
Winged birds

Mihraskoduvally · Urban
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*✿═══════════════✿* *Winged wings* *Part:Nine* http://mihraskoduvally123.blogspot.com/2022/07/blog-post.html https://instagram.com/she.is.dream.maker?igshid=ZGUzMzM3NWJiOQ== *✿═══════════════✿* https://sharechat.com/profile/mihraskoduvally?d=n https://www.instagram.com/invites/contact/?i=o7hsgxz71i40&utm_content=8ex74zs Despite the happiness, the pictures on the phone filled my heart. If he thinks, not only hereIn real time, that photo will create waves in my country as well. Then there is nothing to look at. Anyone You will end this life before people spit in your face.... Aah..... My Rabb.... No.... How terrible is the sight of his words coming out inside... My head felt like it was going to explode I never expected another pain in his form when I came to forget the painful yesterdays and live. It's not meDon't you remember anything that was shown? And this is all there is... If I stay at home like this, my mental state will go wrong. And pregnancy is not a disease. Consider it a blessing. Ika reluctantly sent me to school. Shrugging off all thoughts, I plunged into my children… He speaks English well even though he is only a fourth class student. So you can stay here. Good children are goodGood talk love... " (miss you have a guest) Miss you have a guest... The poor man will be here. There is no peace for me to be like this. Called four or five times in the afternoon. Fear of falling somewhere due to dizziness. James... "You here too... what's your... Suddenly the face of Thannavaan seems to be dizzying before my eyes again... "Oh, this is such a difficult place not to be caught. I know your every move."What do you want, why me like this again... "Oh, you're going to be with me, leave your ties and pleasures with me.... Ntei Porunno... "Are you kidding me...? "I'll mail you what I want. You're in the right place." Shouldn't you be the one to come with it... Don't you say? As he walked away with a scornful smile...my heart sank. once upon a timeI didn't know what pain was. At that time, I was just my parents' goldmine. The rush to become somebody showed me a world of pain. Even when everything leads to realization, what has been done, they bind me deeply... the pains are tight. The only relief is that there is someone to support me. The elders will now be confused because of accepting me... the pains are endless... this is the moment of our own happiness.And yet... Somehow I spent till the end of the class. Then, not knowing whether to go home or run to Ikka's office, I lost my aim and walked... When I saw Ikka coming towards me, I hugged her without looking around and cried like a baby. I could not hear what Ikka was asking. Because the questions of my mind rose up in me without answers. I flashed the email on my phone and handed it to him. "Two crores...Shhh... Ikan's eyes and nose are carried. Where can you get so much money so quickly? Ika said holding me together. "Don't worry, there is a way. Entered the house and put me inside and went out. What should I do if I call my mom and dad at home and it will be a mess again. He asked for so much cash because his uncle would have money in his hand. He knows about his father's business. He has seen the house and its surroundings. It's all my faultHow good he was to me once. Who only knows how to love... If you listen to Omman's voice, you will get some peace now. Called mom Hello...Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu... Wa alaikum salam wa... "Alhamdulillah. Talked and inquired about uncle's health. Umman's baby gave birth to three children... It was nice to hear Oomman's happiness. As their form appeared within me, That babyI also wanted to see the cat. When I left, my mother took baby Pathu to the cage. Pathu with green eyes, Pathu with golden color... Anyway Pathoon's children will be like Le... Ole. Conchatti or Monchans... Tum Tum... The doorknob of this door was tied and the phone was cut off. The door is so afraid of knocking that it never knocks. It is customary to open the door and say salaam. Being a fingerprint door does not require a bottom. I was afraidopened in Ika... this my Lord I see this... my... Ika's hands and feet are plastered, and Ika's friends are holding her. He gently held Ika and sat her down on the sofa. Then my phone rang. Answered the ringing phone. "Hello... "If you try to take crooked ways, remember this... You have to come to the place I tell you with cash. You just have to come. If you still accept crooked ways, I will cover the whole person who has plastered his hands and feet... "Hello... Hello... I heard James's voice on the phone... so he is my friend... what happened "Ika... what's wrong... how come... *to be continued* *✍🏻mihras koduvally* ▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪ *ISHQE-MADEENA* ◾◾◾◾◾◾◾◾◾◾◾