

Arthuryasmin008 · Others
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37 Chs


I was about to scream when i realized my dad and grandma were at home and it was so late at night. i looked at the alarm clock and found out that that it was just 12:15.

I sighed realizing that i had only been asleep for a few minutes. Oh how i hated my life, just when i thought i was going to sleep the pain just had to come now.

I searched my bed and found a piece of cloth. I took it and squeezed it in my mouth to make sure i wouldn't scream loud enough to wake my family up.

After struggling with the pain for nearly the whole night it stopped and i sighed in relief. I looked at the alarm clock and realized it was 4:30 in the morning.



"Did you find anything" Alexander asked the elegant well dressed lady in front of him. " No, But....."

"Just leave" he told her with a stern voice without showing any emotions on his well structured face. She was about to protest when he gave the don't test my patience look and she left without a word leaving him in the dark room all alone.

Alexander looked like he could kill at the moment that was the only thing that could keep him in check right now so he just teleported to where he could find those silly demons to quench his blood thirst.



The scent of food filled the little apartment where Anne stayed with her father and grandma. " I hope you like it Didi ". Didi was the nick name Anne gave to her grandma." Of Course Anna, as long as u made it" Didi smiled at her granddaughter.

"Dad, how's it", she asked. " it's good darling". Anna ate as fast as she could so she wouldn't be late for work.

Anna worked as a teacher and care giver at an orphanage home. She went there every day and spent time with the kids. it always made her forget about her condition. Her dad was a counselor at a certain school in the west side of town so he rarely went to work while her grandma sat at home knitting garments.

Anna left the house at exactly 6:30 am so she could get to the orphanage at 7:00 at the dot. she got into her car " an old explorer" and wheeled off waving her family good bye.

" You don't have to tell her anything" Didi told her son who had been quiet

" She'll have to know" he said looking as though he just wanted to take away his daughter's pain. The doctor had told him that she had just a few months, barely a year to live. it hurt him so much that he would have to see his daughter die the way he had watched his wife die.

"let her live peacefully, don't say anything that would make her think, she has been through a lot already". Didi said and looked at her son with pleading eyes before she turned and went inside.

He sighed knowing the fact that there was nothing he could do to save his child. having one last look around the apartment he turned and went inside to prepare for work he needed to do something That would take his mind off his daughter's condition.