

Arthuryasmin008 · Others
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37 Chs


"What did you think he is up to now". Camilla asked. "Probably just destroying the villages of some poor witches."

"He's been gone for Days" Camilla said with a worried face. " I still don't understand why u care for him that much. Besides he's an adult more than adult and he can care for himself so just stop worrying for someone who wants to die."

Alexander had been going from one village to the other destroying and killing witches just for fun. Zain already knew that he was going to keep burning villages for as long as he hadn't found what was going to kill him.

As far as Zain was concerned the woman in front of him was worrying to much and he knew why. Being in love with a creature like Alexander wasn't something he didn't expect he was a fine man After all and the first of his kind.

But the truth was that Alex didn't even care for himself not to talk of caring for others and to top it off she was a witch. A helpful one and that was why she was still alive, If she hadn't been helpful she wouldn't be standing here right now.

Zain looked at the woman in front of him and began to read her thoughts.

" You know that's not gonna happen right". He told her and she looked at him and smiled as if realizing that he read her mind.

" I know... but its worth trying".

Zain who had kept a straight face chuckled.

" just stay within ur limits or you'll burn with ur fellow witches." He told her and vanished.



I heard the honk of the car and realized she was here. I rushed out of the orphanage carrying my bag when i felt a tug at my dress. I turned to look and i found a pair of brown eyes staring at me. they belonged to one of the kids at the orphanage Pamil.

"Are you going now miss Anne" she asked showing off her white teeth.

i lifted her and twirled round with her in my arms and said. " I hate to princess but i have to go now." i kissed her on the check and she returned the favor. i dropped her after hearing another honk.

"Byeeeeeee". Pamil said and i waved and smiled at her afterwards i ran towards the black sedan waiting for me.

" Hey Girl " Gaby said waving and smiling at me. i hugged her and she hugged me back. Gaby was the only best friend and friend i had she was always there for me despite our different backgrounds. She was not spoilt despite her parents wealth but she always loved to live her life the Gaby way of course. she doesn't know anything about my health because i feel she wouldn't be close to me anymore so i decided not to tell her anything.

"we are gonna partyyyy tonight baby girl". Baby said while driving.

"where". i asked anxiously.

" Now thats a surprise.....Am not telling". I nodded knowing fully well that she wasn't going to tell me anything no Matter how hard i begged.

She drove us down to her house

...No her father's mansion. it was her house since both her parents were barely around. i entered the large glass door placed in front of the mansion. it wasn't my first time here both i just couldn't get enough of the mansion.

" lets get u something to wear," she said whilst we were in her room.

i sat on her king sized bed and waited for her to pick out the clothes for us.

she wouldn't let me pick my clothes cuz she thought i didn't know how to style.

while she was doing that i picked up my phone and phoned my dad informing him i was gonna sleep over at Gaby's place.

"here try this" she said tossing me gown and smiling sheepishly.I looked at the gown and realized the reason for her smile. it was a shiny black long gown, fitted from top to bottom with white colored lace around the waist lime it had a v neck long enough to expose part of one's breasts and an open back. "it would bring out your figure". yeah i thought "now put it on lets bounce".

i finished dressing and waited for her in the living room. she came out wearing a similar dress but in a green color.

She smiled upon seeing me.

Gaby Wasn't someone who was easily interested in men but she surely dressed to kill always.

she picked up her keys and we went outside to the black sedan. We got in the Car an she drove off.