
why the monsters have health bar?

Li Jing traveled through time and entered a modern world where all people cultivate immortality. Everything here must be driven by the spiritual energy gained through one's own cultivation. With no relatives, no money in his pocket, and no knowledge of how to practice cultivation, life was difficult. Until Li Jing walked into a spiritual chicken shop and found that he could see the health bars of the spiritual chickens. ...

Wanted_Lama · Urban
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47 Chs

chapter -17 the examiner is shameless




Kong Wu's car flipped over, catching everyone present by surprise.


Li Jing himself was even more unexpected.


If he hadn't seen Kong Wu lying there with his face on the ground and twitching from time to time, Li Jing would have even suspected that the elder brother was deliberately acting like himself.


With this palm thunder just now, he had almost minimized his spiritual power output.


Kong Wu, who has the cultivation level of the Three Realms, falls down at the first touch. What else could he be if he wasn't playing him?


However, the way Kong Wu fell to the ground and twitched was so real that it didn't look like an act.


Li Jing quickly analyzed the current situation and finally came to a conclusion.


Kong Wu didn't raise much defense at all.


    to be honest.


Kong Wu relied on his high level of cultivation and did not take the candidates, including him, seriously.


Everything Li Jing could think of, everyone else had thought of too.


For a moment, everyone looked at Kong Wu lying there twitching, feeling a little gloating about his misfortune.


The second realm is indeed nothing in front of the third realm.


The gap in big realms is like a natural chasm.


But who wants to be looked down upon?


Lu Yangcheng, who had been "frightened" before, simply smiled with joy.


Kong Wu just said that his six entry-level attack spells have no assessment value. How annoying is that tone?


If he hadn't been unable to defeat Kong Wu, he would have jumped up long ago.


Kong Wu's boat capsized in the gutter, so of course he had to have some fun.


Yi Xiuzhu, who seemed to be relatively unconventional, did not take pleasure in it but looked at Li Jing with increasing interest.


Li Jing couldn't care about other people at this time.


It was Kong Wu's mistake to underestimate the enemy.


But no matter how bad a person is, he is still an examiner!


He shocked the examiner; couldn't he have some desire for survival?


Just as he was about to step forward to help the person up, Kong Wu suddenly stopped twitching when he fell to the ground and raised his head with a dark face.


Li Jing's heart skipped a beat when he saw this, and he laughed dryly.


"Examiner Kong, are you okay?"




Kong Wu moved his lips, got up like a man who was fine, and spoke calmly.


"What can happen to me? Do you think you can really hurt me? I just scared you."


As he said that, the Kong Armed Forces glanced at Li Jing inadvertently.


Just as Li Jing and the candidates present expected.


He really didn't raise much defense just now.


Kong Wu is not Li Jing; he has a status bar.


The spells learned are divided into active and passive ones.


Although the defensive spells he learned were also functioning at all times, they were only functioning at the lowest level, which was far from the peak level.


But then again.


Kong Wu's carelessness was his capital.


As a third-level person, ordinary second-level people cannot break his defense even if he is not careful.


The gap in big realms is like a natural chasm.


But just now.


Li Jing slapped him hard in the face, easily defeating his defense.


Although it didn't hurt or itch, it just electrocuted him and laid him down.


The possibility of doing this is enough to show that Li Jing hid very deeply.


It would be impossible to break through his defense easily with entry-level palm thunder alone.


Specifically, what kind of methods did Li Jing use?


Kong Wu wanted to ask but was too embarrassed to ask.


One involves privacy.


Secondly, he was very embarrassed this time.


If word spread, he would probably become the laughing stock of the entire Fucha Department tomorrow.


Seeing that Kong Wu's face was not red and his heart was not beating, he said that he was just trying to scare Li Jing. All the candidates present secretly cursed him for being shameless, but no one dared to say anything.


No idea.


Who calls someone an examiner?


Li Jing himself was also very knowledgeable and pretended to be enlightened.


"It turns out that Examiner Kong was joking with me. He scared me to death! I thought..."


Li Jing stopped talking mid-sentence.


This hesitation made Kong Wu very satisfied.


This guy is pretty good, isn't he?


Secretly gritting his teeth, Kong Wudao.


"You are very good. You gave me a lot of surprises. You passed the practical test. Go aside and wait.""




Li Jingfei nodded quickly and retreated into the crowd.


On the other side, Kong Wu pretended to be calm and patted the dust around him.


"The assessment continues. I'm going to be serious next time. You'd better show some real skills."


Hearing this, everyone couldn't help but secretly scold Kong Wu for being shameless again.


Anyone who understands can hear it.


Kong Wu's words seemed careless, but in fact, he wanted to make the test more difficult and make them angry!




Kong Wu's assessment is still the same as before: simple and rough.


The candidates are indeed asked to wear small shoes.


What was originally a casual sword turned into a sword infused with spiritual energy.


Not only did you need to use all your defense spells to resist, but it was still very uncomfortable after receiving this blow.




Kong Wu's actions were quite measured.


Whether it is light or heavy depends on the type and proficiency of the defensive spells registered by the candidates.


If the skin is thicker, he will use more force.


If the skin is thinner, he will use less force.


The picture shows the sour feeling of beating someone up.


In this regard, all the candidates dared to be angry but did not speak out.


You can only use your strength to attack Kong Wu when testing attack spells.


However, not everyone has a chance this time.


Kong Wu would not give anyone below the entry level a chance.


Only those with proficiency in attack spells above the Xiaocheng level can retaliate even once.


But that's all.


After the experience of capsizing in the gutter, how could Kong Wu still relax?


No matter what kind of offensive spell it was, it was blown away by the defensive spell he had learned before he had a chance to touch it.



After more than an hour, the practical skills assessment ended.


Except for Lu Yangcheng, Yi Xiuzhu, and Li Jing, who were the first to take the test, all the test takers present were basically tortured by Kong Wu.


There were many complaints among the candidates.


But at the end of the practical skills assessment, no one cared about this.


Because Kong Wu immediately needs to pass the results of the written test and practical assessment to decide who can stay as an assistant investigator and who will leave,.


There was silence in the clearing.


Kong Wu, who had tortured many candidates to feel comfortable physically and mentally, checked the written test results displayed on the tablet and raised his eyes to scan the people present one by one.


"You guys are all pretty good, and you can see that you have worked hard on the written examination."


Kong Wu opened the conversation and said,.


"Practical skills aside, six people failed the written test. But you are lucky. The Assistant Examination Department just left a group of fresh graduates who had completed their internships a while ago, and the next group will not come until March. I can make an exception today. For once, let you all stay."


He continued.


"I think you all understand why I made an exception. Demonization incidents occurred frequently in Beicheng District yesterday, and the Auxiliary Investigation Department is under a lot of pressure and is urgently in need of manpower. In the next few days, you must adapt as soon as possible and be mentally prepared to encounter monsters at any time. . Our Auxiliary Examination Department does not need to face monsters directly, but if we encounter them, we can only rely on ourselves to save our lives."


Hearing that no one needed to leave, all the candidates were relieved.


Monsters—no one here can be said to be afraid of them.


If you are really afraid, you will not come to the Auxiliary Examination Department to take the exam.


Seeing that no one was wavering, Kong Wu spoke again.


"The person whose name I called will stay. The others will go directly to the recruitment window in the lobby to find Assistant Inspector Chu Hanyan. She will arrange positions for you."


After saying that, Kong Wu started to sign up.


"Lu Yangcheng."


"Yi Xiuzhu."


"Li Jing."


"Deng Ying."




Kong Wu finally called out nine names and said nothing.


Those who were called by him were all those who had practiced the method of controlling the air and wind and had reached a small level of success.


From this, the candidates also figured it out.


Those who can stay after being called are those who will join the special establishment.


Those who are not called should leave voluntarily.


After all the other candidates left, Kong Wu looked at the humanity left by Li Jing and others.


"As for the special establishment, Assistant Inspector Chu should have already mentioned it when you filled out the form. Let me explain it to you in detail. Due to frequent demonization incidents, the inspection bureau is under great pressure for patrolling, and we need to allocate a group of personnel from the Assistant Investigation Section to form a special staff. The patrol establishment cooperates with daily air patrols."


"The patrol establishment currently has about seventy people, divided into eight groups. Counting you nine, there are a total of seventy-nine people."


"The next nine of you will be under my jurisdiction, said the ninth patrol group. The task of our group is tentatively designated as night patrol, and we will start patrol duty tonight."


Everyone listened to Kong Wu's story with different expressions.


Among them, Li Jing was in great pain.


Kong Wu is undoubtedly a wonderful man.


After all, this big brother is still a little bit narrow-minded.


How uncomfortable would it be to follow Kong Wu?


Despite being so immortal, he was the only one present who offended Kong Wu.


As if he knew what Li Jing was thinking at the moment, Kong Wu smiled at him very "kindly.".


"Li Jing, you seem to have some objections to following me? It doesn't matter if you have objections; you can speak out."




Li Jing.


He didn't expect to be put in the shoe so quickly.


Just when he didn't know how to answer the question, Kong Wu said it again.


"Let me tell you the ugly things first. Your wri

The test score is sixty points. You need at least seventy-five points to pass the normal written test. Counting the bonus points for the special establishment, you barely passed. If you are not willing to join the patrol establishment, extra points don't count."