
Why should I save the world when the good side discard me?

Seraphina, a girl from Rapier Hero's party found herself being discard by her party. When she was in despair a demonic being appear and offer to become her subbordinate. Will she tried accept it and turn to the daek side or she will stay in the 'right' path?

Icy_Frostburn_VX · Fantasy
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8 Chs

City in Valley

When Lucifel opened the door, Seraphina found both of them standing in different place.

Rather than place, it's much more accurate they are in different dimensions. But Seraphina doesn't know that, since magic related with Space and Time already disappeared a hundred years ago. And the knowledge about Space and Time itself is very low compared to earth.

"W- what is this place?" Seraphina looked at her surroundings, there was only green cyan color as far as her eyes could see. The floor beneath her was covered with the same cyan color that extended infinitely.

Lucifel wants to open her mouth and answer her but a map instantly appears inside her mind. Not just Lucifel but Seraphina too.

Lucifel then choose the Teleportation Door in her kingdom and the map instantly disappeared.

"...Um." Looking at Seraphina, Lucifel answered. "This place is the dimension that connects the Teleportation Door to the other Teleportation Door. And the map that appeared inside your mind will show you several Teleportation doors that are scattered in this world."

"How to choose it?"

"Just said the place you want to go in your mind and the map will show you the closest Teleportation Door to the place you want to go."

As if remembering something, Lucifel added "Oh yes, you also need to explore the world to make the cloud disappear. Although you could read the world map, it is still not complete. So you need to explore the map on your own."

'I see, so that's why the map is so wide yet it was covered by clouds. And in order to dispel the cloud I need to go there huh?' Seraphina hum thoughtfully.

Looking at Seraphina, Lucifel let out a smile and said "Fortunately, you don't need to do that. I could let you copy my map so you don't need to travel that long."

Seraphina smiled, they then continue to walk until the familiar door appear in front of them. Without hesitation, both of them went past the door.

Satanael city, a capital of Andras Kingdom which is governed by Lucifel and her followers. It was established around 20.000 years ago and is also one of the Demonic kingdoms that participated in the Demon-Human war every 10.000 years.

Humanity never know that demons also created their own nation. They didn't know because these demons were coming from a portal in the sky. If they know, they would immediately send the heroes and army to deal with them, once and for all.

Although Lucifel said it was a kingdom but in fact it's just a single big city. There are no nobles, there is no other town or village. Just a single big city govern by Lucifel's man.


"What…the…hell?" Seraphina mutters in shock.

After they get out from the dimension tunnel, both of them arrive in dark alley of Satanael City. Seraphina has a deep red blush on her pretty face, she still couldn't believe she needs to walk in the crowd naked.

But when they get out from the valley, Seraphina couldn't help but be dumbfounded. The sight in front of them is too much for the ordinary village girl's mind.

Towering skyscrapers adorned with sleek glass facades dominate the horizon, reflecting the sun rays of the sun and painting the streets below with a vibrant mosaic of light.

Various cars and motorcycles fill the streets and sounds of horns make the whole place noisy and lively.

The architecture is an exact replica of the advanced city on earth. Drones flying in the sky, humanoid robots blend in the crowd, citizens who use public transportation like buses, etc.

There are some wide screens that are attached to the building and a succubus give the watcher news about major or minor accidents that are happening in the city or the world. Or just used advertising various 'things'.

Mindless monster like orcs and goblins roaming and working in city with a black collar on their neck. They wear uniforms that look cheap and work as a labor.

There is a flying fortress that releases a massive rainbow laser to the sky that create a dome of rainbow energy that protects the whole kingdom from the overwhelming darkness aura in the valley.

Seraphina herself was dumbfounded, there are so many questions that could be answer later.

How is it possible? in the depth of the valley, there is a sun and blue sky here? And a cloud too?

What is that screen thing?

What is bunch of steel that is roaming on the sky?

What are these iron horses and steel carts these people used?

Why is the mindless monster obey the words of citizen?

Why are there humans with a blue circle on their left head?

So many questions, yet she couldn't find the answer.

But she was even more dumbfounded with the citizens. Most of them aren't humans and like Lucifel said, all of them are females.

It's not about the fact the majority here are monsters that makes Seraphina dumbfounded. It's about the fashion in this kingdom. Majority of them are wearing clothes that barely cover their body while the minority is completely naked.

They also seem to have a tradition of taking a walk with their 'pet'.

The 'pet'... Most are humans with other race as minorities. Of course all of them are girls. Like herself, most of them are naked.

The 'pets' age varies between 5 until 35 years old. Of course this measurement only works with humans since some races like the elf could live a hundred years while having the face in their 20's.

The owners ride them on their back while their pets crawl. Sometimes their owners began to spank their ass or molest their pets with their hands.

Some are crying in humiliation while the other seems to feel ecstasy. There are also many who didn't do that and allowed their pets to walk behind them, of course they are also naked.

The 'pets' are beautiful nevertheless. Although not as beautiful as female nobles, they're beauty is definitely above average and it's enough to make many men chase them.

Seraphina couldn't help but thinking how shameless Lucifel's peoples are. She even saw a succubus, fuck her slave in the crowd while destroying her ass ruthlessly with her tail.

'Don't use common sense for monsters'. Seraphina said to herself to make her maintain her sanity.

Lucifel, who could read Sera's mind, only giggle as if finding amusement in the blond girl.


West District

West District, a place where many slave traders sold their 'product' and received high provit. To buy slaves they need to use Andras kingdom currency, Nightfiend.

Unlike the human kingdom who still used bronze, silver and gold coins. Andras kingdom Nightfiend already started using paper.

There is also something like a small colored card that also could be used to buy slaves which Seraphina didn't know what the hell is that.

Many succubus promote their best slaves on the streets and many other female humanoid monsters surround them and watch them before deciding to buy them.

The West district didn't just sell slaves. After all, the west district is a place where merchants gather and sell their products. Seraphina swear she saw female elves and humans among these traders which made her dumbfounded.

Their walk is quite smooth since Lucifel alters her face a little with simple shapeshifting. If not, then they would be swarmed with the citizens.

"By the way, why would we need to go here?" Sera asked, trying to create a conversation to not focus too much on these slaves.

"Well, I acquired 5 slaves that ran away or were discarded from their party. Similar to you, they are also part of the heroes party."

"Oh… I see." Seraphina's eyes turn hollow, she should be glad that there is someone similar to her but after being showered love by Lucifel for the past 3 days she feels disturbed.

She fears Lucifel will discard her, and won't give her love anymore. Lucifel said she will give her love but she didn't say anything about how much she will give her love.

Sensing her worry, Lucifel couldn't help but smirk inwardly. Three days of love bombing really bear a fruit of satisfaction.

Lucifel stop on her track and kiss Sera in the lips gently. She broke away the kiss and smile warmly at Seraphina. "I won't discard you, Sera. I promise." Hearing her promise, Sera's heart starts to melt and her worries instantly disappear.

Sensing her worries instantly disappear, Lucifel couldn't help but ponder about this strange human. Humans are so simple yet so complicated at the same time, making them unpredictable.

They continued walking until they arrived at 'Dr. Lola's Day Care'. They walked inside the store and met with a bunch of beautiful humans and other races naked while being locked up in a cage.

They soon arrived at a door that had a sign of 'Dr. Lola office'. Before they entered the room though, they heard moaning and groaning coming from behind the door.

Lucifel ignores it and just barges into the room, followed by Seraphina. They saw a tall girl with long blue hair and blue eyes wearing a doctor suit fuck a girl with short blond hair and green eyes, wearing a tanttered clothes and silver collar from behind.

The blond haired girl obviously didn't notice them because she was already in deep pleasure. The blue-haired one turn her head towards us with annoyance but when she saw Lucifel, she just smiled and continue her deeds.

Seraphina just stood there in a daze; she still can't adapt well enough with Andras kingdom sexual life. Meanwhile Lucifel just closes the door and sit in front of the desk.

If someone told her that she isn't affected by this lewd view then they are very wrong. In fact, no matter how many times she watches this lewd act, she still feels a bit aroused. If not for the fact that Seraphina is with her and Lucifel wants to protect her 'good' impression in the blond human's mind, she would jump into the same boat with them.

"Ah~ Ah~ Lady Lola, I couldn't hold back anymore." The blonde girl moan, she look at the succubus with lust.

The one who is presumably Lola, presses the blond's head to the desk with her right hand and begin speed up. "Then let's cum together alright?"

"Ah.. Ah, Ahhh.."

Along with that scream, both of them cum together. Their liquid are merging inside the short blond girl's pussy. The blond girl's face is very lewd, her tongue leaking out, her eyes rolled, as if she experienced something very blissful.

Seraphina look at Lucifel as if imagining herself being dominated by her. Lucifel turns to look at Sera and grin which makes her blush even more.

It's so unfair!

Lucifel could read her mind like a book while she couldn't.

She wants to curse her but she scared that Lucifel will immediatly throw her out, making her heart feel empty again.

"I'm sorry for disrespecting you, your excellency." Lola pulls her rod from the blond girl's pussy and tidy herself up before take a sit.

The blond haired girl also excuses herself and gets out of the office. Fresh cum drop little by little from her pussy, the drop echoed to the whole room.

"Nah, you don't need to be so formal. Anyway, where is my stuff?"

'Stuff? Did she just call human a stuff?' Seraphina's eye twitch a little but she doesn't say anything.

Lola smirks and a dark purple portal suddenly appears behind her.

"Please follow me." Lola enter the portal followed by Lucifel and Seraphina.

They soon found themself in a dark dimension, the atmosphere in this dimension is very scary, they walked for a while until they heard beautiful moaning, crying and pleading for mercy.

"W- what the heck?!" Seraphina blush furiously seeing the sight in front of her. In the cage, the slaves are being tortured lewdly, their moan echoed to the whole dimension.

Some were placed on top of the wooden triangle, some were being raped by slime, some were being tied and forced to drink mysterious liquid that could make their breast and bust more bigger, and many other absurd thing.

There are also succubus who also naked 'discipline' them by whipping the slaves. However instead of screaming in pain, most of them are moaning as if this is the most pleasurable moment in their life.

Seraphina tried to calm down and ignore the lewd moan and proceed to follow both Lucifel and Lola. They finally arrived at a small room that housed 5 girls around the same age as her.

Unlike the other slaves, these girls didn't get 'disciplined' by the succubus. Rather, they were being tied and forced to watch the 'performance' of the other slaves from a big screen in front of them.



I'm still trying to find a way how to write volume 0 so you need to wait to see the apperance of the characters.

I felt like I'm a 'genius', these 5 girls in the end of the chapter including Lucifel and some of her high rank goons that will be introduce in the next few chapter later are gonna play huge role in the future yet here I am, like a clueless idiot, still tried to find a way how to write volume 0.

My words is absolutely to simple to describe their beauty, so I obviously prefer to just show you their apperance to you all. But if I still doesn't know how to do it, then I won't have any choice but to show their apperance in the end of volume 1.

Although I think most of you already know, I'm gonna confirm that the girl in the cover is Seraphina, my girl.