
Who we are; who we should be

Everlyn was an omega living with her parents, a life that would seem stupid for Alphas but this was a satisfying life since Everlyn have the two people who loved her, only two people who will ever love her that was until Alpha Jax came along Alpha Jax has never been challenged, ever but this seemingly innocent and quiet girl turns out to be his own personal demon. They say when two people of the same personality meets they won't be able to stand each other, so why are they a pair made in the heaven? only the goddess knows. Demons fight, demons play, demons are scary they say but some demons don't come baring blood claws and sharp teeth but cute smiles and delicate features. Angels fight, angels play but the angels don't stay when these demons fate entwined because these demon are more harmful, ruthless together than apart. Watch as two physco play with gun and knife, aim, pull, aim, throw, because sometimes danger is more fun to play with

Lishabubb · Fantasy
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2 Chs


Everlyn POV

The three males spent the rest of the morning discussing the rogue incident while I was ordered to go home. A bath, change of clothes and warm bed was the best thing in life at that moment but waking up three hours later wasn't. Dad was told to attended the meetings with the Alpha's, me being invited wasn't something in my expectation bar. So you could imagine my reaction to all this news along with being shoved into the shower, dressed and pushed out of the house by my mother. Dad's only reaction was to laugh at my expense.

We walked to the alphas building where the meeting was being held on our way there we receive many looks which I would rather not remember. In this hot sun their states seem to be a bucket of cold ice water to my being which I was not thankful for. I held my father's hand being sure not to let go passing by the forest I once again caught a scent of rotten flesh cause me to come to a sudden halt. My dad looked at me for an explanation but all I could do was look into the forest searching for the rogue.

Is it because of last night or is there a rogue close by?

There is one close by a different one from last night it could be a child.

What makes you think so?

Its wondering around without direction.

Letting go of dad hands I ran into the forest my jacket flying behind me, I kept running even when my name was being called, knowing there was a child lost in the forest and would get killed if the patrol got to them first. With all my strength I pushed forward passing our house only to stop seeing a wolf walking around with a teddy bear in its teeth. They we quick to growl when I came near no doubt thinking I'm dangerous. My wolf pushed forward and growl in warning not liking being challenge to which the pup whimper and back away.

Look you scare the poor pup.

"Hi there I won't hurt you could you shift so we can talk?" The pup whimper shaking its head.

"I promise I won't hurt you, here" I offered my jacket for the pup to take.

Hesitation for a moment the pup shifted and took my jacket, it was a bit around twelve years but his wolf looked so small. It made me angry, the only way his wolf would be that small is if he was abused and not feed properly.

"Hi my name's Evelyn what's yours?" He looked at my curious.

"Jace" he was a quiet one, broken will and fearful.

"Jace do you want to come with me? I won't let any one hurt you" He nodded.

"Have you seen my sister?" It was my turn to look at him curious.

"No but we can find her when you are take care of what do you say?"


"Hop on" I turned my back to him and bent down so he was able to get on my back.

I was half way back to the pack and I had gotten to know him better but when I asked about his pack he would stop talking. By the time I was out of the forest it was a recap of yesterday my parent and pack warriors along with the Alpha, beta, Luna and some people I've never seen before stood there. Jace hid his face in my neck hold tighter to which I just giggle he was cute. My parents rushed to me but I stopped them hearing Jace whimper it was then everyone noticed him everyone but my parents grew tense melting his scent.

"Jace you remember I said I won't let anyone hurt you" he nodded face still hidden and his grip still tight "You trust me right?" He nodded once more, "these are my parents they won't hurt you I won't let anyone hurt you".

He raised his head and loosen his grip allowing me to place him one the round but his arms immediately wrap around my stomach.

"Mom, dad this is Jace he's a rogue but I found him in the forest looking for his sister" I left out the part about his small wolf.

"Have these are my mom and dad" he looked at them and did a small wave.

"Oh my poor dear must be starving come let's get him clean up and feed" i smiled at my mom, she didnt care where you came from to her it was whats in your heart that counts.

We walk to the house we abondanded, the house of my childhood a tug on my hand brought me to reality. He had a ghost of a smile on his face one that was contagious non the less. Mom helped him in the bath cause apparently he haven't had one in forever, I was downstairs waiting for him to come and eat when I heard arguing outside our house it wasn't loud but I could still hear it. Opening the door outside stood the visitors to our pack and our own alpha, Luna and beta. Alpha Dave was arguing with dad from what I could understand they wanted to question Jace which would most likely end up with him staying in the cells for some days cause he doesn't take much about his pack.

"I'm telling you it's not a good idea you'll have Claire and Evelyn-"

"I'm their alpha and as Alpha I'm telling you to move" Alpha Dave said in what I suppose was his Alpha voice.

"And as the guardian of Jace I'm telling you to wait until tomorrow" I said calmly from the door way where everyone eyes were now focused on.

"And who are you to tell your alpha that" Some woman said to which other Alpha's agreed.

"Someone who would rather not let her wolf out" I was shy until it came to something I strongly believed in then I was the devil in sneakers.

"Dave please wait until tomorrow I promise we'll be there first thing as the sun is up" dad plead while there was a tug on my hand.

"Aren't you going to eat with me?" The hope in his eyes was something I couldn't crush.

"Sure look at you all clean let's go I'm starving" I ruffle his hair warning a pout.

After eating dinner we went to sleep he slept with me since he insisted not really trusting anyone else. I stayed up most of the night due to nightmare he was having it was after three when he fell into a peaceful sleep on my lap, it didn't take me long till I fell asleep myself. My parents were having a conversation last night trying for us not to hear but I heard, they were talking about the Alpha of the Crimson Claw pack he was an Alpha no one dared to cross or challenge and he was coming. According to dad he left for our pack but got delatex but will be here today between the lack of sleep and the protectiveness of my wolf over Jace I'm actually a devil in sneakers.

Around eight the next morning we were leaving for the meeting and the Crimson Claw Alpha was ten minutes away that was half an hour ago. Jace  is asleep on my back with his teddy bear in my hand, apparently it was his sister's own. His sister is five, brunette with beautiful chocolate eyes and her wolf was a dark grey one. Dad had continuously offered to carry him seeing how tired I was but I was also afraid that he'll wake up with nightmares. Events of last night flooded my mind of him crying, screaming, clawing at my sheets and pillow there was no other time but then I was thankful all the bedroom where soundproof.

"We're here you're ready Evelyn?" Dad asked.

"Yeah I'm fine" my wolf was surfacing smelling the room filled with Alphas.

"Eve calm down you're turning" looking into my father's eyes his statement was indeed turning.

"Sorry she's just protective and wary" he nodded and led me inside.

We walked down various corridors, through many doors but I was busy trying to calm down my wolf than to memorize the lay out. Dad tapped my shoulder signalling we meet our destination. I gently woke Jace who looked around with a lost look and help my hand tightly smelling the authority on the other side of the double doors. Looking to him, as asking if he's ready or if we should run for it he nodded looking determine towards the door but as soon as the opened his determination faded and was replaced with fear. We where shown our seats but Jace and I had to sit apart so he say on my lap while I hugged him giving him comfort as the meeting began.

"We are here to discussion the rogue problem all of our packs have been facing, it seems they have visited each back and some no harm but something in my pack have peeked their interest" Alpha Dave addressed the table.

"Do you know why that is?" Another alpha asked he looked familiar looking at the round take I recognize the Alphas well 95% of them since dad use to describe them and tell me their names.

"I think I do but before we address that we have to address the rogue found on my pack grounds yesterday" Jace whimper when all attention turned to him.

"The rogue has a name, his name is Jace" my voice had a 'matter of fact' tone to it.

"Dave it seems that your pack is losing respect for you" Alpha Kim said leaning back with a smirk.

"Evelyn manners" dad said from behind Alpha Dave I bowed my head in submission.

"The roses has a name" Alpha Kale commented.

"Evelyn we have some questions for Jace" Alpha Thomason said in a polite tone to which I nodded.

"Jace what pack are you from? Why where you on this pack lands? What were your intentions?" Jace signalled me close and whispered the the answer to the first question in my ear.

"He is from a rogue pack on the out skirts of Clear water pack and Crimson Claw-" as though on que the doors open and a two men walked in no doubt Alpha and beta of the Crimson Claw pack.

"Good of you to join us Mr. Quincy"  Alpha Kale smirked at the man who just shook his head in response before sitting.

"Had a rogue problem on the trip here what did I miss and why is there a rogue in the room?" His voice silky and smooth bringing my wolf to the surface.

"There was a rogue attack and hours later a pup was found we are now questioning him" Alpha Kim said with annoyance in his voice.

"And why are you now questioning him?" He raised a perfect shaped eyes brow.

He was around 6 foot something with dark hair and the perfect mix of grey and brown eyes ever made, there was a cut on his right eyebrow, long lashes, strong and defined jawline.

"Dave would you like to explain why"

"I would like to continue the questioning then get back to the rogue issue"

The forest

What's wrong with the forest?

Rogues in the forest

How are they getting past the borders?

They have a witch making them potion to hide their scent, they are keeping her prisoner. You have to hurry Eve they are close to the pack.

"You smell it too?" I whisper to Jace who nodded.

'Dad you need to get to the forest line their are rogues coming'

'How are they getting in?'

'They have witch prisoner making them potions to hide their scent'

'How do you know this?'

How do you know about the witch?

I talked to Jace's wolf yesterday he told me everything hurry they are almost here

How much ?

Seven but the same one who was watching is also there watching it doesn't intend to fight so you have six to fight not much.

Okay thanks

'Dad they are almost here we have to go now'

'I already told the Alpha before you ask no you can't go'

'Sorry dad'

Getting up I picked up Jace and ran out of the build with my wolf giving me directions, what was wait was a bloody scene. There was three rogue dead and two warriors injured, a rogue tried to approach me instead but it turned into a growling battle before a warrior use it's distraction as an opening. Jace had his hands covering his ears and face buried in my neck they kept one alive though. When my mother came I gave her Jace as dad and Alpha Dave took me away from where many wolves now gather.

"You need to calm down Eve your eyes have already turned you'll scare Jace" nodding I tried calming myself.

"I can not when there's that wolf looking at us I can smell it" they exchanged looks sniffing the air only to come out empty.

"You can smell the rogues Evelyn?" I nodded, "even with the potion you can smell them?" I nodded again, "do you know why?"

"No but I can always smell them and my wolf always knows how much there are but only when it's rogues"

"Interesting, John we have to tell the other Alpha's"

"We can't you know how they'll treat her" my father argued I have manage to push her back.

"We aren't telling them everything only what they need to know"

"Its Evelyn choice but I refuse for her to be used as a search dog"

"Okay John, so Evelyn what do you say do I have your permission to tell the other Alphas?"