
chapter 2

I walk into my winglets cave and I see a nightwing a skywing and a rainwing I walk over to them and say "hi my name is Stargazer what are ya'lls names?" then the rainwing says "my name is Kinkajou the other nightwing over here is Moonwatcher but she likes to be called Moon and the grumpy skywing is Carnelian- ooh are you a Ice/night wing hybrid I've never seen one of those before, actually come to think of it I've never seen you before which is very unusual because queen glory tells me practically everything and I'm pretty sure she would tell me about a hybrid in the night kingdom as she is the queen of the night wings..." I then say nervously "um well I wasn't raised in the night kingdom" kinkajou then says "oh, so you are like moon over here she was raised in the rainforest instead of that horrible volcano." 'oh really?' I think looking at her and then I hear Moons thoughts 'well it's not my fault that wait why is she looking at me as if- does she know oh no if anyone found out I can read minds mom would go crazy' I smile and think to her 'Don't worry Moon your secret is safe with me' Moon looks shocked and she thinks 'how did you-' I cut off her train of thought 'I can read minds too' she looks even more shocked and then kink (which is what I have immediately decided to nickname kinkajou) says " I'm hungry lets go eat!" I smile and follow them to the prey center when we get there there is immediate chaos something to do with a scavenger of which I immediately grab and then an Icewing named winter growls up at me because I am flying "give me back my scavenger hybrid" a sandwing called Qibli says "hey that's a bit rude umm excuse me what is your name and can my friend pls have his Scavenger back" I growl "My name is stargazer and if you intend to kill him I will kill you also he is a human not a scavenger and his name is..." I look down at the human and ask in his language "excuse me sir but can I pls have your name" the human looks at me and says in shock "I am snow also how do you know the human language" I smile at him and say " I had a human friend once also Is this dragon trying to eat you" snow laughs and says "I don't know he has a cage for me but I don't know he could" I sigh and say "scream if he tries to eat you 'kay" Snow nods so then I go back to dragon language and say to the very disturbed dragons "his name is Snow and I know how to talk scavenger language because I was friends with one" I think 'but she is dead now' Winter grabs Snow from me huffs and walks away Qibli following him.