
Why should I save the world when the good side discard me?

Seraphina, a girl from Rapier Hero's party found herself being discard by her party. When she was in despair a demonic being appear and offer to become her subbordinate. Will she tried accept it and turn to the daek side or she will stay in the 'right' path?

Icy_Frostburn_VX · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Gray Mushroom

It's been 3 days since Seraphina decided to accept Lucifiel's offer. Just like she said Lucifel really brought her to her journey.

Right now, they went to the depth of a valley in Death Forest. The thick aura of Death overwhelms Seraphina greatly. Even though Lucifiel already shared her power to her, her identity as human makes it complicated.

"Make sure to stay close with me, I only gave you my power but it doesn't mean I will allow you to use it, unless it's a desperate action." Lucifiel said while showering Seraphina with a kiss.

Seraphina blush madly, still not accustomed to her mistress action. "Um.. Why is it mistress?" Asked Sera, tried to make Lucifel distracted.

"Sigh, what a silly girl. Even though I gave you power, it doesn't mean you could control it. It takes a lot of training and life death battle experience to use multiple skills at the same time." Lucifel exclaimed while kissing Seraphina again.

Indeed it's true. Gaining power doesn't mean you will instantly control it. Sure you could use it but you will have high chance to lose control.

Lucifel obviously doesn't want her slave to be a wild card who she can't control, so she decides to forbid her for her safety and for herself dominance.

Lucifel grab Seraphina's hands and walk to the valley. This valley didn't have a name since humans didn't manage to scout this far. The demons except for the high level one also doesn't have intelligence to give a name.

Lucifel, the one who own Death Forest as her territory also didn't want to think too hard about naming it. This valley is just a way to her kingdom, not some important place for her.

Along the way, Seraphina could only see around 5 meters ahead. The rest is engulf with thick darkness. Seraphina looks at her back and only see the same. Seraphina feel chill towards her spine since she could felt many darkness being stare at her like some kind of prey.

Seraphina only looks down in fear since she is scared. There are no friends here who will protect her and it's natural for her to be scared in a new environment, especially in this creepy place where so many strong humans dies.

"Don't be afraid." Sera could feel Lucifel hug her tightly, assuring her that she would be alright.

Sera look up but she was met with a forceful kiss by Lucifel. Sera welcomes her and their tongues begin interviewing for dominance. She already long give up for a way to rebel.

Sera dazed when she fell into pleasure. She closed her eyes and let Lucifel do whatever she wants to her body.

While Sera closed her eyes and feel Lucifel's hand begin to roam her naked body. Sera doesn't notice a multiple red and blue orb circling around them.

A big giant explosion from negative and positive energy was unleashed by Lucifel, completely annihilating wild demonic beings in the valley.

A big giant mushroom cloud formed as the after effect of the explosion. No matter how you see it the explosion is similiar to Nuclear Bomb.

The range of the explosion is almost reach 5 Kilometers. The blast of the explosion create a giant energy like fireball that turn everything into dust.


Capital of Wonaf Kingdom, Dizaya


The commoner, noble, knights, merchant, even king, and everyone in the capital who aren't inside the buildings, were blinded by intense light that radiated from Death Forest.   

Following the light, a deafening roar of bomb were heard which made everyone's ears bleeding. Some kids unfortunately instantly lose consciousness and some new born babies instantly die.

Every glass instantly shattered. Many pieces of furniture start to fall and break. A tall building instantly collapses because the ground violently trembles from the explosion.

A sense of panic rushed to everyone in the capital. Many people get out of their house, making the place more chaotic. Children crying in pain and panic, mothers screaming in shock and despair seeing their child die or lose consciousness, many merchants prepare quickly to get out of this country.

They all looked up to the source of the giant explosion sound and saw a big gray giant mushroom cloud that reached at least 60 meters height from Death Forest.

"Wh- what is that?!"

"Is this the end of the world The Church talked about?"

"May god save us."

They stood frozen in shock since they never saw such a bizarre thing like that. That giant cloud is like a sign that brings calamity to everyone here.

Black and any other color that resembles dark are constant subjects that resemble evil, chaos and calamity in this world. And gray is also the one.

Not long after, the shockwave of the explosion rushed towards the capital making the people wake up from the daze. The shockwave managed to send flying many things that has light weight, whether it's 'dead' or 'alive'.

The capital fell into chaos again, luckily the knight of Dizaya react fast and tried to calm the citizen. But unfortunately, the people's mind is already in a mess and create unnecessary chaos again.

The selfish nobles are also in a state of chaos. The nobles immediatly gather their guards to protect them, while the competent one send their guards to calm the citizen first.

After the situation was under control, the king immediately sent a large number of troops consisting of many A+ knight and some S- mage to investigate the matter.

Unknown to him and the people of the Wonaf Kingdom. This is the first step of the fall of the Wonaf Kingdom.


Back to Lucifel and Seraphina

While the chaos happened in the capital, Lucifel and Seraphina still intimately kissing each other. Both of them are standing in a earth pillar while hugging each other. 

Since Seraphina is already becoming hers then she won't be annihilated by friendly fire. If someone already has much control towards their power, then the attack could be manipulated freely by the caster will.

When Seraphina saw Lucifel unleash her move, Seraphina couldn't help but shudder. Her strength is almost on par with Raisa which makes her scared.

The after effect of the giant explosion is really terrifying. The darkness in the valley instantly disappeared, and the valley was completely torn apart. Stones and soil fall to the valley.

But Lucifel didn't care enough about it. Nor does Seraphina. The only thing they care about is exploring each other's mouth.

""Mhhmm~ Uhmm~ Hah.. Hah.."" 

Both of them look at each other with lust and desire for each other. But Lucifel stop molesting Seraphina, not wanting to 'eat' her here.

"Mistress, please touch me again." Seeing Lucifel stop her movement, Seraphina who is still clouded in lust starts to beg.

Lucifel let out a smirk and said "Calm down you horny girl, I promise you that I would do it once we reach my room."

"Mhm, I understand mistress. But could you please give me something to wear?"

"Of course not, you are much more beautiful when you are naked. Don't be shy, there is no man in my kingdom. Only female and genderless people are allowed to step foot in my country." Lucifel grinned lewdly and poke Seraphina's body.

"..Okay I got it." Although it makes Sera speechless, she just complied with her request.

"That's good."

With a click of her fingers, the area around them instantly rewinds and soon becomes the valley they know, although the darkness aura here is lower than the old one.

"Oh, and also wear this." A collar slave instantly appears on Lucifel's hand and she hands it to Sera who is still in a daze because the old valley instantly returns.

"Um.. Mistress, do I really need to wear this?" Even though she is the weakest in Raisa's party, she has her own pride as the former hero's group.

Isn't this such a disgrace for a former hero party to become a slave? 

"Aren't you mine? Why do you disobey your mistress' order? Do you want to get punished?"

"Uh.." Didn't want to be punished by her mistress, Seraphina reluctantly, put on the golden slave collar on her neck.

"Good job." As if Seraphina was a dog, Lucifel pat her head gently.

They continue their walk until they stop in front of an old black door. Seraphina then turn to Lucifel as if to ask about it.

"This is the Teleportation Door, it allows you to travel to the place that you want to go. However, Teleportation Door will work only if the place you want to go has another Teleportation Door." Explain Lucifel while caressing Seraphina.

Seraphina already gotten used with Lucifel's antic ignore it and look at the Teleportation Door in wonder.

"I never saw anything like this in my journey."

"Really? Each Region at least has one you know."

Now that is surprising, even Wendy the magician who already lived a hundred years didn't tell them anything about this.

"Now let's go." Lucifel pulls the chain that connects with Seraphina's collar and they soon sets off to her kingdom.


Hey, it's been a while since I updated. I originally plan to release one chapter per day. But I found myself engrossed playing 'Guardian Tales'.

But don't worry, I'll make sure at least update 3 chapters per week. And if I managed to complete the 'adventure' maybe I would stick to my original plan.

Also, english isn't my first language and I'm very bad at describing things or using complicated words.

See ya!