
Who Owns The Crown?

Adeline found herself in a foreign room and as to finding out where she is, she could not help but to be in shock at first, however, as she finally understands on what is happening amusement filled in her heart. Who would have thought that Adeline will be reincarnated into the story she herself would not forget. A story where in Madeline Ceres Habsburg the Second Princess and the villainess of the story who got executed, Adeline who is unluckily possesses Madeline body find a very interesting way to turn the tables around. Adeline being the villainess that her precious sister Laura Iris feared. The story that is once a romance cliché become a power-struggle. Who will be the one will last until the end and own the throne? Is it Madeline the villainess Second Princess or Laura the First Princess or will be the end proceeds as the original story?

ladyrihaveinlafoli · Fantasy
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86 Chs

An intruder....

At the middle of the road in Capital, the carriage brook and Lyle and I decided to take a stroll and visit Abelard. 


I needed an immediate answer to what I am seeking, that is why it is a perfect time that the carriage brook. We went into an alley where a bookshop/ cafe was located we went in, and a servant immediately came to us "Can I have the book of a Crow's Tears? And a tea" I said he immediately understood what I said. 


"Please, this way" he led us to the room located inside of the library and at the back of another room, Abelard's office was located. He knocked and opened the door and there we saw Abelard who was sitting in his chair and sleeping. 


"Ahem..." I cleared my throat to announce my presence and he heard it "Good to see you again, My Lady" he said and bowed down. He did not try to kiss my hand because the first time he did Lyle beat him up. 


"Well, aren't you going to let me sit?" I sarcastically asked and without a word he offered me his chair where he had been sleeping earlier. He is standing in front of me while Lyle is outside, as I instructed him to leave. 


"There's something I want to know... Gioffre Borgia" his eyes lighten up and he had this sneaky smirk on his lips "there's a very forbidden topic that the emperor himself orders. I did not expect that My Lady, will be the one who will break that" 


That Emperor did what? A forbidden topic about Gioffre Borgia? Who is he? 


He did not say anything and went through his drawers. "Here, there's everything you need" he gave me the envelope and I wrote something on his blank papers that were on the desk. 


Of course he gave me some information, that is why I need to give him something too. "A location?" He frowned and asked "Yes, I want you to get there and buy that land under your name." 


"But, My Lady, this place has never been lived by anyone because that place has the driest and most dead soil." There is a hint of doubt in his voice, and I smile at him 


"That place will give us a beautiful gemstone, mine, that will even be greater to Tanzanite" yes, in the book Laura who had a strong divine power manage to give a life in that place and later she discovered a beautiful gemstone that she called Painite. 


I want that place and I also know how that place will become lively again. I still have my divine powers and I can do it I will just need to keep visiting the temple to strengthen my divinity. 


"Trust me, what you always want to happen will come true once you have finally gotten into that place. Of course we will share an equal fifty-fifty, deal?" He did not try to say anything and just agreed with what I said because he knew that what I always told him is what will always happen. 


He left the room, and I opened the folder, I saw the detailed information about Gioffre Borgia. 


I was reading the details, and I could not help but grasp what I was reading. 


No way! Is this true? Does this kind of person exist in this book? 


Gioffre is an illegitimate son of Duke Borgia who is an Archbishop. It also said that the First son of the duke who is Cesare is a mad tyrannical, who keeps killing while pretending to be the next Archbishop, while the daughter of the house who got married by 13 into some noble in Liechtenstein Kingdom who is near into the Empire, died. 


While Gioffre who had been repeatedly abused by his family, he managed to become the successor because of the Tragedy happened ten years ago. No one knew what exactly happened that night but the only report that the official has is, All the Borgia family died brutally, the servants even the animals were killed too only Gioffre who is terribly injured on his body found in the well. 


The reason the emperor implemented a royal order to not talk and seek about to the information happened ten years ago. 


This kind of event exist? Nothing is brought up in the novel, is something changing because of how I act? Did I do something that could change the story line? 


Well, it does not concern me whether it does change but knowing this kind of information and meeting other people blows on my mind. 


Like there is another person that I need to keep out myself, even though he helped me it does not matter he will not be a hindrance and a threat to me. 


I stand up and leave the room, Lyle who is sitting and having tea stands up as he sees me walking towards the main entrance. 


"Is the carriage finally done?" I asked 


"Yes, they are waiting for us" he answered, and we just walked out of the place. 


While walking I can feel Lyle's gaze to me, as he keeps glancing at me while we are walking "What is it?" I annoyingly asked. 


"Did you find what you were looking for?" I nod to answer me. 


Damn, I am exhausted. I have so much to think about right now because of those things that happened in a single half day. 


What else is there? Is there any other surprising information to me? 


I suddenly stumbled when a man brushes his shoulder into mine. "I'm sorry, My Lady" he immediately apologies to me. 


He has an accent, is he not from here? I turned to look at him, he was wearing a white all over coat, he had dark color skin, his hair was in deep dark purple and his eyes, when I our eyes met, it was like I saw all my past life as Adeline through it. It has a captivating deep purple color. 


I cannot help but to be drawn into his eyes, as he is also looking at me intently. My life as Adeline was flashing right into his eyes, and I do not understand why I am seeing this. 


"You.... Who are you?" he asked with a confused and doubtful tone of his voice. He has this stiff accent that I usually hear if you are not familiar with the language you are using to. 


I raised my one brow "I am Madeleine Ceres; From the House of Luxemburg" I said my name with a proud voice of me. 


But then what I heard next made my jaw drop and widened my eyes "No, I am asking who you really are" he firmly said and had this judgmental gaze at me. 


Can someone finally tell that I am not Madeleine? Why now? Why all this time that I am with Lyle and out of the streets that people were looking at us. Who is this man? 


But then, some wind brushed my cheeks and before I knew it, I saw that everything was black and white while everyone was like a stone not moving. 


What is happening? I look at to Lyle and I saw him like a statue looking at to this strange man. "You... What did you do!" I yelled at him 


"I'm right, you are not an ordinary person, seeing on how you didn't get affected by my powers." Powers? What kind of powers does he have for him to do something like this, it was like the time has stopped. 


"Who are you really? This body is like an empty shell right now, so who are you and why are you here?" He does not have any accent right now. 


"What do you mean by that? How can a person become empty?" It is not that I cannot understand what he is saying, it is like I am afraid and avoiding answering his question because if he knew that I am from the other world I might die from being burned into a stake. 


"That body of yours have a two soul, the one soul gave a pure bright blue color, and the other one had a deep black color of soul." Can he see my soul? Wait? I have two souls? 


Does it mean that the real Madeleine did not completely leave this body? Is that the reason I have been having this nightmare, or more like her memories? The reason I have this kind of feeling towards the people near Madeleine? 


She has not completely gone into this body. 


"I saw how hideous a person you really are. I will not let you do what you have done in your world. Whoever you are I won't let you do your way here." He firmly stated and I saw a blue light emitting on him. His deep purple colored eye became a deep ocean blue eye. 


He then pointed his index finger at me, and a blue laser light went into me, and I closed my eyes because I was going to be hit. 


Strangely enough nothing hit me and when I opened my eyes, I saw myself inside of a circle. 


Oh, my goodness, what is happening here? Why am I inside of this stupid circle? Did it save me from being hit? 


"You! Your body has enough mana to protect itself. Do you have a divinity?" He asked and I closed my eyes to recall everything I could recall answering his question. 


Yes! Madeline is a Princess, if I remember she has a strong divinity because of her royal blood or whatever the reason of it. 


"Why don't you go back to where you are from! Why are you here? Are you planning to do something in this peaceful country?!" He is now yelling and accusing me! How annoying. 


I found him quite attractive but now that he attacked me and tried to kill me, and yelling me with those accusations he had, he is now getting into my nerve. I wanted to strangle him until he stopped breathing but if I did, I would die first because I can feel how he has this tremendous amount of mana in his body and his divinity is overflowing too. 


"If I can then why do you think I'm here!" I rolled my eyes to him, is he dumb? If that is too easy for me to go back into the world I have already done. 


"I don't have the time to argue with someone who keeps blabbering some rubbish things. Yes, I am not the owner of this body, and I am not from this world. Whatever you saw in me I do not care. Whether I did the things I have done or not it is none of your business." I said boredly and crossed my arms into my chest. 


Well, I am planning to do something but that is because they do not deserve to be happy! I need to survive too in this world! I cannot afford to lose my head. 


"Tell me who you are" I demanded an answer from him. I need to know who this man is. He snapped his fingers and I saw how everything turned back to its original state. 


"I am Samael, Your Highness" he said and places his hand and slightly bow at me. My face grimaced when I heard what he said. Your Highness my foot. 


Samael. Good I will not forget that name. 


I did not say anything and turned around and left. I will not ask for his help. How annoying. 





