
Wisp and The Beasts Around Him

Wisp had a horrible life to put it lightly. His life was pure hell and it never seemed to get better. But when he has a tragic passing, the goddess of Chaos offers him a second chance at life. In this new life, he just wants a quiet life, void of problems. He doesn't want problems and doesn't want to be a hero. He just wants to kick back and relax. He just wants a family. One that he could never find in his old world. And he manages to get one by his skill of beast taming. But even in this new world, trouble always seems to follow him. He just can't catch a break.

StarYoshi · Fantasy
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28 Chs

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Sol was one of the three sent out to find the monsters. He walked into an open field and saw something walking in it. It was a giant peacock, around 5 feet. It had a diamond marking on its neck, which meant it was female. She had giant tail feathers and her body was purple and blue with the markings on her tail feathers being green and black. She wore a long white robe held with a white belt. She also had metal talons. She was a dancer.

Sol jumped down to meet the beast. She knew exactly why Sol was there. She took her hands out from her sleeves and threw several metal daggers at Sol. Sol responded by turning his hand into several tendrils and fleshy tendrils and smacking the blades away.

The dancer slid a long spear out from her small robe, almost like she spawned it. Sol turned both his arms into giant scythes and ran in towards the bird. They clashed for a bit, with every strike making an echo and shockwave. The bird was fast, but she wasn't too powerful. Sol knew he was stronger and he knew he couldn't lose.

The dancer threw more knives at Sol, but he once again blocked it. Sol went for another slash with his axe arm. The bird dodged under it, but it was a trick. Sol turned his other arm into a birdcage and slammed it on top of the peacock. He didn't want to risk hurting it. It was only level 37 and Sol was level 71 now, so he needed to be careful since Wisp needed her alive.

"Now that I captured you, I'll get so many head pats. Maybe big brothers will even make me waffles again."

On another side of the plateau, Midro rode on Eclipse's back as he flew around, looking for the prey his master sent him to get. He flew down to the opening of a cave and saw a figure that his master described.

It was is a large, moth-like beast. It has large eyes that are split into 9 by a cross-like shape and possesses six wings on its back; each of its wings is orange-red and has circle-shaped markings. It has four legs and is covered in thick, white fur. It also has a yellow-colored tail, which has a row of red-yellow spines and pink dots.

Eclipse dive-bombed down to it as Midro held on for dear life. The moth looked up and fired two orange lasers from his eyes. It was met with Eclipse's mouth cannon. The two beams collided, struggling against each other for a bit before creating an explosion visible from miles away.

From the smoke screen, Midro jumped down with her sword in her mouth and tried to slash off the beast's wings, but her sword bounced right off. The beast hopped on two legs and tried to punch Midro with its tiny arm. Midro blocked with her sword and was propelled back, but landed back on her feet. The beast fired more eye lasers, but this time was met with a giant fire blast from Midro's tails; a skill she unlocked at level 50 a while ago.

Eclipse landed in front of Midro. He clapped his wings together, sending a gust of wind that blew the moth back into the side of the cave. Midro threw her sword at the moth with her mouth, piercing its chest, and bringing it down. She hopped back on Eclipse's back as Eclipse used his tendrils to wrap around the warped body. Then, the two flew back to the house.

On another edge of the plateau, Wisp and Argriss walked together.

"Wait, so how many kingdoms are there in this world?"

"There's eight. The Pez, Indioral, Dragalia, Takeon, and Sky kingdoms are all mostly human-based. The Ruination kingdom is the territory of the demon lord and the Chapter kingdom is a land where monsters live in peace under the eyes of the mighty phoenix. You also have the Shokling Kingdom, ruled by their power leader Anu-"

Suddenly, the two of them saw people in the distance. They snuck up closer to the two of them to see who they were.

The first girl before them was a minotsur. She had white thin fur with black spots covering her. She was about 6 feet tall and was very buff with defined muscles. Her breasts were even bigger, being larger than her head, and her hips were a similar case, though slightly smaller. Makes sense, since she's basically a cow. She had shiny green eyes and short, wavy black hair. She had large horns on her head and how cow ears. She wore overhaul, silver armor plating all over her body, and cowgirl boots. In her hand was a giant silver, purple, and blue battle axe.

She was next to another girl. An anthropomorphic goat lady that was around 4 feet. She had long dark brown hair and light brown fur all over her body with the fur from her nose to neck being white. She had two goat horns and a braided tail. She had thin legs, arms, and hooves. And contrary to the minotaur, she was smaller and flatter. She wore a white T-shirt and a light orange button-up shirt above it. Above that, she wore a dark orange sweater and had a below-knee-length green skirt.

"So... t-that's the minotaur."

"Master, this is perfect." said Argriss with excitement.


"Minotaurs females make excellent wives. They're nurturing, protective, loyal, strong, are great at sex, and-"

"You're never gonna stop talking about this till I marry someone, are you?"


Wisp looked down and let out a sigh.

"I'm... not ready for a relationship yet." said Wisp timidly.

"... Master, may I ask something?"

"Is it relating to what you just said?"

"No... well, kind of. Are you gonna let your ex-wife take away your choice of happiness?"


"When I was a part of the demon lord army, I was the weakest cavernoid. I was mocked and seen as an embarrassment. I let it get to me and I stopped training. I let their hatred become mine and I started to hate myself. But then I met Igneous. Despite me being so weak, he didn't care. He became my friend, despite my flaw as a cavernoid. I guess what I'm saying is-"

"Don't let the hatred of other people become yours..."

"Yeah, something like that. Though, if you're not into minotaurs, that's understandable. We could also-"

"Thank you, Argriss."

"For what?"

"For being someone I could open up to."

"My liege..."

"Come on. Let's do this quickly."

The two came out of the bushes, facing down the monsters before them.



The minotaur was level 70 and the oilelk was level 61.

"Should I capture the oilelk too?"

"Do whatever you feel is best. I'll handle the minotaur."