
Widow Of Secret English Version

The Widow Of Secret is a tale of a seer who’d successfully rule the realm, but because of the prophecy’s power, it became a myth. Every weak generation will be targeted, but a knight and low noble title help the princess named Karvia. Karvia, formerly weak from sickness, is different from the spirit of people in the real world. The spirit, although its host body is weak, has intelligence a medicine cook, and archery. Savier land is in desperate need of help, how is Angel now trapped in a princess? And how did the Queen save the Kingdom become a Kingdom is a land of many crops and side dishes in the state of Savier. Savier State is temporarily the smallest island but has a very large population.

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17 Chs

Decade to Elzanta

"King, I am very afraid that Prince Leo and princess are sick."

One of the maids came to the tent. Queen is still in a state of sleep. Meanwhile, the King, wearing a crown and robe, was changing his costume to go outside the border and look for sea fish to be used as food and medicine. At that time, the nobleman of the Eagle pounded citrus fruits and turmeric to take blood thinners. The queen was sleeping, the lady who was treating the queen was still compressing.

"Mister Saiyan, did you not go with Havier? You see, the master is keeping an eye on the Princess, Prince, and Queen. You also haven't had breakfast since this morning."

But when everyone was busy, the prince and princess opened their eyes.

"Queen, queen in trouble."

"Calm down Karvia, calm down."

Princess to the tent. The cherry blossoms suddenly appeared. The eagle nobleman on guard immediately lowered his head.

"No need for greetings, what about my mother?"

"The queen was still unconscious while watching you."

"I already guessed, ladies, please bring me the spear I used!"

The lady who was wearing a light blue silk dress was carrying a spear. It was only natural that Karvia's daughter sealed off the Queen's power.

"Karvia, my son, you've realized."

The Princess immediately hugged the Queen. "Your Majesty why just make me sleep why don't you wake me up. Sir, did you see my father?"

"The king has gone beyond the borders in search of medicine."

No one dared to stop the Queen while she was meditating. The queen's magic is indeed very great but there are too many weaknesses, ginger and pandanus that are sought from outside the island alone cannot cure a sick queen. What's more, fish or turmeric, the Queen's power has started to decrease and can't fight back. Karvia quickly put on a robe.

" Come on follow me."

Leo's face immediately flushed red. Karvia held Leo's hand tightly, while the prince felt anxious seeing Karvia.

"Karvia, don't go yet. We have to get ready," said Prince Leo.

"There is already your new friend outside, a prince from across the country. So don't worry."

Karvia's magic is very untraceable by enemy forces because she is wearing the Queen's robe.

"This is called a tactic to fight the enemy," said Leo. He hugged Karvia tightly.

"Ehem ... our war is not over yet, Leo. Karvia hasn't chosen who the king is."

"If these two fight, how can you attack."

If powder magic is used they will know, but if wind energy is used it will make me run out of energy. Inner Karvia.

"What happened to the Queen?" asked the man holding the flute.

"Your hand is here," Leo said.

"Here, what do you want ...," as he spoke.

"This is a spell so you don't run away. It's called a locking style for two pairs of lovers."

Karvia made a portal move and immediately disappeared along with the two charming noblemen.

"We've arrived at the kingdom. Now we take off our coats and I'm going to the room to write a proposal to be sent to the Noble Eagle."

The journey to the kingdom takes two hours if you don't use magic, but Karvia is very clever. Karvia could tell that the opponent was setting any traps. Ya Angel in Karvia's body is like a god of savior for a desert island that can drown or be destroyed due to palace problems. Castle Karvia is currently being borrowed for the research of Prince Leo's birth mother.

Karvia jumped. Leo wanted to call but left first.

"Wow, so this is the daughter of a lowly aristocrat, the child of the King's unauthorized relationship."

"Wow, you as a noble do not reflect good and right ethics. There are children who follow you."

The snake lord immediately fled. Sure enough, if Karvia didn't choose to silence the words of the greedy and stingy royals maybe the rumors might have spread all over the world.

"Queen, I will protect the good name of the kingdom. Until you recover," said Karvia who looked at the clouds. He returned and headed for the room.

"Via, don't you feel sorry for your birth mother."

"Look, who made me out. There are insects that will hurt me. I am strong, not a weak princess and just sitting in a wheelchair."

The butterflies sent by the palace maids hiding in the forest have arrived in the kingdom. Karvia catches and jumps.

"Mother is getting worse, Prince Leo and flute help me put the medicine."

The two men rushed to the medicine storage room. Karvia was taking out a quill and stirring the ink.

All Eagle Nobles.

To make portals and weapons one has to be careful. There is a group of snake aristocrats whose job is to fabricate weapons. I have locked the combat and martial training sites. So to the eagle nobles, don't worry, the enemy's strategic tactic is to spread rumors that are not clear and make all the islanders anxious because of rumors of polluted seawater. To prove poison, the aristocratic bee has obtained the antidote.

signed Karvia Violet First Princess King.

Violet wrapped the letter and tore it apart like powder. The model of the letter was once torn into a thousand letters and scattered in the air. So when it is read by the snake aristocrats, the scorpions and spiders cannot be read because there is already a stamp from the aristocratic Eagle who ordered Karvia.

Karvia, when met by the lady, had already received Mr. Havier's seal.

"Daughter, this is the seal of Mr. Havier. He said that if he wanted to write a letter silencing the rumors using this ink."

"Havier is indeed a skilled ink craftsman, this ink is like an illegible code or symbol. So the trick is to dip it in water and then read it."

"We first go to where the young man is dying, there is still 1 hour to return to the body. This is not a trap for Leo and me but a trap for Queen Elzenta, the people are worried that the rumors have spread and caused chaos on the island."

Karvia who was playing the flute woke up.

"Wow, the queen is playing the flute."

"You guys have found the cure, we have to find some more."

"Karvia for tonight we don't have to go to the forest first, because the seals in the forest are broken and are being installed by pigeons and eagles."

"Does this have anything to do with the strength of my mother and myself?" Via worries that the eagle nobles won't be able to seal the three of them back.

"No, this is weakening because there was someone who wanted to destroy the wall seal with his strength," said the young man holding the flute.

"Your name actually comes from the Zuvikar clan, isn't it a wolf lord and half fox lord."

"You are very clever Miss Karvia, I am indeed a noble and a prince who will duel with your lover. But I am not as bad as the aristocrats who oppose this kingdom. My mission to prosper the people has failed because of their actions."

A pink light came and opened like a screen.

" What is this?" Leo asked.

"This is my magic, to find out who the snake aristocrats are. Mother once told me that snake nobles were the second concubine who married my grandfather."

"This past queen mother as a child, so cruel."

Leo removed the mirror Karvia turned.

"Don't let us see now, they'll target us if they let their guard down."

Karvia, who was excited, suddenly fell, Leo caught.

"Leo and the prince of the island of Wusan. Please bring me the medicine in the drawer."

"Karvia, you have a fever. Why are you like this."

Leo closed Karvia's eyes. A mirror of Leo was shining. And an inscription from the queen.

Is my son all right?

Leo changed the writing, for the second time in two hours and thirty minutes, it was as if Leo was a king guiding the palace in trouble and bringing a dying Queen. The queen Leo was referring to was Karvia, Leo's only true love. Karvia's humorous nature and always emotional when arguing made Leo even closer, what's more, Queen Elzenta entrusted Karvia to this wolf prince.

Now that his father is gone and Leo is attached to the queen and king, if Queen Elzenta wasn't dying and that weak, Leo wouldn't have been this hot. The enemies are aiming for Elzenta's weakness to destroy the shield. But the eagle and dove aristocrats have set traps, the shields and seals have also returned to normal, no one has the slightest hole. With a single seal, the enemy was already on fire and the arrows that attacked were like a boomerang. What's more, sealed with magic the location of the queen and king is invisible. The nobles who attacked the weak have also been captured, the eagle nobles have white butterflies as soldiers or spies. Even those who attacked the elders had already been caught.

The palace elders are island guards who help the queen in giving birth to Karvia. At that time Karvia was several months old and small, the elders every day gave prayers and medicines for Karvia, including ginger to warm her body. As well as making a team of corn and carrots porridge for Karvia's health.

Lately, many witches and elders have been arrested by people who rejected the king when issuing a letter that every resident on the island of Savier should not slander, and should criticize if there are one or two mistakes.

Several times the queen ordered the serpent lord not to imprison the elder instead the queen's orders were opposed. Many of the weak and poor people are oppressed and they are afraid because of the rumors of Karvia returning to the kingdom. But the queen immediately distributed a letter which contained Karvia Trapping the Black Witch.


all the inhabitants were calm, but now there are new rumors that the queen has given poison to the rivers and seas. It was then that the decade to Elzenta was issued by Karvia by sending a letter printed in black and blue ink that only all who wore mirrors and water could read.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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