
why the monsters have health bar?

Li Jing traveled through time and entered a modern world where all people cultivate immortality. Everything here must be driven by the spiritual energy gained through one's own cultivation. With no relatives, no money in his pocket, and no knowledge of how to practice cultivation, life was difficult. Until Li Jing walked into a spiritual chicken shop and found that he could see the health bars of the spiritual chickens. ...

Wanted_Lama · Urban
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47 Chs

chapter -20 pure money relationship


This hot pot meal finally killed more than 500 Li Jings.

Considering the consumption level in Jianghai City, it is quite satisfactory.

Not too expensive or too cheap.

After eating and drinking, Li Jing sent Liu Sisi back to the apartment.

After bidding farewell to Liu Sisi and walking out of the community, Li Jing glanced in the direction of the hot pot restaurant and started on his way home.

Li Jing had no intention of contacting the proprietor of the hot pot restaurant.

I didn't intend to expose it either.

He is Li Jing.

He is not a monk who will be beaten to death if he is not a human being at first sight.

This world is very tolerant of monsters.

But, to be honest, being a demon is not easy either.

It can almost be said that they exist in the cracks of the human world, with no guarantee of survival.

Li Jing is not the Holy Mother.

But in his opinion.

She keeps to herself and runs a hot pot restaurant, and she neither hurts anyone nor breaks the law. I can't break her stable life just because I can see that she is a monster.

People are divided into good and evil.

How about a humanoid monster with high intelligence?

There is a lot of evil that is forced out.

At least that's what Li Jing saw.

The proprietor of the hot pot restaurant is harmless to humans and animals. She always plays the role of a "poster girl." She sits on the counter and is addicted to a certain mobile game called Glory of the Immortal King.

Occasionally talk to shop assistants and customers in a friendly manner.


It's almost three o'clock in the afternoon.

Li Jing returned to Close Moon Garden.

As soon as he opened the door of the villa, Li Jing saw Stinky Tofu lying in the living room with his limbs tied up and a roll of tape wrapped around his mouth.

Suddenly seeing such a joyous scene, Li Jing's mouth twitched again and again.

Sensing someone entering the door, Stinky Tofu raised his head and glanced up.

Seeing that it was Li Jing who had returned, tears quickly filled his big, lively eyes.

With that look, you feel as much grief as you want.

Li Jing smiled when he saw this, looked up at the second floor, ignored the aggrieved stinky tofu, and went straight back to his room.

After all, he has to go to work at night.

It's already three o'clock, so I need to get serious and recuperate.

With spiritual power, his body doesn't tire easily.

Staying awake for days and nights is not a problem.

But if you don't sleep for a long time, you will inevitably feel mentally depressed.

Stinky tofu situation.

Li Jing probably disturbed Chen Yuran to sleep.

He couldn't control this matter, and he didn't bother to do it.

To be more serious.

Stinky Tofu is a three-dimensional spiritual beast.

How could ordinary ropes and tapes possibly restrain it?

The reason why it was lying there like a salted fish at this time was that it was cowardly at best and did not dare to break free from the restraints left by Chen Yuran.


a blink of an eye.

The time came to eight o'clock in the evening.

Li Jing took a rest and woke up naturally.

Walk out of the room.

Stinky Tofu was still lying in the living room with his limbs tied, and Chen Yuran was not there.

But the lights on the first floor were turned on, so she must have gotten up.

Glancing at the dog, his eyes were full of sorrow, as if asking why you didn't rescue my stinky tofu. Li Jing looked upstairs.

It's a coincidence.

As soon as he raised his eyes, Chen Yuran, wearing cartoon pajamas and sleepy eyes, walked down the stairs.

Leng Buding and Li Jing met their eyes, and Chen Yuran paused. He instinctively wanted to retreat but felt it was inappropriate, so he straightened his messy, long hair and came down.

"When did you come back?"


Li Jing responded, pretending not to notice her slovenly appearance.

"Did you just wake up?"


Chen Yuran nodded.

Seeing that Li Jing didn't care about her unkempt appearance, she relaxed a lot.

Living under the same roof is quite inconvenient, to be honest.

But since Li Jing didn't care, she didn't need to care about this.

Chen Yuran walked to the sofa and sat down, sighing softly.

"I'll clean up later, and it's time to go to work again."

"I have to go to work later too."

Li Jing replied.

"Today I went to the Auxiliary Investigation Department, passed the exam, and was assigned to the patrol team."

"Auxiliary Investigation Department?"

Chen Yuran was stunned.

"Why did you suddenly go to the Auxiliary Examination Department to take the exam?"

"I can barely get a foothold in Jianghai now. Don't you think I should get a serious job?"

Li Jing asked back.


Chen Yuran blinked, feeling fine, and shrugged.

"That's right, you should find a serious job. If you put aside your second-level cultivation to kill chickens in a chicken shop, you won't get ahead if you are overqualified or underqualified. Men should be a little more motivated."

She said it with great interest. .

"The timing of your search is very good. The patrol team of the Assistant Investigation Section was a special establishment established yesterday. It has the authority to control the air in the city. But if you become the assistant inspector, what will happen to the chicken shop?"

Before Li Jing could say anything, she gave a gossipy look.

"The wife of the chicken shop took you in, and she is always kind to you. I saw that she was quite close to you that night. You shouldn't give up all the time, right?""

I will go to Sister Sisi's place as usual."

Li Jing responded and said,.

"The chicken shop has to be renovated recently and cannot be opened. I will make adjustments when it resumes business."

After that, he added.

"Sister Sisi and I are not what you think. Don't talk nonsense."

    "TI just said it casually. Why are you so serious?"

Chen Yuran smacked his lips and said,.

"If you really had an affair with the chicken shop proprietress, you wouldn't have to go out to look for an apartment, would you?"

As she spoke, she took out her cell phone and fiddled with it a few times.

At the same time, the mobile phone in Li Jing's pocket vibrated.

Subconsciously taking out his cell phone, Li Jing found that it was Chen Yuran who had sent the red envelope.

When he clicked it and saw it was one hundred yuan, he raised his eyes strangely.

Before he could speak, Chen Yuran winked.

"I'm hungry. Let's order."


Li Jing.

When he came to the villa to see Chen Yuran yesterday, he could tell that the former was actually not that rigid in private.

However, due to the frequent demonization incidents that occurred in Beicheng District, Chen Yuran had to work overtime as an on-the-job patrol, and the two did not have time to have any contact.

However, Li Jing was actually a bit confused when it came to handing out red envelopes and ordering food.

Sisters, do you want this to be so logical?

Looking at the one hundred yuan he had received, Li Jing asked her with a smile on his face.

"What do you want to eat?"

"Fried noodles. I have to take over at nine o'clock. I can't wait that long."

Chen Yuran laughed.

"Okay, just wait for me, and I'll be ready soon."

Li Jing said this and walked to the kitchen.

One hundred yuan is just a small amount of money.

But one portion of fried noodles can earn you a hundred dollars in blood.

Li Jing doesn't hate this pure-money relationship.

Mainly, it's because of poverty.

With such a down-to-earth, rich woman by your side, how can you not take advantage of her?


The night is getting darker.

After Chen Yuran ate fried noodles and left, Li Jing thought it was almost time and left the villa.

Before going out, he freed the stinky tofu.

    no way.

I don't know why the stinky tofu is making such a fuss during the day, but Chen Yuran has no intention of liberating it.

This stupid dog is so pitiful.

About five minutes before ten o'clock, Li Jing came to the open space behind the assistant inspection compound.

By this time, everyone else had arrived.

On the first day of work, they never slacked off.

What makes Li Jing feel a little bit pained?

Although Yi Xiuzhu and Lu Yangcheng, who were in the same group with him, were standing together now, they both looked like they had never interacted with each other, and they stood there without any communication.

When Yi Xiuzhu saw Li Jing arriving, he nodded.

Lu Yangcheng greeted him warmly.

"King of Heaven, you're finally here. We've been waiting for you for a while."

Li Jinggang was about to reply when Kong Wu came from the air and landed on the field.

Seeing that nine people had arrived, he took out more than ten standard swords with a wave of his hand.

"Everyone is here; let's not talk much. There are knives and swords in the assistant inspection standard weapons. You can choose one according to your preference."

As he said that, he looked at Yi Xiuzhu.

"Yi Xiuzhu, you have a ready-made flying sword, but it's best to choose one too. During duty, try not to use 'private soldiers' unless necessary. The impact will be bad.""


Yi Xiuzhu responded and stepped forward to get it. A standard long sword.

With him taking the lead, the others stepped forward one by one and took out the auxiliary inspection standard weapons according to their own preferences.

Li Jing's choice is the knife.


Known as the King's Soldier.

It looks cool when played.

He won't solve the problem.

The auxiliary inspection standard weapon is not a first-level treasure weapon but a relatively strong mortal weapon with the ability to carry spiritual energy and cannot be driven by magic related to controlling objects.

Something that can only be held in hand for gestures.

For Li Jing, a sword is definitely not as good as a knife.

The use of swords requires skills and routines.

Not so with knives.

Even if you don't know how to use a knife, you can still pick up a knife to chop melons and vegetables.

Get the standard steel knife.

Li Jing was about to take a closer look when a notification sound suddenly sounded in his ears.

"I found that the equipment is a weapon-level assistant inspection standard steel knife. It can be logged in as exclusive equipment. Do you want to log in?""

Tip: After the equipment is logged in, it can be put into the body at any time. During this period, the related items will continue to be nourished by spiritual power, improving toughness, strength, and quality. The efficiency depends on the strength of the spiritual power."
