
chapter 5

Stargazer was looking for moon 'where is she' I then see her with her head on her talons clutching darkstalkers scroll I look over at her sadly and realise that darkstalker is trying to communicate with me I take the scroll from moon see the others behind me and think 'I'm sorry I know I shouldn't do this but I have to meet my father' and so I breath Frostfire on it as I let it go It first turns ice cold and gets enveloped in ice, then flames then It becomes ash and then they all look at me with shock and Qibli says "how?.." and then the ground starts shaking and a gigantic nightwing comes flying out of the crack in the ground smiles and says "thank you daughter." Of course when I told them everything I never mentioned who my father was 'and now they know.' I think to myself and I say while turning towards all of them including turtle who was clutching a stick and muttering something under his breath then all thoughts of turtle dissapeared and so did his existence from my mind and I didn't even know he existed and so I say "everyone this is my father, Dalkstalker."

author note;

DUN DUN DUNNN sry I just needed to do that at the end of escaping peril I immediately went to go get the next book Because I was all like nooooo whyyyy cliffhanger but that's also what makes some books so good.