
why the monsters have health bar?

Li Jing traveled through time and entered a modern world where all people cultivate immortality. Everything here must be driven by the spiritual energy gained through one's own cultivation. With no relatives, no money in his pocket, and no knowledge of how to practice cultivation, life was difficult. Until Li Jing walked into a spiritual chicken shop and found that he could see the health bars of the spiritual chickens. ...

Wanted_Lama · Urban
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47 Chs

chapter -18 a trio with a worrying future



Li Jing coughed.

In the written test, he was quite confident.

Who knew that he didn't even reach the passing line and relied on extra points to barely pass the line?

What else is there to say?

Stay alive!

Li Jing said, straightening his back.

"Examiner Kong, oh no! Sir! I feel very honored to be able to follow a strong person in the Three Realms like you. I am willing to join the patrol team, and please take care of me in the future, sir."

Upon hearing someone's voice full of desire for survival, Kong Wu had a bright smile on his face.

"Taking care of you, that's for sure. After all, among the people who came to take the exam today, you are the one who makes me most satisfied."

Li Jing burst into tears.

What are you most satisfied with?

This guy clearly holds a grudge!

When other people present saw that Li Jing was being "cared for," they all looked at him with their noses.

As the saying goes,.

A dead Taoist friend will never die, but a poor Taoist will.

It would definitely not be easy to hang out with such a wonderful person as Kong Wu.

It would be great to have Li Jing in front to block the gun.

After Kong Wu had a "friendly exchange" with Li Jing, he looked at the crowd without being too aggressive.

"Since no one here has any objections, I will accept that you are willing to join the ninth patrol group. The patrol mission is based on a three-person team, and the grouping is decided by you." I heard that the group will

be divided into three-person teams. Look, everyone. Look at me, and I look at you, staying away from Li Jing in a very tacit understanding.

But there is one person who is an exception.

Yi Xiuzhu walked to Li Jing's side without hesitation.

"Brother Li, I'll team up with you."


Li Jing.

This shout of "Brother Li" flattered him.

However, facing Yi Xiuzhu, he just wanted to say, "Don't come over."

Among the people who came to take the exam today, Yi Xiuzhu was the most abnormal.

If there is any choice,.

Li Jing would definitely not choose Yi Xiuzhu.

This guy would draw his flying sword and rub it on his neck whenever he disagreed. God knows how he usually behaves.

In addition, Li Jingyou noticed.

Ever since he laid Kong Wudian down, Yi Xiuzhu looked at him very strangely and made people very uncomfortable.

Li Jing said, forcing out a smile.

"Brother Li, just call me Li Jing."

"Easy to say."

Yi Xiuzhu nodded.

Watching Yi Xiuzhu and Li Jing come together, the others hurriedly divided into groups.

Groups are divided into groups of three.

Yi Xiuzhu and Li Jing.

If one is abnormal, the other will receive special care from Kong Wu.

Together, these two are like a pair of swords!

There is still one person missing from the group. Who wants to join them?

Naturally, Lu Yangcheng was left alone.


Lu Yangcheng.

Wu Yan looked at his colleagues, who had formed two groups. He twitched the corner of his mouth and silently walked to Li Jing and Yi Xiuzhu.

"You two, I'm with you."

Yi Xiuzhu didn't like Lu Yangcheng very much.

Since he was going to be in the same group next, he reluctantly nodded.

Li Jing looked at Lu Yangcheng, who had no choice but to come over, and felt dumbfounded.

He was not surprised that this person would be alone.

Among the nine people left behind by Kong Wu, Lu Yangcheng was the only one with entry-level attack spells.

On the premise that there is a choice, no one will definitely choose him.

The proficiency of the attack spell is only entry-level, and its power is almost negligible. At most, it can only be used to bluff people.

Thinking that this person was a normal person, Li Jing subconsciously wanted to say hello.

Before he could speak, Kong Wu looked over.

"Li Jing, you will be the team leader for the time being. There is nothing wrong with Yi Xiuzhu. Lu Yangcheng, you should be more patient."


Li Jing tilted his head.


Yi Xiuzhu turned around.


Lu Yangcheng frowned.

When the three people paid attention, Kong Wu said it calmly.

"Li Jing, your written test passed the mark after all, including bonus points. Lu Yangcheng is one of the six people I just mentioned who failed the written test, and he was in the bottom five points.""


Li Jing couldn't believe it. Looking back, he looked at Lu Yangcheng.

Five points?


TM is all multiple-choice questions. Even if you use a mask, you won't only get five points, right?

Yi Xiuzhu looked at Lu Yangcheng from the side, with the same strange look on his face.

Lu Yangcheng was publicly executed; his face turned pale, and he spoke shyly.

"Don't look at me like this; I'm just in a bad state today. Normally, passing the passing mark would not be a problem.""


Li Jing was speechless.

He felt that he needed to retract his previous evaluation of Lu Yangcheng.

This guy is not a normal person, either.

Five points for the written test!

This guy came to take the exam, and it's obvious that he didn't do any homework!

Li Jing couldn't understand.

Why would Kong Wu let this guy stay?

It is true that the threshold for auxiliary examination is low, but it is still part of the system.

How can this be done without even understanding the basic bill?

The other two groups of people looked at Lu Yangcheng, and while they were glad that they did not choose to be in the same group as him, they also had doubts about this.

At this time, Kong Wu spoke.

"Don't think that if you can stay today, you can hang out in the auxiliary examination department as you like. The Auxiliary Examination Department will conduct an internal assessment for new recruits at the end of every month. The basic bill assessment is the most important part, and it is more difficult than today's exam papers. Much higher. Anyone who fails the internal assessment will be kicked out, and there is no possibility of exceptions."

After finishing speaking, he added.

"I will not disclose the written test results of other people one by one. What I can tell you is that, including those who have reported to Chu Fucha, if those who come to take the test today do not seriously study various basic bills, I am afraid there will be no results at the end of the month. Only one person can pass the internal assessment of newcomers."

After hearing these words, everyone present felt a sense of crisis.

None of these speculators can claim to have thoroughly studied the basic bill.

According to what Kong Wu said,.

Today's test is just the "appetizer.".

The real focus is the internal assessment of newcomers at the end of the month.

If you can't pass normally, you have to pack up and leave.

Seeing everyone's expression change, Kong Wu smiled evilly.

"In short, you will work hard this month. I won't say more here. Gather here at ten o'clock tonight. At that time, I will assign you specific patrol tasks and issue documents, uniforms, and standard equipment."


A few minutes later.

Li Jing, Yi Xiuzhu, and Lu Yangcheng walked out of the assistant investigation compound together.

As soon as they walked out of the door, Lu Yangcheng looked at the two of them.

"It's dinner time. Do you want to have a meal together? I'll treat you."

"Forget it; we'll wait until you can stay for the assessment at the end of the month."

Yi Xiuzhu responded coldly and looked at Li Jing.

"I'm going back to rest first. See you at ten o'clock in the evening."

After saying that, he walked straight to the street, stopped a taxi, got in, and left.

Seeing that Yi Xiuzhu didn't even want to pay attention to him, Lu Yangcheng didn't look good, but he didn't get angry with him.

"What do you say, King of Heaven?"


Li Jing twitched the corner of his mouth.

He has long been used to being called the King of Heaven.

Who told him to call him Li Jing?

No matter before or after time travel, most acquaintances call him this.

The question is, did he and Lu Yangcheng just meet?

Looking at Lu Yangcheng and then at the direction where Yi Xiuzhu was leaving in the car, Li Jing felt very tired.

Putting aside the rookie assessment, there is something wrong with his trio, and the future is worrying.

Sighing secretly, Li Jingying responded.

"I'm going back to rest first. I didn't sleep last night in order to cope with today's assessment. I have to go back to replenish my energy.""

Okay, we'll see you tonight."

Lu Yangcheng responded and also hailed a taxi on the street.

Li Jing was not as luxurious as Lu Yangcheng and Yi Xiuzhu, so he chose to walk to the Moon Garden.

Taking a taxi is very expensive.

On the way back to Guanyue Garden, he took out his mobile phone.

As soon as he turned on the screen, he found that there was a fifty-yuan red envelope from Chen Yuran in the fairy letter, and there was another message.

"Breakfast is okay; I'll pay you for the food. I haven't slept all day, and I'm going to sleep first. Don't bother me when you come back. I get up very angry."

Chen Yuran's message specifically mentioned that he was very angry when he got up. Li Jing grinned and accepted the red envelope without replying to the message.

He found Liu Sisi on his friends list, and Li Jing edited the information.

"Sister Sisi, I have passed the supplementary examination for the time being. But whether I can stay or not depends on the new employee assessment at the end of the month."

I don't know if Liu Sisi can't open a store. She has nothing to do at home and can only hold her mobile phone.

Li Jinggang sent the message, and Liu Sisi responded quickly.

"It's only been two days, and you're already going to take the exam? Fortunately, you passed!""

Beicheng District is not peaceful these days. If you choose this time to take the exam, I'm afraid you will be very busy after joining the job.""

  I'm still lying in bed without lunch. How about I give you a chance to treat me to a meal to celebrate your successful employment?"

Liu Sisi sent out three sex messages in a row, which immediately gave Li Jing a hard time.

The first two messages were nothing.

What's the last one?

Celebrating his successful hiring and then giving him a treat?

Li Jing raised his hand and rubbed his eyebrows, then opened his account and took a look.

Account balance: 4234.

Recent transaction record: red envelope +50.

Thinking that he had not invited Liu Sisi to dinner after knowing her for so long, Li Jing hesitated for a while before replying to the message.

"Okay, but you can't eat anything too expensive."


Liu Sisi replied quickly and then sent another message.

"No. 1088 Tianbei Road, Room 601, 6th Floor, Building 9, Jingxiang Apartment, come pick me up."


Li Jing..