
Widow Of Secret English Version

The Widow Of Secret is a tale of a seer who’d successfully rule the realm, but because of the prophecy’s power, it became a myth. Every weak generation will be targeted, but a knight and low noble title help the princess named Karvia. Karvia, formerly weak from sickness, is different from the spirit of people in the real world. The spirit, although its host body is weak, has intelligence a medicine cook, and archery. Savier land is in desperate need of help, how is Angel now trapped in a princess? And how did the Queen save the Kingdom become a Kingdom is a land of many crops and side dishes in the state of Savier. Savier State is temporarily the smallest island but has a very large population.

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Adriana's Tombstone

The queen who was in the forest was pensive and didn't want to eat. The bright moon illuminates the night as if it did not cause Elzenta to incite the massacre on the island of Savier.

"Kill this old witch, she is the seed of the princess's problem to become stronger," shouted the villagers, making Adriana scared. When the daughter is 2 years old, she can only learn to walk and is often in pain.

Little Karvia was crying at that time and a rainstorm accompanied by rumbling thunder made the royal palace dark. It was the worst incident that ever happened to Elzenta and Karvia, they both had to give up Adriana to drink poison.

"Karvia, whose grave are you at?"

Baritone Leon's voice was ignored by Karvia, she was still rubbing the grave of the old woman who did not have a husband. Adriana went with Elzenta after the King of the island of Savier gave a letter of responsibility which had made the island where Elzenta was born a cursed island.

"This is the grave of Adriana's ancestor, a witch widow and my aunt. When my aunt wanted to be crowned chief physician on the island of Savier the villagers heard rumors that the reason I would destroy the kingdom was due to malpractice."

Leo brushed Karvia's hair.

"Then eat first, that man of mixed blood has made your favorite food and food from across the country."

A woman wearing silk clothes comes.

"Miss, are you still healthy?"

"Dayang, why are you here? Is it okay in the forest?"

"Queen had fainted and had convulsions, here is a medicine from Castle Princess Wolf resting place."

"From my mother, is she all right."

"Young master, don't worry, young lady is healthy and instead tells you and daughter Karvia to get along with each other. Your mother has sent a letter to you."

The queen cares for Karvia, the love she gives us more than Leon's love for Karvia. However, Karvia loves Leon. Often her beloved husband and future king fall asleep. Karvia often gives the scarf and robe that this beautiful, healthy young woman wears to Leon while sleeping. Not only Leon's love but since remembering the past, Karvia and Adriana when playing with Angel had tears in their eyes. Then he often entertained himself by planting plants and concocting medicine.

Now it's 5 pm, time is so fast when going to the royal palace from the forest. Karvia tightened her chest again by gripping her shirt.

"Lady, please bring me a wheelchair."

"No need, sir, I've got a wheelchair in the magic pocket."

A small bag with orange powder that the lady took out of the bag turned into a wheelchair.

"Lady, very quickly learn medical equipment magic."

But when Karvia, the lady, and Leon were busy talking, Karvia suddenly had a seizure and her body fell to the floor.

"Via ... can you see and hear me."

"Sorry, you better give this medicine to the princess. This might help Karvia recover."

"Via you have to be strong, eat and drink water so that you swallow the medicine."

They both took Karvia and left Adriana's grave.


The dense forest that is blooming with orchids marks the day when a snowstorm will come. The queen who ate a piece of bread could not rest easy, since Karvia went to the palace and came to Adriana's grave, it must have made Karvia very busy to make a Decade of Elzenta letter which stated that in ten years the villagers would be able to leave the house because now there is still much cruelty of snake nobles spreading the news. Horrible. The Decade of Elzenta itself is a letter made by Adriana to prosper the women left by the war and eradicate traitors in the kingdom. The Decade written by Karvia is the Decade of Elzenta connection that Adriana made.

Several snake aristocrats who had collapsed Adriana's house made all residents fearful, including the lady Savier who had stayed at Adriana's house, Adriana, since giving a ride to Clare's lady, was very concerned about how to make herbal concoctions and became Adriana's student, at that time Adriana with Elzenta and the wolf daughter talked...

"I want Leon and Karvia to get married, but I'm afraid Karvia will loudly refuse."

"Princess wolf don't need to be afraid, Karvia refuses well but maybe for Leon's sake."

Princess Elzenta is drinking tea in a unique white cup with beautiful flower carvings.

"I will change your name to maiden Savier, to free you from curses and magic."

Then a royal seal necklace is already on Clare's neck. It was the happiest time for the lady Clare, Elzenta, and the wolf princess.

"Sorry, Elzenta's daughter, however you have a higher position. Even though the King is my distant cousin and I am already in the rank of 5 as Chairman on this island, you have more right to call me Belinda. Oh yes, doctor Adriana is sorry if I may know how the put forward has been. e ri Karvia because lately she often sleeps and doesn't wake up. "

Memories of when Karvia was young pop into the head instantly, Angel opened her eyes when she woke up and she was still wearing palace clothes in an imaginary land. At that time, Angel felt that there was a light from her necklace.

"Angel, I will take you in the real world but your spirit can't touch your body because you haven't completed the mission yet."

The woman Angel remembers, who is now sitting next to her is Adriana, an ancestor whose grave is very beautiful and decorated with flowers. While in the village the queen had erected a statue in the Helpedelux area, but because in the south it was close to the sea the statue for the late Adriana was removed. Karvia, who is now reading the legacy of Adriana and the queen's mother Elzenta. The queen loved Karvia very much as a child.

"Big brother Adriana's house on the beach. His village was prosperous, there were fish, seaweed, salt, shellfish and various plants and lots of herbs on the beach. However, due to calamities due to storms as well as tidal waves. on the shores of the sea, who else could it be if it weren't for the cruelty of the serpent lords that made the people of the Helpedelux area poor. "

Belina said, who was communicating with Elzenta, the queen could no longer hold back tears because the Helpedelux area used to be a prosperous place but many people did not protect nature, so disasters were everywhere. To the extent that the king once went from the Savier Violet region which was in the center to see the villagers living in the South area.


Karvia, who was already conscious and her eyes that could see the past, returned to her ancestral grave. Karvia wrinkled her face because she felt she was an Angel who was a reflection of the past where Karvia had played in the eastern region called ELIFARA. He always ran to the east with Adriana. Adriana was very dear and immediately Karvia was in pain when she was tired, she always carried Karvia and brought her to see the full moon.

"Miss, thank you for taking me to the real world."

The memory of him tells of when Adriana was young. Adriana the reliable healer shows Angel's body. But after Angel saw the body lying limp in the hospital had time to make this long-haired girl speechless.

"You know, if it's not finished then your body won't be able to move."

"Then what do I have to do to make me return to my original body?"

"You have to make herbs and keep an eye on the island of Savier, because we need to conserve nature."

Angel who was wearing Karvia's body looked at the beautiful tombstone. Word for word can not be forgotten by Angel when her face is similar to Adriana. The necklace he is wearing now is a sample to validate a will.

"This, what letter?"

"This is a letter to speed up delivery to the villagers."

Just take a short break already have an urgent task. Inner Angela had to stamp the letter to make trading easier. Karvia has to stroke the chest, Karfia's nature now really makes all friends and friends who accompany completing this strange mission with this clever woman have to be patient with Karvia's strange attitude. Karvia is always strange whenever she sees something that has happened for a long time, let alone shed tears even though from a young age she didn't know the look on Adriana's face.

"Karvia, my dear. Take a break, dear, you've exhausted your strength."

"There is still a lot of work to do, prince. If you continue to work your heart will become weak again."

Leo saw Karvia who was active by himself, he could see that Karvia was now diligent in taking care of her and didn't know the meaning of being sick at all. Every time he finished writing a letter, one by one the recipe and recorded every herbal medicine ingredient that he cooked and concocted perfectly and read the dimensions.

"Now you sit down and here I tie your hair. You haven't done your makeup before."

Karvia stopped and sat in front of Leon. Leon skillfully tied Karvia's hair like a professional stylist or royal lady who had been appointed to make up the princesses of various palaces.

Leon arranges by making a bun like a princess from the land of Sakura, even in a fairy tale, every time a flower blooms, you have to wear make-up to celebrate a very rare and holy moment.

Right at that moment, Karvia suddenly laughed until her voice was heard by Leo. Karvia can let go of the burden by joking and chatting with Leo, even after they are done dressing up. Leo bowed.

"Miss, where are you going."

"We go to memorialize Aunt Adriana, she likes orchids."

Leo nodded.

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