
chapter 3

stargazer went into the cave and immediately regretted doing so as soon as she went to sleep she heard a voice 'hello stargazer' I suddenly look back into the past as I have that ability and realise that the voice sounds like a more mature darkstalker 'no it can't be your dead' then he replies 'hmm I have never heard of a dragonet with that ability before' I block my thoughts from him other than the ones I direct and I reply 'well maybe I'm not any normal dragonet' then all of a sudden he appears in front of me I gasp I really do look just like my father other than purple eyes and those extra Ice wing features he looks down at me and doubles back and says 'how' I back away from him as he had started to walk towards me 'Clearsight is my mom and darkstalker is my dad and you are darkstalker, so...' Darkstalker growls and says 'but me and clearsight never had a daughter' then I say 'well I'm here aren't I' he takes a step closer and says 'you look just like me, how are you still alive you should've died' I then say 'I put an immortality spell on me' he gasps and says 'you really are just like me, but pls don't kill me I don't think I deserve that you just met me sure I have done bad things before but I want to start over' I growl and say 'I am NOTHING like YOU' and block him from my mind. back to dreams of the future where jade mountain crumbles to the ground.