
Who Owns The Crown?

Adeline found herself in a foreign room and as to finding out where she is, she could not help but to be in shock at first, however, as she finally understands on what is happening amusement filled in her heart. Who would have thought that Adeline will be reincarnated into the story she herself would not forget. A story where in Madeline Ceres Habsburg the Second Princess and the villainess of the story who got executed, Adeline who is unluckily possesses Madeline body find a very interesting way to turn the tables around. Adeline being the villainess that her precious sister Laura Iris feared. The story that is once a romance cliché become a power-struggle. Who will be the one will last until the end and own the throne? Is it Madeline the villainess Second Princess or Laura the First Princess or will be the end proceeds as the original story?

ladyrihaveinlafoli · Fantasy
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84 Chs

Meeting or Battlefield?

I woke up early or more like, I stayed up late and before I take wink of sleep it is already morning, the housekeepers bathed me and readying me. I wore a blue ruffled chiffon blouse with a button, white pants, half knee sash boots with a blue steampunk coat. 


My hair was tied up and my makeup was light, I am wearing a pair of earrings, a necklace and a cufflink made of a tanzanite gemstone that is only mined by the House of Luxemburg. Tanzanite is the symbol of the House Luxemburg since it is the one who found and the owner of the only Tanzanite mine in the whole continent. 


When I am done preparing Lyle enter the room and escorted me at the main entrance, there I saw the Archduke and Archduchess waiting for me "It is a good day, Grand Mother and Grand Father" I greeted 


"It is indeed," The Archduke stated, "This meeting will determine if the succession ceremony proceeds and if you will be the rightful successor." he said. 


Of course I will not let this be ruined, I need their approval, but it does not mean that they had the chance to bring me down and insult me. 


Lyle and I went inside of the carriage, "Lyle," I called him "Yes, My Lady" he answered immediately I glanced at the carriage window and rested my chin into my palm. 


I want to ask him something about Madeleine but then if I asked him something that I should know better about myself I think he would be suspicious about it. 


There's something bothering me an out Madeleine, this past few weeks, I had a dream and in that dream it is about to the young Madeleine who went out of the Palace and was found by Imperial Knights lead by Lyle, she was found lying unconscious on the forest her clothes were ripped and she had some bruises. She looks like a dead person. 


I do not think that it is just a dream, it feels more like a memory of Madeleine. 


But I want to know what that is, because it keeps me awake with a heavy and uneven breath, gasping for air. 


"Actually, there's this something that keeps bugging me..." I am hesitating to tell him, his complexion that day in my dream is too terrible. It was like blood ran out of his face and he was too shocked and just stood there. 


I looked at him "What happened that day?" I asked him frowned "The day that I was found in the forest unconscious" I saw how his confused look becomes stiff and dark. He was emitting a dark aura that I felt goosebumps into my body. 


I felt an extremely dangerous aura in him; however, he did not give any answer to me and just silent on the whole ride. I should not have asked him, but it is bothering me. If I have this feeling that something was behind in that memory and the answer can be useful. 


We arrive at the Neuschwanstein Caste, this is where all the notable events held, Imperial Weddings, succession ceremony, Coming-of-age ceremony or even a meeting. This castle is owned by the House of Ludwig. 


Then I saw how big and grandiose this castle was from outside to inside of it. The high chandeliers hanging from the ceiling, the very antique paintings that also hang on the wall, the long and soft carpet that I can feel while walking into it. The elegant and luxurious designs of the furniture, I am astonished to see it. This place is like a Castle out of Fairy tale. 


This is more beautiful, more grand, luxurious, and elegant than the Imperial Palace. 


"It is beautiful..." I muttered as we walked into the meeting room. I am so amazed and cannot help to admire the place. 


The escort stopped at one room he knocked "Lady Madeleine Ceres from the House of Luxemburg and Sir Lyle from the House of Zyair!" He announced and opened the door. 


When he opened the door, I immediately saw four people sitting and looking at us who were entering the room. They have a very unpleasant look on their face, even though they are from the neutral houses it does not mean that they will immediately support me and approve me as the next successor. 


Lyle pulled me a chair and I sat and waited for him to be seated next to mine. "What is it that you want?" The Marquis of Austenburg immediately said without any beating. I simply smiled at him. 


"I am the rightful heir of the Luxemburg House, what do you expect my Grandparents will do? Gave the title to some unknown people who do not deserve even a single step into the House?" Sarcastically I stated to him. 


Is this how they will approach me? Do they think that I am still the 'Little Villain Princess' that they knew? Well, I am not. Sure, I will be the villain but not as a Princess. 


"Then, you think that you deserve that better than anyone, young people won't understand the heaviness of the responsibility and duties that are attached into the title." The Duchess of Windsor stated. 


"The duties and responsibilities aren't a simple thing. A person like you will not do any excellent job and even bring the ruin of the prestigious house" for what the Marquis of Austenburg said. I gritted my teeth. 


I will remember these two people. 


I brushed it off and let go of my smile "Then, who is more suitable than me? You? Ha, if I will bring the downfall of The Luxemburg House, why shouldn't I ruin your House first, My Lord." I said while throwing a sharp glare at him. 


I saw how his face turns red, and his nostrils were fuming, He did not say anything and was just compressing his anger. He is insulting me this much and he cannot even handle my insult. 


"Enough with this," a strict voice said, and I glance to him, a young man who is sitting beside of the Duchess is looking at me. " We should be discussing on how and why we should give our seal of approval to her" Who is this man? I never see his face in noble portraits. He is sitting beside the Duchess it means he has the same rank as her. 


Is he the Duke of Borgia? I did not know that he was young. The Duchess and The Marquess cleared their throats. "Well, as for me I don't find anything for me to not give the approval of her becoming the next successor of Luxemburg House" Count Bavaria said and I immediately smiled at what he said. 


"We can't be hard to her just because of the rumors surrounding to her, there is no evidence that pointing that she did what the rumors saying" He added justifying what he said earlier. 


I understand why the House of Bavaria was neutral. He uses his head well. The Duke of Borgia nodded " We cannot base our action on mere speculations, besides she's the sole heir, and if we look on the reason why The Emperor made the decision on removing her in the Imperial Family, because she's standing on her own by becoming The Archduchess" The duke said. 


" I am incredibly grateful for what you said Your Grace and My Lord" I smiled at them, and they both just smiled " Of course, I will not be disappointed and let your trust and support towards me be broken" they nodded and gave their seal of approval to me. 


While the Duchess and the Marquees, who did not want to give their seal to me, handed it to Lyle and immediately left the room marching and had this disapproval look in their face. They cannot go against the two people who gave their approval since Duke Bogaria is higher in Duchess Windsor, since she is only a duchess by the title and Count Bavaria is one of the notable and respectful Houses in the Empire. 


They are both powerful, that is why even though those two have the same or highest rank they cannot go against them because of their notable reputations. 


"Congratulations, Your Grace" They both stand up and show their courtesy. I gave them a warm smile "Thank you so much, Your Grace and My Lord, I will never forget this kindness you have shown to me." I replied. 


After that we left the room and walked towards the carriage waiting for me. 


There has been a strange feeling lingering in me ever since I met The Duke of Borgia, his portraits were never shown in the book where all the list of Noble Houses have their portraits. 


His name was listed as the current head of the house and nothing more than details. I thought he is a middle-aged man because he is the head of house, it never mentions that he is one of the youngest heads of the house. 


His name was weird.... What was it? Giraffe? Graffiti? Grafal? Oh! Gioffre! Yes! 


"Is something bothering you, My Lady?" Lyle asked and I was shocked to see that I was inside of the carriage and on the way home. 


Was I too preoccupied? I did not even notice that I was on my way home. "Well, let see... About the Duke of Borgia, I never thought he is a young man" even to the files that Abelard gave to me there is nothing about it. 


"Yes, he succeeded the House around the same age as mine, though I am a two year older to him. " What? Two years older? Lyle is already twenty-four years old while Madeleine is sixteen, well I will be seventeen soon once my birthday comes up next month while Laura, who will be eighteen also next month and Anywl who is a twenty-four-year-old too. 


Now, I remember their age, I found it gross and disgusting, I mean Laura just got her adulthood married an old man in his twenties? Isn't it a child Abu*e? Lyle and Madeleine also! 


What is this author thinking? Does she have a pedo fantasize thing? 


"Is there something wrong about him?" He suspiciously asked and I shrugged it off "Nothing, I was just shocked to see him" he nodded as he agrees to what I said. 


I need to find some information for him; there is really something that gives me a strange feeling for him. I need to make sure that he will not be in any events happening in the story. 


I did not clearly remember all the things in the novel I read, and I hope that he was only showing up because he was needed at the event. Nothing more nothing less. 
