
Winged birds

Mihraskoduvally · Urban
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37 Chs


*✿═══════════════✿* *Winged wings* *Part: Ten* http://mihraskoduvally123.blogspot.com/2022/07/blog-post.html https://instagram.com/she.is.dream.maker?igshid=ZGUzMzM3NWJiOQ== *✿═══════════════✿* https://sharechat.com/profile/mihraskoduvally?d=n https://www.instagram.com/invites/contact/?i=o7hsgxz71i40&utm_content=8ex74zs "Don't get tensed just because it's nothing serious... Even after plastering the whole arm and leg, nothing happenedIka's expression of not being stuck is good. Although to calm me down. I can see the pain overflowing inside me... "I came down here and Carl came from the office. I was walking and talking when he caught my eye. Suddenly all the anger inside me came out. I hit him with all my strength and he came back. But! Because he had someone with him, he didn't do anything. Everyone made me look like me. That's it... LaughingEven when I said this, I was afraid of what would happen next. Was he that cruel? His words, jokes, cares were so good, I once felt that it was all a joke... My lack of knowledge, even though I know that this is happening one by one in the society, I fall into this kind of trap without thinking.... Huh.... Dream Dream.. "Kulso…someone has come… "Hey, Kulso… His voice brought me out of my thoughts. the doorWhen I opened it, I saw an unfamiliar face. Smiling he asked Ikka... I guided inside. They hugged and started talking like friends. I went to the kitchen and brought water for them. Both of them are looking at something on the laptop. When it was shown to me, I was stunned for a moment. It's a lookout notice and that's James's... He began to say. He is an elusive man James Altaf John and many others his real name is WooN. Wilson That is the report so far. On March 25, 2015, after hitting a celebrity in India, he ran away and there is no information. Someone like this is seen everywhere! No one has caught on yet. That is his last known murder. Before that, there are many big celebrities, political leaders and so on... Then there must be the same number of people behind him or he cannot leave the country like this. Everything heard from himI listened like a miracle. All that was known about him up to that point was like a momentary toss in the sea. His murder must have been over by the time we left here together. Yes, on March 25, 2015, I did a stupid thing that changed my life. I am such a fool. Now he knows that all were traps set for his salvation. How perfectly he acted and destroyed everything. Who is he really? What is hisWhat is the goal? I'm just a victim...a victim dressed up as a fool myself. No I deserve it....didn't I reject true love and give in to the fake one...I really deserve it. I feel ashamed to raise my hands and make dua even in front of Patachon….. Rabbi….what is all this…. "Don't be afraid. But! Be careful. My one opinion is that you shouldn't stay here any longer. You're not safe here alone. He's not what you think. He's much bigger than we know... HisPeople... "But in this situation I… Ika's helpless question to him brought tears to my eyes. Everything is because of me... What a birth I have only been able to give pain to all those who loved me... "Don't worry, it's better for my wife to have a companion and in this situation for you too. After all, I'm not a policeman and no one will come into my house. That too and my flat is near the station... "But you have a..."Hey, I don't have a friend... Don't think about anything else now. You accepted his offer as there was no other option left before us. But! So it can't be My pictures on his phone... Without thinking much, we moved with him to his house, taking only the essentials. It's just that I can't enjoy the beauty of the new house because I'm away from home. I grew up outside the countryEvery sight here was very beautiful but now that beauty has faded. One eye fell on the picture displayed on the phone... there is no wonder. His mail…. So with a sigh I showed it. The look on that face was a mix of anger and sadness. I'm looking at his face and my face! Only the voices were still there. I am the reason for the days without peace with this... We also thought about themI decided to go alone to the place mentioned by N. I am not the reason for this. But! It seems that Ikka and Inspector Hisham Abraham have a plan. Ika will not cooperate anyway except to leave me alone. Their voices were firm. My legs are stumbling and my lips are touching... My heart is crying out for what's to come... I walked into the large, locked factory that was deserted. What to fear, death...If less... A dark room full of cobwebs and pigeons... As he said, I went up the stairs and there was a noise at the top and there was a person there... useless chairs and tables were lying here and there in various pieces... I walked through it... They... They... " Oh, come... Mrs. Rashid... Do you remember us all... Yes, as if he himself were blurring my vision, that dark day that I did not want to remember appeared in my eyes. I ran away from them and entered the forestT day... They... My insides clenched... The closer they got to me... I... I *to be continued* *✍🏻mihras koduvally* ▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪ *ISHQE-MADEENA* ◾◾◾◾◾◾◾◾◾◾◾