
Widow Of Secret English Version

The Widow Of Secret is a tale of a seer who’d successfully rule the realm, but because of the prophecy’s power, it became a myth. Every weak generation will be targeted, but a knight and low noble title help the princess named Karvia. Karvia, formerly weak from sickness, is different from the spirit of people in the real world. The spirit, although its host body is weak, has intelligence a medicine cook, and archery. Savier land is in desperate need of help, how is Angel now trapped in a princess? And how did the Queen save the Kingdom become a Kingdom is a land of many crops and side dishes in the state of Savier. Savier State is temporarily the smallest island but has a very large population.

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Orchid Flower Night

"Karvia, I have prepared a hot tub for your ritual... so with this you will be healthy again."

"Le, are you sure they will come?"

Leo guided Karvia and waited for Princess Savier to finish the bathing ritual.

"Wow, thanks Leo. I'll call you Leo or Leon."

"It's up to my wife, the important thing is that you must not be weak in front of the nobles who oppose you."

Cherry blossoms appeared in the bathroom, Karvia dressed like a queen from the land of cherry blossoms. The night of the orchid on the island of Savier was a holy night for nobles who had trained their magic powers. What's more, since the King and Queen reigned that the night of the orchid there was a tea banquet, dances from various worlds, and also discussed how the island would develop and not be easily defeated by traitors or outside attacks who wanted to target Savier's island weakness. Various rituals are carried out so that the hosts are not lured by traitors starting from the holy bath which is usually done to change themselves or makeup. Leo had prepared a ritual bath, from cherry blossoms, orchids, pandan leaves, and turmeric had been put into the bath provided for Karvia. Karvia needed an extra ritual to transform herself to protect the mermaid and the ancestral spirits that came.

The royal palace was also decorated by Leon and the half-fox wolf blood prince. Ornaments ranging from gardens, meeting rooms, and fences have been painted to make the palace as usual. Since being left by Karvia, the king, and queen of the palace became full of dust and cobwebs. Because today is the most important day and Karvia's return to the palace to commemorate Adriana's death, today is the right day for the kingdom to celebrate the Orchid Flower Night.

"Alright, I'm ready. Don't worry, all the baths you prepared helped me to change my appearance."

"You are indeed Karvia's beautiful daughter. Have you prepared the paperwork to do?"

Leo, a good husband and smells like Almonds, which I like as a routine for bathing, even though today I want to do some of it. Karvia thought. Her nature is getting more and more like Angel's nature, Angel's spirit changes everything from Karvia's habits.

"Leo, can I hold back my emotions. After they played with the villagers and the hungry people."

"They don't know your weakness, so greedy nobles can't make you miserable. Muaaah."

"This kiss you just save it, it's time to prove who is the strongest. Leo take care of yourself."

"Okay, I'll take care of myself."

Leo made a potion and put it on Karvia's table. He had to be strong for Karvia's party, the Orchid Night party was only once and today. If they didn't see Karvia, surely those who refused the marriage of another clan would guess that Karvia and the kingdom were still taking cover to attack. Why didn't my parents believe that in the modern world there were still wizards or something? Inner Angel is still amazed by his appearance now. Karvia makes up the room and the entire room with magic, Leo helps Karvia because the magic power of the princess he loves is still recovering and orders the queen to take care of Karvia every time she makes a plan. Various ways to treat the cursed wounds of the evil sorcerer, medicinal plants were put into the bath to speed up blood circulation which made Karvia sick.

Leo, maybe after this war is over I won't be able to meet you and the Karvia you know is dead. I am not your legal wife who can forever be queen. I'm just Angela carrying out the task of saving the kingdom of Savier. Violet thought.

Many villagers became victims of clan wars. Because of the marriage of different clans and blood, some hate the new kingdom.

Karvia was stunned to see Leon who was wearing a robe and noble clothes. "Would you like to dance with me in the ball room, miss."

If I can recover, maybe you don't need to prepare this bathing ritual. But I thank you for loving this weak princess. He took the prince's hand affectionately. Like two doves that are hard to separate. He looked up and down the clothes that made Leo look handsome and luxurious. Then, she walked gracefully and all the ladies-in-waiting paid their respects. The door of the room was opened and the guests were whispering because they saw Karvia and Leon.

Karvia gave a warm smile to the noble.

"Ladies and gentlemen, did you enjoy the palace banquet?"

"Wow, Miss you dare to come to the palace. Aren't you the child of the King and Queen's affair."

"I am indeed the son of an illicit relationship with the king and queen, but in this body there is no sin at all."

"Nobles who gossip, you can't be called royalty if you act like 3-year-old children," Leon said. The dashing prince grabbed Princess Karvia's hand.

"Sorry, I came late because of a call."

Everyone dances and follows the rhythm. No one dared to utter a hurtful sentence. Leo is very good at silencing the mouth of a bitter noble. Leo danced with Karvia cheerfully as the rhythm changed.

"I'm not a strong Juliet, this disease will probably eat my body."

"You can't go."

Karvia took out her wand. He took it from a tightly connected pine tree. The pine tree and Karvia have a relationship, when Karvia was three years old in the forest her father had made a magic wand. That's when Karvia said.

"Dad, this tree is cute. I stroked my head."

The king bowed, "Are you sure. Peter for me to split and make you a stick."

"Sir, I already have memories of Karvia as a baby. I'm crying why you didn't take her to safety, when I was a teenager I would serve and become a precious heirloom. So use me to make sticks."

It was a full moon day and Karvia was so cute.

"Karvia, when you are having trouble use the stick that dad made, okay?"

At this moment Karvia looked at the stick. Karvia cast a Wand spell, then the empty glass suddenly filled with a delicious sampan. Did he tell me that the real Karvia likes the magic wand made by the King? Angel's mind.

Then the ladies-in-waiting provided a cake with ingredients from chicory. Various ways have been done by the palace maid to get her magic out. Starting from cutting with a golden knife, and on a midsummer night especially on this Orchid Night. Every corner of the room also has chicory roots to block obstacles for Karvia and the two princes. Karvia also had time to drink chicory every day to remove the evil curse of the black magician who conspired with the three nobles. Leon had seen from the mirror, that the serpent, spider, and scorpion noble paid a high price for the black magician who escaped from the palace for 3000 pounds. The bat aristocrat or Dracula gave his blood to Karvia as medicine to increase magic energy.

"Leon and Karvia you guys need help?"

Leon who saw Steve suddenly roared.

"Honey, I did. He helped me give me half the blood to drink. During the war, he first helped me treat heart disease."

"Sorry, I can't make you happy."

"Steve, you're Aunt Adrian's cousin. Have you found any evidence of who framed Aunt?"

"I've found, they are here. You have to be careful."

Karvia turned to the green snake. "Watch out, this is a curse. You guys dodge." Karvia took out a sword then cherry blossoms appeared.

"This is the cherry blossom dance technique, from which he is good at playing the sword. He has been disabled all this time."

Was engraved the emblems of a wolf and a fox on the sword.

"No way, it's also the sword of the Eagle lord."

"Everyone escape!!!"

"Do you want me to cut you down here. But I don't want to dirty my uncle's sword and this weak hand."


Leo saw the wall in the ballroom bearing a European script which means shield from the word self-protection. He took out his shield and wand to calm things down. Fortunately, a bookseller knows that Angel has energy like Demeter, so the necklace and books he bought can make Karvia live again with Angel's spirit. And now the goddess of nature Demeter chose her as the savior of Adrian and the island of Savier. Maybe for Angel, this was luck, but it was the fact that her body was still lying in the hospital and the spirit trapped in Karvia's frail body. The cherry blossoms on the floor, formed into stars and formed an eternal seal. Leo was also given the power of the god of war, Ares, Karvia saw that Leo, who was very good at playing the sword, was fascinated and asked Leo to teach him how to fight like a sword knight, even though the wolf princess with the blood of a white magician was good at archery, but not everything he could learn and memorize. In the garden tonight, a gourd with a face engraved on it has also been installed to block the forces of evil. It's not Halloween for the three of them, but a pumpkin spell that is formulated by a very powerful lady-in-waiting, exorcism, and forbidden curses.

Orchid night was used by many royal traitors, at this time Karvia was careless because she mingled with the guests. Don't know among all the guests present whether one or three have ever harmed the queen and Karvia.

"Are the lanterns and gourds set up in the yard?"

"Yes, Miss. We've even cast a self-protection spell as well."

"Thank you, you can go."

From outside, the sound of fireworks was heard in the banquet hall, the guests were invited to the courtyard and saw the fireworks being lit. Karvia and the two princes raised their sticks and the cherry blossoms fell on the island of Savier.

"Amazing, no one ever set off fireworks and now the cherry blossoms are falling." A Dracula noble named Heri was amazed by this magnificent party.

Yes, this is what is called Orchid Night. The night where all the witches were meditating.

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