
why the monsters have health bar?

Li Jing traveled through time and entered a modern world where all people cultivate immortality. Everything here must be driven by the spiritual energy gained through one's own cultivation. With no relatives, no money in his pocket, and no knowledge of how to practice cultivation, life was difficult. Until Li Jing walked into a spiritual chicken shop and found that he could see the health bars of the spiritual chickens. ...

Wanted_Lama · Urban
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47 Chs

chapter -19 the witch


The address Liu Sisi gave was not too far away.

In just half an hour, Li Jing arrived.

This was his first time coming to Liu Sisi's residence.

Standing outside the community and looking around, Li Jing couldn't help but sigh.

As expected, there is no comparison between people.

The community here is quite a high-end apartment park.

Judging from the appearance of the building, it was probably built just a few years ago.

In the park, there is carefully taken care of greenery everywhere, and there is even a small park.

Looking at the supporting facilities, the apartments inside are certainly not cheap.

After crossing the access control and entering the community, Li Jing quickly found Building No. 9.

Taking the elevator to the sixth floor of Building 9, Li Jing rang the doorbell of Room 601.

There was a "ding-dong" sound.

Liu Sisi's voice came from the doorbell pager.

"Li Jing?"

"Yes, it's me."

Li Jing responded through the pager.

Before he finished speaking, the door opened.

Liu Sisi, who was clearly dressed carefully, walked out with a smile.

"You came here very quickly. I was thinking that I wanted to blow-dry my hair and take care of it. You don't mind if I just go out like this, right?" " It's

Just a meal; there's no need to be so particular."

Li Jing smiled Laugh, said.

"Besides, Sister Sisi, you are naturally beautiful. You look good no matter what you wear. Why should I mind?"


Liu Sisi raised her eyebrows.

"It's only been two days since I last saw you. How come your mouth has become so sweet?"

"It's not a question of whether you are sweet or not. I'm just stating the facts."

Li Jing said calmly.

"What do you want to eat?"

"Hot pot."

Liu Sisi closed the door and said,.

"There just happened to be a new hot pot restaurant opened near the community. It's on sale. Let's go there to eat."


After a while, the two went downstairs and walked out of the community.

The hot pot restaurant that Liu Sisi fell in love with was just two blocks away from the community.

Talking and laughing all the way to the hot pot restaurant, the two of them were just about to enter when a slim woman in front of the counter caught Li Jing's attention.

The woman's appearance is very exquisite.


It's seductive.

The figure contoured by the body-sculpting Cheongsam is indescribable.

Very provocative.

But this alone was not enough for Li Jing to pay attention.

Having seen such beauties before traveling through time, he might not be able to help but look at them a few more times.

A man!

Just have some hobbies!

As a certain old man said.

Watching girls is just for physical and mental pleasure.

But after traveling through time, Li Jing was really numb.

This world is full of beauty.

After all, everyone here is cultivating immortality, and at worst, there is a level of cultivation.

Not only is there nourishing spiritual energy in the body, but there are also various spiritual things that can beautify the body and make it enjoyable.

Even if it is only one level, a woman who is running to the fourth level can live to be eighteen, but she will spend more money.

What Li Jing really cares about.

He saw a blood strip above the woman's head that was longer than stinky tofu.

The blood bar is marked with numbers as high as 3926!

Li Jing didn't dare to say anything else.

But if he could see the blood bar, the woman in the store must not be human!

Humanoid monster!?

Li Jing was surprised and doubtful, but he remained calm on the outside as he walked into the hotpot restaurant with Liu Sisi.

When he saw the woman, his front feet were already on the threshold of the store door. If he said he wanted to leave now, he would attract attention.

Humanoid monsters mingle among human society and usually do not harm people.

But making him feel threatened is another matter.

Most of the recorded incidents of humanoid monsters hurting people were mostly caused by someone having a conflict with them and being jealous of them.

The remaining small part was caused by humanoid monsters who accidentally exposed themselves and killed people.

It cannot be said that there are no real humanoid monsters that intentionally harm people.

But the highly intelligent humanoid monster is not stupid. It knows that if you want to survive in human society, you must put away your wild nature, follow the Romans, and become a "good citizen.".

When Li Jing and Liu Sisi walked into the store, a waitress immediately greeted them.

"How many are there?"

"Just the two of us."

Liu Sisi replied with a smile.

"You two, please follow me."

The waitress said this, turning around to lead the way.

Liu Sisi stepped up to catch up, pinched Li Jing quietly, gritted her teeth, and spoke in a voice that only the two of them could hear.

"How about you, kid? You complimented me on my good looks earlier! Now you can't take your eyes away when you see a beautiful woman. Can you give me some face when you're out?"

Li Jing heard the sound and sneered, looking away from the woman in front of the counter. .

If you are doing a show, you must do a full set.

The woman in front of the counter was really taboo to him.

Taking the health bar of Stinky Tofu 3267 as a reference, the blood bar of non-human creatures roughly represents a realm every 1500 intervals.

It can be inferred from this that the woman in front of the counter is almost in the middle stage of the Three Realms.

But if you really want to say that Li Jing is hypocritical, he is not.

On the one hand, the opponent has a bright health bar.

On the other hand, this woman's human form is so alluring, so he can look at her with confidence and boldness.

It's inappropriate to deliberately avoid taboos, isn't it?

In fact.

At this moment, almost all the male customers in the store, including those who are eating, will look at women from time to time and pay attention to a beautiful woman.

It's just that the woman was sitting in front of the counter, looking lazy, holding her mobile phone, not knowing what she was doing, and never paying attention to anyone.

Now Liu Sisi had an opinion, so Li Jing naturally couldn't stare anymore.

When someone looked back, Liu Sisi pouted, causing Lao Gao to glare at him.

Following the waiter and sitting down at an empty table, Liu Sisi stretched out her hand.

"Mobile phone."


Li Jing obediently took out his mobile phone, unlocked the fingerprint lock, and held it up with both hands.

Liu Sisi couldn't help but snort when she saw his desperate look on his face. She took the phone and scanned the order code on the corner of the table. She glanced at the woman on the counter and hummed in a low voice.

"The proprietor of this store is really eye-catching. She is on the cover of this store on the store review app. Many people come just to catch a glimpse of her beauty."

Is the woman on the counter the proprietor of a hot pot restaurant?

Li Jingcuo turned his head in shock, then looked back and lowered his voice.

"Sister Sisi, do you know what her name is?"

"This is my first time back; how can I know what her name is?"

Liu Sisi pouted, pretending to be sad.

"Are you so interested in her? Is it because your boss's wife is no longer popular or something? Are you thinking about someone else's?"


Li Jing was dumbfounded.

Liu Sisi was obviously joking.

But this is not something you can accept casually.

Does his boss lady smell good?

That's for sure!

Even if it doesn't smell good, he still has to say it smells good.

This is the principle.

It is also a desire for survival that a man should have.

It's very shameful to mention the problem, isn't it?

With Liu Sisi's personality, if he really answered the question, he might be talking about something else.

Not knowing how to respond, Liu Sisi raised his phone and displayed the ordering interface.

"I'm a little unhappy now. Do you think I should turn my grief and anger into appetite and fill my stomach with more delicious food?"

!!! !

Li Jing.

"My deposit is only 4,000. Sister Sisi, please take it easy."


Liu Sisi was slightly stunned.

"You spent all your five hundred thousand so quickly?"

"It's gone after learning two spells."

Li Jing spread his hands.

"Like this?"

Liu Sisi blinked and said it with a bad smile.

"You can't eat that much for a hot pot meal. 4,000 is enough."


Li Jing.

Seeing someone gradually becoming more and more hopeless, Liu Sisi was overjoyed and said it with a smile.

    "OkI'm not a pig; how can I afford 4,000 for a hot pot?"

She said again.

"In addition, I have found a buyer for your monster chicken. The transaction price is $600,000. The things have been sent to me, but the money has not yet arrived in my account. I will transfer the extra $100,000 to you. Save some money."

Hearing that the demon chicken had been sold for a hundred thousand more, Li Jing suddenly felt that he could do it again.

"Money is not in a hurry. Sister Sisi, just order this meal to satisfy yourself."

Liu Sisi laughed when she heard this, rolled her eyes at him, and lowered her head to order.
