
chapter 4

(ok so in this winter and peril both got dragged off at around the same time and so this is combining the ends of the two books.)

I tapped my tail impatiently on the ground and then look at the others Kink was in a deep sleep also called a concussion and the medics were trying to help her after then peril got taken, and turtle and me went after he rand now she is back turtle is worried about Kink and Winter was a flash of white in the distance- wait one sec a flash of white in the distance? "guys winters back!" I exclaim excitedly although Moon told them of her powers and past I refused to tell mine. which made everybody a little suspicious of me, but that was past now and I was wanting to tell them once winter got back from taking hailstorm home then Winter lands beside me and I see an Nightwing landing beside me also I almost jump out of my skin when I see who it is I was only able to contact her every now and then in the mind space "foeslayer!" I yell and hug her happily after jumping 5 feet into the air and she says happily "stargazer!" Then she says "did you restart your age, again?" I nod "I wanted to go to jade mountain academy, this continent has changed a lot since you were alive, the rainwings are considered the laziest boringest tribe" foeslayer gasps and says "that is a HUGE difference" I smile and say "has winter told you about the nightwing tribe yet?" she shakes her head no and so I tell her everything and about halfway through are conversation winter loses it "What are you talking about age changing and how do you two know each other!" then I say "calm down I was about to tell all of ya'll once you got here and turtle was going to fill in kink." Winter then takes us to the healers hut and we all sit down (as everyone else was already there) and I start from the beginning and tell them everything after that there faces went from shocked to what on earth and then angry. "WHAT!!" they all yell at once I had to cover my ears all moon says is "I didn't know pantala existed until now I nod then Foeslayer says "umm Stargazer go outside I will handle this I nod there thoughts were overwhelming me.