
Wisp and The Beasts Around Him

Wisp had a horrible life to put it lightly. His life was pure hell and it never seemed to get better. But when he has a tragic passing, the goddess of Chaos offers him a second chance at life. In this new life, he just wants a quiet life, void of problems. He doesn't want problems and doesn't want to be a hero. He just wants to kick back and relax. He just wants a family. One that he could never find in his old world. And he manages to get one by his skill of beast taming. But even in this new world, trouble always seems to follow him. He just can't catch a break.

StarYoshi · Fantasy
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29 Chs

Business Route

Over the next two weeks, Willow has started to treat her comrades differently. She tried to be more friendly, but it was extremely hard for her. After all, it wasn't in a dragon's nature to me. It was completely foreign to her, but she was determined to make it work.

She would often get the help out Argriss and Igneous, both of which she grew closer to, despite her not quite realizing it. They also joined her army. The rest of her army consisted of Eclipse and coke spare hunwasp drones. She'd train them every day as their general to make sure they could protect Wisp and his developing home.

Speaking of Wisp, he was currently in his room with a bunch of papers on his desk. They were contract papers and bills that Syrup gave to him on her last visit. He had to pay contracted bills for her first hand trade. Wisp understood none of these words, which only made him more frustrated.

"That sneaky little cat... wait a minute, has she been leveling up this whole time?"

[Yes. She's been out while you've been leveling up, meaning, she's been getting exp for free.]

"She scammed me!"

Wisp palmed his face with both of his hands and slid back in his chair. He slammed his head against his desk in frustration. Then, Willow and Argriss walked into the room and Wisp changed his whole demeanor. He was used to it since he had to do it often when Pedro was still alive. He would often get abused by his bosses verbally, but his main concern was Pedro's happiness. So, Wisp hid his pain with a smile so Pedro wouldn't feel back for the hard work his brother was suffering through alone.

"What's up you two?'

Argriss walked up to Wisp and put his four hands on his desk.

"My liege, we think we should open a business."


Willow walked up to Wisp with her arms crossed. He noticed her decaying had stopped, which made him smile.

"You obviously need it. Look at all these papers you have to bill. And, before you ask, it's that easy to start a business. It's not like the rules of your world. You just need a contract really."

Wisp had told Willow about him in another world a week ago. After hearing about his life and all the pain he went through, all she could do was hug him. She didn't have comforting words, so she comforted him through her actions. However, when Wisp asked for her story, she withdrew, saying she'd share it another day once she conquered it... whatever that meant, Wisp had no clue.

"What different kind of business would we make?" Wisp asked.

"Well, honey is very rare. But with the hunwasp queen and her servants, you could mass produce the honey and make a fortune."

"My liege. May I also recommend a Beast Tamer book?"

"A what?"

"Think about it. Beast tamers are uncommon, but they're not necessarily rare. Many don't know what type of monsters to try and tame when they start out. I witnessed it firsthand when I was on the backline of the demon lord army. If you made a book, categorizing them and giving info on how to catch them, it would be a great fortune."

"What would we include in the book?"

"I was thinking name, species type, abilities, and best ways to generally tame."

"Maybe putting growth rate, success rate, and nature would also be useful information," Willow added.

"Oh, and what about the amount of exp one gets from taming a monster? For instance, one gets many more levels from a hunwasp queen than from an average volane kitsune or cavernoid."

"Those are both great ideas." Wisp said. "We'll wait till Syrup returns to try and put them into action."

"Hey, Wisp, can I ask for something?"

"Depends on what it is."

"Can you pat my head?"


"Well, I see you doing it to Midro all the time and it looks like she really enjoys it."

"Well, um..."

Wisp did think it was weird since her figure was so human. But then, he noticed the rest of her. That's right, she was a dragon still. At that, he was her pet in the same way Midro was.

"Oh, my liege, I've also been wondering how it feels. I see you pet both Midro and Sol and it makes me kind of jealous."

It was because so was an affection-need child and Argriss was a buff, four-armed, giant bettle. But looks aren't all there is to it. Just like everyone else, he was a pet and servant like the other familiars.

He sighed, walked over to the couch, sat down, and patted his lap.

"Well, come now. Don't be shy."

The two rest their head on his lap, though neither of them could fit on the couch, due to them both being so big. He took his head and gently rubbed Willow's hair and Argriss's carapace. Both seemed to really enjoy it, as his level up as a beast tamer just from doing this. Not only that, but some of the decaying scales on Willow's body began to peel off from this.

Two weeks later, Syurp arrived back at the house. Wisp was outside, looking at the shop his system had, which Syrup could also see, thanks to being contracted to him.

"What's that?"

"Good question."

It seemed the shop Wisp unlocked was pertaining to his skills. For every beast he'd tame, he'd get 500 coins and he'd get a various amount for the amount of monsters he would kill, ranging from 3-4000. The shop had many things in it like food, ores, weapons, seeds, and more. Wisp had 1201 coins now.

He tried buying 200 cherry seeds for 30 coins. He tapped the floating screen and the fruit seeds appeared right in front of him, materialized. He looked back at his screen which now said 1171 coins.

"You're just full of surprises, aren't you master?"

"I could say the same to you, Ms. Level stealer."

An awkward slime grew on Syrup's face as she averted her eyes from Wisp. Wisp checked her level, which said level 57. He pressed a button next to her name on his familiar list and pressed block. This made it so she wouldn't get any more levels from him. He didn't even know he had this skill till yesterday.

"Anyways, we'll talk punishment later, you little thief. I need you to help me with your trading skills to help start a business."

"Of what variety?"

"One that sells honey, one that can place us in the farmers market, and one that helps me publish an adventurers book on beasts."

"Of, yeah, I can help with that. But why now?"

"Because Willow and Argriss suggested it and even though we don't need it now, it's nice to have backup money."

"That's my master for you. May I recommend taming some monsters to help you?"

"Uh, like what."

"A dancer, a wardress, and a minotaur. They can all actually be found pretty commonly on the edges of this plateau. Well, except for the minotaur. They're boss monsters and quite rare. You just need to do a bit of exploring."

"Alright. Now, for your punishment."
