

Arthuryasmin008 · Others
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37 Chs


The hall was dimly lit as the two ladies who dressed to kill came walking through the door armed by two hefty good looking men.

I stared in awe as i looked around the dimly lit room it gave off that dangerous warning sign that we shouldn't be here but i just couldn't resist the urge to walk in further and i knew Gaby felt the same way. i didn't have to worry either because i was sure i was safe as long as i was beside Gaby, if anything at all happened then Gaby would put her karate lessons to test.

As a child my best friend was meant to learn how to defend herself and not be a weakling mostly because of her fathers type of business.

"May I???" came from a young handsome guy in front of Anne who was already placing his right hand in front of him and the left hand behind him.

Did i just hear this guy right Anne thought to herself and she received a nudge from her friend as if she had been listening to her thoughts. Gaby smiled at me as if to reassure me and then turned her back and walked away to a corner.

I took the seemingly gentle man's hand and i felt like i was gonna die. his hands were so hot and i felt like i was on fire but only for a while. We danced through the hall and i scanned around to see if i could find my bestie. i did find her but with a seemingly handsome guy. they were sitting so close to each other that their knees and shoulders were touching, i could see her force a smile on her face and i pitied the poor guy who thought he was being romantic at the moment. My eyes were still on my bestie when i noticed the sudden change in temperature, it was hot at first then cold and then the hall just felt cold and hot at the same time.

Strange i thought.

Then..... i saw him, standing just at the door for some seconds and then gracefully he walked into the hall. I stared at the beautiful creature in front of me and i refused to believe That such a human existed in this world. He had the strangest pair of eyes i have ever seen. His face well structured with his pointed nose and half hearted lips. i didn't realize i had my mouth open all along. i could hear the low gasps that erupted from the ladies and some of the men. i noticed his aura it was different, powerful yet calm at the same time, those eyes spoke danger and gave out the most emitting vibes. it was emotionless the whole time. something in me wanted to know what was in those emotionless eyes of his.

" i think you should shut your mouth now darling" Gaby said to me and i shut them up immediately and smiled. "who's that" i asked still staring. " some big fish, i guess. i will just ask my dad" and i nodded.

Gaby and i danced some more with a few guys at the party and decided to just sit and have drink and possibly talk over the drink. i still kept my eyes at the guy i believed to be an angel. His beauty was too inhuman, he looked like he was created in a different planet and probably just lost his way on earth. i laughed at my own thoughts.

" i need the bathroom" i said tapping the chair beside me realizing that Gaby was gone. oh my God, where on earth was she now. i got up and looked around and found her talking to a guy and i didn't bother interrupting so i just had to find my way to the bathroom. i had to find a place to Take my drugs after all

i walked outside the door and looked round spinning my head like a surveillance camera on duty.

i noticed that there wasn't another building around so i thought i could just go to the car park and take the drugs.

i walked down to the car park and was heading towards a blue Bourne ville when i felt the a swoosh of both hot and cold breeze on my face. i turned and started walking towards the east side of the car park the closer i got the more i started to hear sounds, i couldn't exactly pin point what the sound was until i got to our car and that was when i heard the sound clearly it was the sobbing sounds of a woman.

i leaned on our car and peeped through the back, i knew the woman she was one of America's top models. one the highest paid ones. She was literally kneeling in front of the dashing creature that caused gasps to come out of the mouths of women and men.

i knew he was beautiful and for someone like her to be kneeling in front of him was not that surprising, yet i was still in shock as she began to speak.

" just let me love u Alex i promise i won't expect your love. please don't.... let me leave....Don't leave me Alex" she said and sobbed more.

Alex was his name, so he had a human name i thought. i stood and listened more to the woman's plead That seemingly didn't have an effect on him.

He just kept looking at her emotionless as he was when he entered the hall few hours ago.

" we had Deal,you signed the papers." He told her in a cold tone that sent shivers down my spine and i'm sure it did same to her. He turned and walked away leaving the celebrity to cry some more.

i felt the same breeze again and i turned cause it seemed to come from my back.

i came face to face with the angelic creature and all i could do was stare at his eyes. i didn't know if i was seeing wrong but i thought i had seen the color of his eyes change multiple times while i stared at them.

" you should go home" i heard him say and that was when i jumped back to reality.

" she was beautiful yet you broke up." i asked as if i were his sister expecting an answer. i didn't get that instead i got a look that said don't test me l, i think i was supposed to be scared instead i found my self moving closer to him itching to touch his face when i heard my name being called by Gaby. i could tell she thought i was in danger from the way she called. i turned to look and i found her behind me with a worried look on her face. she ran an hugged me as if she hadn't seen the angel behind me.

"i thought i lost you" she said in a whisper. she sounded worried and she had to we only had each other after all.

she broke off from the hug and began to look at me scanning me from head to toe. " i am fine" i told her.

" look who i fou..." i said turning to show her the angel when i realized he wasn't there. where was he i thought.

" what".

" never mind"

she took my hand and opened the car door for me to enter, we got in and she found a way out of the parking lot full of cars .



What was that, Alexander thought to himself.

in all his years of existence no one had ever dared look him in the eyes not to talk of being bold enough to want to touch him, but this woman had the nerves to do so.

Her pale blue eyes looked so innocent and she looked ravishing in that dress as well. She wasn't even scared of him.

He hit his hand on the wall and said to himself that he was thinking to much about irrelevant things. he needed to focus on finding the woman that could kill him. Ever since he realized that a woman could actually kill him he went ahead having multiple girlfriends all on contract. But none of the girls he was with could kill him and for the second time he was becoming tired of something other than his life.

He vanished from where he was to another witch village and without wasting much time he was setting the village on fire with just his thoughts.

i'll never get tired of this he said to himself and smirked.

He was so tired of life that he couldn't even remember the last time he smiled.

he only smirked and on seldom occasions.



Hello dear readers i just want to say thank you🙏🏻 for my first 900 views already.

please support with ur likes as well

Love u all dearly😘😘