
Why should I save the world when the good side discard me?

Seraphina, a girl from Rapier Hero's party found herself being discard by her party. When she was in despair a demonic being appear and offer to become her subbordinate. Will she tried accept it and turn to the daek side or she will stay in the 'right' path?

Icy_Frostburn_VX · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Five Former Member of Heroes Party

Seraphina widened her eyes in disbelief.

She is really speaking the truth.

Although Lucifel already told her that her slaves they pick up are similar like her, a former hero's party. She still couldn't help but feel surprised.

There are 5 girls in this room. All of them were tied in the chair and as expected naked. When Lola's group opens the door, the five women look at their group with uncontrollable lust.

Their haggard breathing, the blush on their cheeks, the droll that are flowing from their mouth, their gaze as if begging her to touch them.

And the worst part is that, Seraphina and the girls know each other. It's not strange for her to know them since their party often crosses paths.


Looking at the lustful girls in front of her, Seraphina becomes horny.

Lucifel sent a glance at Seraphina, her eyes shone bright red as if to threaten her to not be tempted and do something that she doesn't order.

Seraphina suddenly trembling and shivering as if someone just splash her with a big bucket of cold water. Her horny thoughts disappeared without trace.

"I- I apologize mistress."

"Hmph. Don't worry when I bring you to my room, I swear I will make you satisfied."

"Um.. I can't wait mistress." Seraphina blush and answer in a timid tone.

Seraphina takes a deep breath to calm herself and focuses herself on 5 girls in front of them. As expected of the former hero's party, all of them are beautiful.

The first girl had long silver hair and eyes that matched her hair. She has a six pack abdomen that will puts many males to shame and a beautiful big breast that makes a flat chest girl curse her due to being filled with envy. She is 180 cm, the tallest among them.

She is Olivia, the Silver Knight from 'Bow' party. She is the frontline and a tanker of the group.

Her relationship with Sera is similar like Senior and Junior bond in some company.

The second girl is a loli with short purple hair and big round yellow eyes. Her small chest and cute face gave her the impression of an innocent and naive child.

She is Violet, an alchemist from the 'Scythe' party, who everyone knows as 'Crazy Cute'. She is a range type and mostly uses a weapon she created herself called 'Gun' that uses her compacted potion as an ammo.

Sera thought of her as a little sister, although Violet doesn't appreciate it.

The third girl had long blonde hair and pink eyes. She has medium breast that looks so tempting and has a height similiar with Seraphina.

She is Lucia, a swordswoman from 'Lance' party who everyone knows as 'Golden Persistent'. Sera thought of as best friend and the most comfortable with.

The fourth girl had long blue hair and heterochromia eyes with blue on the right and red on the left. Her breasts are big but not as big as a silver haired girl.

She is Emilia, although her group, 'Shield' party didn't go along with Raisa's party. She managed to get close to her, thanks to Wendy.

The last girl has short black hair with red stripes. She's a bit taller but pale in comparison with the silver haired girl. Among those who are lost in heat, this girl is the most composed and calm among them all. Although she is still panting in heat but not as extreme as the other girl.

She is Ana, the 'Black Cat' from 'Gauntlet' party. Sera tries to befriend her so many times but she doesn't want to. So they're relationship is merely an acquaintance.

"Have any thoughts about them?" Lucifel smirk "After all, I saw them in your memories."

"You didn't check their memories?"

"Well, yes I checked it. For someone who always used dirty means just to get what I want, unless I put 'Slave Seal' I won't trust them completely."

".. So.. You didn't trust me?" Seraphina feels a bit sad but not too much since she consider it a smart move.

After all, she is a former hero's party and it's not difficult for Lucifel to assume she has a heart to seek justice or something along with virtue that always despises evil.

And by looking at her memories, Lucifel is completely sure that Seraphina is just typical person with a hero's personality, which she dislikes very much.

"You're smart enough to know about it." Instead of answering her directly, Lucifel decide to let her thought about it.

"Ahem" Lola coughs a little and both Seraphina and Lucifel look towards her.

"Please be quick, your excellency, I also have few high level customers." Lola explained with a polite smile.

Lucifel nodded and three of them stood in front of these girls. Lola clicks her finger and Seraphina could see their eyes shone, not blinded by lust. "Girls, she is Lucifel-sama, your master. From now on, you will follow every order she gives you." Lola introduces Lucifel to her slaves.

The girls look up at Lucifel with complicated emotion. They are still in disbelief at being slaves for a demon. Never ever they would imagine they would becoming slaves, it's even more unbelievable they would be slaves for the nemesis of humanity and unlike Seraphina who is willingly following Lucifel, these girls were being caught by demonic beings under her.

Lucifel herself knows that it will take a long time to make them completely loyal to her, unless of course she implements her 'Slave Seal' to them.

'Slave seal' as the name suggests, makes the user able to turn any living being to become their slave. The slaves are completely loyal, and However, it has the negative effect that making the target lose their emotion, becoming a doll.

Lucifel herself of course didn't want her slaves emotionless. If her 'things' aren't girls then she would without a second thought put the slave seal on it. After all, she likes girls and definitely has sex with them. She doesn't understand why some human satisfied just by fucking an emotionless girl. Isn't the greatest thing for sex is hearing the moan of pleasure? Or cried of fear? Humans are very strange.

"My little slaves, from now on you'll become mine so you will follow every single order I gave you, GOT IT?" Lucifel said while pulling the hair of the silver haired girl because she dared to glare at her.

Olivia, the silver haired girl just grit her teeth and didn't want to scream. Just a glance, she could tell her master is a sadist. There is no way for her to give Lucifel a pleasure.

The rest also didn't go silent, they cursed Lucifel in hope she would let go the poor girl. Lucifel seems pissed because these annoying bugs insult her but she manages to endure it and let go the girl.

"Ahem, anyway you all are mine and this is the reality. You could curse me whatever you want but make sure I didn't hear my subordinate report about it." Lucifel said seriously which left them….stun? never would they imagine someone allowing them to curse herself as long as she doesn't hear it.

"Anyway, It's not without a reason I caught you all." Lucifel words wake them up to their senses. "I want to have influence in the human kingdom near Death Forest and what better than using humans to control humans don't you think?"

The girls were dumbfounded and widened their eyes in disbelief, even Seraphina also stunned because Lucifel never told her about all of this. Before they want to bark and refuse, Lucifel slaps them using her tails 'gently'.

"Don't you ever think I have patience dealing with dog who only bark." Lucifel glared at them when they groan in pain. "Anyway, I'm gonna introduce you all to the one who will become your superior.

Lucifel stepped aside, making the girl able to see Seraphina.

"..Se..Sera?!" The blonde haired girl, Lucia mutters and stuttering in shock, her eyes widened, she wonders if she is in illusion or nightmare. Right after that, the other girls, except for the black hair girl, widened their eyes in shock.

"Fufu, I'm gonna leave them to you Sera~." Lucifel pecks Seraphina's lips before leaving the room with Lola, making the girls even more dumbfounded.

There is uncomfortable silence in the room after the door is closed by Lola. The girls except for the are still in disbelief that Seraphina was being kissed by their 'master'. They didn't notice her because Lucifel used an unknown stealth skill that made them couldn't see Seraphina.

Meanwhile Seraphina becomes nervous being glared by her 'friends'. Their glare asks, demanding an explanation about what the hell is happening. This is her first time in this situation.

Seraphina wants to curse Lucifel for giving her an unexpected task. But recalled the moment Lucifel put the 'Soul Bond', Seraphina could only sigh in defeat.

Looking at the face of the gorgeous girls in front of her. Seraphina closed her eyes and put on a determined face. She doesn't need Lucifel to tell her about her task, she knows Lucifel wants her to make them reduce their hostility towards her.

And to make an impression that she is 'competent', she will make sure to accomplish this task.

"I'm sure you guys have various questions and theories as to why I'm following 'her'." Sera paused a little, making sure that everyone heard her words clearly.

All of them nod their heads. Knowing everyone waiting for her, Sera continued. "Let me tell you about my story first."

Sera takes a deep breath and start to tell them aboit her story. "It started in Dizaya. Jean, one of my teammates, wants to have a talk with me." Memories of that night start to surface in her mind.

The girls are silent, asking her to continue. "He told me that I'm useless, that I'm just cannon fodder, that I'm just a disgrace in their eyes." Sera said sadly yet they could feel a deep anger that made the four girls surprised.

"And then, he brought me to death forest and left me there alone." Sera closed her eyes and bit her lips as if reminded by painful memories.

None of the girls dare to talk aloud and only wait for Sera to continue. Lucia wants to comfort her but Olivia glares and makes her stop her action.

Sera then opens her eyes, the previous sad eyes replaced by hope and gratitude. "But when I fell into despair, I met her." The scene where Lucifel offers her hand to her replays in her head.

At the same time, Sera uses 'Memory Surface' an 'A+' rank healer spell that's used to restore the memory of the people who suffer amnesia. But in Seraphina's hand, it allows her to show a glimpse of her memories to someone else.

As expected their hostility decreases a little and they become more intrigued. Just seeing a glimpse of her memory makes them feels immense emotion of Seraphina.

"She saw…something in me. She saw a value in me. She saw that I could be useful for her." Seraphina said brightly to them.

Her gaze radiating pure happiness, grateful that Lucifel saved her from her dark fate.

"Hmph, isn't she just using you?!" Ana scoffed at Seraphina. Thinking that Seraphina was still a naive little girl back then.

Although their interaction is very little, Ana thinks she already grasps her personality and her personality is a typical little girl who still hasn't experienced this cursed world.

Not just Ana, the rest also think that Sera is being manipulated by Lucifel. After all, a weakened heart could easily be manipulated by a bastard.

"Yeah, I know." Unexpectedly Sera admits it easily.

"Then? Why are you following her Sera-chan?"

"You do realize that you are a mere pawn right?"

When these questions are thrown to Seraphina by Lucia and Emilia, the others also have similar questions.

Why would Sera follow her even though she knows she is being used?

Are words really that powerful?

Or is there something that makes this kind girl decide to stray from the right path?

"It's something simple really." Sera answers calmly which makes the girls anticipate to know the answer is.

"What is it?" Olivia asked with annoyance




What kind of sick joke is this?!

Love, a powerful emotion that is usually described as a deep affection, strong attachment, or a profound connection between individuals. Love, a complex and multifaceted emotion that plays a central role in our lives. Love, a manifestation in various forms and contexts that usually take a part in human relationship.

The same love that is often viewed as a center of human emotion and also the birth of kindness, is the one who could make Seraphina, who is known as a kind hearted girl join evil.

"That's ridicu-"

"Ridiculous, yeah I know. But it's the truth." Seraphina said seriously.

"I couldn't describe the love she gave me, so I'm gonna let you experience it."

'Pleasant Memories.' Seraphina mutters her spell in her mind.

The girls instantly close their eyes and lose consciousness. They fall into deep slumber.

In their dream, all of them are in Seraphina's place. They could feel what Seraphina truly really felt about her circumstances.

Her afraid when Jean wants to 'talk' with her, her sadness when Jean declare that they didn't need her, her despair when Jean leave her alone in death forest, her bewilderment when Lucifel give her offering, her happiness when she felt she is being loved by Lucifel, etc.

This is the power of 'Pleasant Memories.' An upgraded version of A+ rank healer spell 'Memory Surface'. If 'Memory Surface' only let someone watch a glimpse of their memory. Then 'Pleasant Memories' is a full control of memories and dreams. And only Seraphina is the one who could use this spell because she is the one who created it.

Seraphina of course uses the ability of this Memory manipulation to its maximum. So the emotion they experience is 10 times stronger than her own.

Sure enough when they woke up the hostility thrown to her decreased little by little and their bad impression with Lucifel also decreased, even Ana also decreased her vigilance towards her.

It's not just about the emotion she used but also their trust towards her and also her first impression that is deeply engraved in their memories.

Seraphina isn't a manipulator, she is a pure and kind girl. She isn't talented in expressing artificial emotion. So the story she tells is a pure and raw emotion that she feels back then.

Even though she intensifies the emotion in the memories. It still has the true and raw emotion of herself.

"Did Lola tell you about where the key is ?" Sensing they were safe enough, Seraphina wants to free them. Although she is not very sure about Ana but she needs to take a risk to gain more their trust.

"It's on the shelf behind you." Lucia told her, Sera turned around, grab the key and unlocked the chain that was bidding them.

And soon enough, all of the girls already acquired their own freedom with excitement and happiness shown are completely on their face.