
Who Owns The Crown?

Adeline found herself in a foreign room and as to finding out where she is, she could not help but to be in shock at first, however, as she finally understands on what is happening amusement filled in her heart. Who would have thought that Adeline will be reincarnated into the story she herself would not forget. A story where in Madeline Ceres Habsburg the Second Princess and the villainess of the story who got executed, Adeline who is unluckily possesses Madeline body find a very interesting way to turn the tables around. Adeline being the villainess that her precious sister Laura Iris feared. The story that is once a romance cliché become a power-struggle. Who will be the one will last until the end and own the throne? Is it Madeline the villainess Second Princess or Laura the First Princess or will be the end proceeds as the original story?

ladyrihaveinlafoli · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
104 Chs

The Characters

Lyle and I were still walking on the way to the carriage. He is silent and we are on his guard. "Do you know that man?" I asked him 


"No, but based on his outfit and his accent, he must be from the other country, he must be from the Vaticum" Vaticum? What kind of name is that? However, it sounds familiar. "He must be a priest in training" he added. 


It sounds like a truth, the amount of his divinity is more than to mine, and his clothing's were same as to the priest from the temple. 


What I do not understand is how, how did he managed to see right through me. Even the Highest Priest in the Temple never said anything regarding to that. Is he really a Priest? 


As we were getting near our carriage my eyes saw something that made my blood boil instantly. Our eyes met and she immediately ran towards me and embraced me. Of course I did not embrace her. 


"Oh my! Who would have thought that we would see each other here again, My sister!" She exclaimed, I mentally rolled my eyes and did not say anything to her. 


How come I saw this bitch here? Why does she even roam here freely without any housekeepers or guards? 


And then, I saw a man standing next to Lyle who is just looking to me, He is taller by an inch to Lyle, his skin is darker to Lyle a little bit, he had a deep emerald green hair, his eyes were in deep emerald green too and he have a sharped jawline and I can tell by his body that he is not just masculine! He is ripped! Who is this delicious gorgeous looking man? 


I was snapped into drooling to him when I heard Laura's voice again "Did you know how heartbroken I am when I heard that you left the Palace and went to your Grandparents house? You know that Father will worry, and you did what you want again" She scolded and had this pitiful look on her face like any second she would cry. 


I slightly lushed her away to distance myself and made a bored and uninterested look into my face. "Dear me, I never thought that His Majesty and Your Highness will be worried, because who did lock me up and abandoning me in the Emerald Palace?" I clasped "Isn't it The Emperor himself? So why would he be worried." 


I let out an exhausted sigh and rolled my eyes when I saw that tears were running down her cheeks. Seriously? Is she this desperate to get attention? Well, she succeeds because we are now being swarmed by these people getting to know what is happening. 


"Father... He is worried... How can you say that... He just cannot control how you threw fits, and your temper was always all over the place..." She said between her cries. I want to pull her hair and slap her; is she really getting into my nerves acting pitiful and victim? Really? 


I sighed "Oh yeah, whatever you say. Even if I say I have never even lifted a single finger on you or raised a voice to you people will not believe me, do you want to know why?" I lean closer to her ear "because you playing a victim makes me the villain who always tortures you even though I haven't started yet." I felt how she flinched when she heard how I whisper to her with my low and cold tune of voice. 


"Listen, Laura... Now you are playing a victim but one day you will be the real victim who you want so bad. You should have known better, the moment I left the Palace means I am taking what is rightfully mine and no one can stop me, even your 'Great Father' " I whispers to her with a hint of warning into my voice. 


I distance myself and when I am about to walk past her, she speaks again "Whatever you did, I will stop you and will not let you ruin this Empire!" She exclaimed and I could not help but laugh. 


This is interesting! She is really this desperate! I turned to face her and crossed my arms into my chest. "Really? How? Do you have any power to do that? I doubt you can stop me when you cannot even achieve something I already had. " I heard the gossip become louder and clearer after what I said. 


I saw how her eyes tremble, not because she is about to cry again but because she is furious. "Yes, you will be a crown princess that's given because you are the only princess here in the Empire, but did you already accomplished something that worth to be called as the Crown Princess? Yes, you are visiting the Temple and making donations and voluntary charities however, does it make anything? Did they obtain something that can permanently change their life?" I scoffed 


" Nothing. Because you have not done anything to change their life. If you have power and wealth, then why try to help, and change their life instead of just giving them temporary comfort? If I were those people, I wouldn't be so happy to know someone incapable of doing some simple thing to be the Future head of this Empire." Laura did not do anything, and they just glared at me while I was just smiling at her from ear to ear. 


People were talking and talking about what I said. At least they are not that dumb to not understand what I am trying to say. If they support this incompetent bitch, then they will all die before they saw my pronation day as an Empress. 


I walked towards Lyle "I have been bumping into some trouble today," I said and shook my head "You should rest when we go back, My Lady. We shall postpone the sword training" he said and. I just smile simply at him. 


"I'm looking forward to your succession ceremony," I flinched when I heard an extremely low and deep voice of a man speak beside me, I glance to where it saw the gorgeous man "Oh, I'm glad to hear that..." 


"I'm Anwyl Aziel, From the House of Dewei" my eyes widened, and I gasped as if to hear what he said. 


Damn! This man is the male protagonist of this story?! He looks so damn hot! He does not even deserve Laura! Why did he marry her instead of Madeline?! Why!! 


I internally screaming in my head as to why this man who is good as hell being with Laura. "Forgive my rudeness, Your Grace." I apologized and now at him. 


Then he smiled. Seriously, when I saw his smile my heart beats loudly and fast, I felt something from my stomach tingling, and I saw how bright his face is. 


"I shall take my leave, Lady Madeleine" he said 


"Lyle... Why does he look like that?" I said while still looking to the Anwyl who is walking "My Lady, do you find him attractive?" For what he asked I snapped back into fantasizing and sighed. 


"I got distracted" I said and went inside the carriage. Lyle was silent and stuffed the whole ride and I understand why. I cannot be distracted like that I should prepare myself. 


I was stunned by how the male protagonist look and I understand why he is the male protagonist; his looks and body features were insane. 


Wait, if Laura and Anwyl were together it means that the story already started? They are already strolling like they are in date. 


Isn't it they supposed to be engaged on Laura's birthday? Why are they together? Not only that, but this is also the first time that all the characters met. 


So, the story has changed since I did something out of the story too. I sighed, well there is nothing for me to do about it and I like how the events turn out. I will need to take notes on every person I have met that was not brought up in the novel. 


When we got back into the manor, I went into my office and took out my notebook in which everything that I know about in this world and my plan were written. 


First the man at the meeting, He is Gioffre Borgia, A Duke, and the illegitimate son of the Ex-head of Borgia House. I need to be careful on this man, his background is screaming a danger, and his appearance is even strange, whoever he is he never mentioned on the book. Next is Samael, he is more dangerous than to anyone. Whoever he is and whatever he is I need to avoid him. The moment he told me about something being me not from this world, he will become a hindrance to me, so I need to make sure that we will never cross each other's path. 

Lastly, Anwyl, I was shocked to find out how he looks, he is a protagonist that's why his appearance is well built, I can also say the same thing to Laura, she had this female protagonist characteristic that made me tell in the first time I saw her that she is indeed the protagonist. Well, they look good in each other but sad to say, I will need to ruin they are not so happy ending relationship. 


Anwyl does not deserve that woman, I will make sure that I will made them break apart. 


I heard a knock on the door, and I saw my grandfather entering the room. I immediately stood up and was about to greet him when he raised his hand to stop me. "How's the meeting? Did the meeting have a problem?" he asked and sat on the couch I sat in front of him too. 


"There's some minor issue but in the end, we get their approval seal" I am smiling said "That's good to hear" he said in a relief tone. 


 I frowned when I saw his bothered face. Is something going on? "You have something to say, Your Grace" he let out a heavy sigh before plastering a fake smile into his lips. 


"No need to worry, as I want to say is..." He cleared his throat "Be careful Madeleine, don't trust anyone even if you get what you want. Don't let yourself to be hurt or worse die." He sounds too worried about me, and I just gave him a warm smile. That is the only thing that I can do for them. 


Of course I will not die, but there is no assurance that I will be safe. It is not a simple fight; it is a power struggle to see who really is the rightfully owner of the crown and the throne. 


I will not die easily, not even in this stupid fictional world that I once read. I am at an advantage. I live my entire life getting my hands full of blood. If I cannot kill just a merely character in this story then, what am I doing in my real world? 


Just wait and see Laura, I will hang your head one day. 



