down the little twins emitting the aura of death. If he fought them, he'd surely die, but he wanted to repay that woman for trying to help him all those years ago. And the best way he could do that was by showing the kindness she showed to him to others. He didn't know these elves, just like the woman didn't know him. Still, he would fight to protect them.

"We stay, and fight."

Wisp gave all of them in structure. He told Igneous to lead the golden goblins back to their location and he told Eclipse to do the same with the Agicbats.

"Silvertail, Greenwood, elves; I'll take care of the two chimeras if you guys deal with the other three. Do we have a deal?"

As much as the elves hated taking orders from a human, they had no other choice. So they readied their weapons at the other three.

"Fine, suit yourself. If you want to die so badly, I'll give you that pleasure."

Wisp ran into the forest and the two chimeras chased after him. The golden goblin also ran close behind, though he was much slower. Wisp had to use the terrain to his advantage to make enough distance between him and the chimeras. As the female chimera was about to punch his head off, Wisp commanded Midro to slash one of the nearby trees, making it fall down on the girl. She kicks the tree into thousands of times splinters, putting her a meaningful few feet behind Wisp. The boy tried to sneak in front of him. The Amel chimeras arm transformed into several red tendrils and he propelled them towards Wisp. Argriss was able to block the six tendrils with his weapons and Wisp used Argriss's carapace as a platform to jump over the boy.

He then called Argriss and Midro back as he ran into a small field. He spawned Midro and Agriss again as the two Chimera closed in on him. The female turned her arm into a fleshy red sword and the male turned his arm into a fleshy red axe. They tried to slice Wisp's head off, but we're blocked by Midro and Argriss. Both were still only level 32, so they both went flying back from the power of the strike. But this was what Wisp expected.

He used this opening to take both his daggers and stab them both in the neck, tossing them back. He tried to run up and execute the female immediately by jumping up in the air and stabbing her down with a fatal strike on her face. Suddenly, red tendrils came from both her spleen and caught Argriss in mid-air. She spawned another tendril right between her chest to stab Wisp, but he used his sneak skill to break out of the tendril and sidestep away. Even then, he was still cut. His cheek was leaking tons of blood. He realized how out of his depth he was.

The two tried to come back around and stab Wisp with the same sword. But suddenly, a sword went flying through his head. It was Midro. She threw her sword through the boy's head. The girl tried to cut off Wisp's neck again. Argriss tried to run up and protect his master, but he was too late. The axes already began to fall on Wisp's head. Before they bisected his body, the girl was beaten down on by Igneous. He flailed her in his mouth before slamming her against the ground twice. However, it didn't even look like it hurt her. Instead, she kicked his mouth open and then killed him back into a tree.

If they weren't back enough, the boy wasn't dead. Even with a sword through his emotionless face, he still continued his stab at Wisp. However, before Wisp could be pierced through the heart, Argriss came over and hit the boy with all of his weapons. Making stumble a few meters back. Yet he still managed to land on his feet.

The girl tried to sneak behind Argriss and kill him by impaling her hand through his carapace. Then, in the sky, a green laser beam fired down onto the girl, which she easily managed to dodge. It was Eclipse, let out a roar of power and he flew next to his master's side.

The boy removed the sword from his face and he regenerated almost instantly. He threw the sword at Wisp, but he used his daggers to knock it up in the air. Midro hopped off Argriss's carapace to catch the sword mid-air and she ignited it as she threw it at the golden goblin. Instantly, the two chimeras rushed over to block the sword.

Wisp saw a remote in the golden goblin's hand. He saw the shock collars around their necks and put two and two together very quickly. He sent a telepathic message to all of them to target the remote and the golden goblin.