

Arthuryasmin008 · Others
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37 Chs


Alex didn't realize his mouth was left open while staring at anne walking down the stairs so carefully like she was going to fall. At first he was beginning to wonder why they were wasting so much time upstairs and had wanted to go up to check when he saw her he realized what caused the sudden lateness. He wondered why all angels the lord had created were not like his alma. With barely any makeup on she was turning him and his six demons on it was the fact that he was going to be married to her anytime soon that he didn't pounce on her that very moment. The dress, the curves the look the accessories, everything, absolutely everything made her look like a goddess, he had good taste after all and he knows what and what would be good for his woman.

" Whats happened??" she asked touching his face worriedly. She had noticed his face expression when she was coming down the stairs and she thought something must have happened.

" You.....You happened". he blurted making anne blush.

" You look like a goddess".

" You always tell me that lexy"

" Because i Want You to know its true".

" I don't think i look the way you say though....i didn't even put on any makeup".

" With or without makeup you still look like a goddess the best part of it is when i see you sleeping so peacefully and beautifully....Anything that touches your body always finds a way to compliment your beauty".

" Thats enough now mister praises...were are we heading to"

" you've been there before so its not gonna be weird but i can't tell you now..you'll figure that out on our way.

" Kay..."

" Lets go". he said stretching forth his hand for her to take it so they could walk out together.

Anne was a bit surprised when she saw a van parked right behind alex's blue rover with a driver in it.

" Whats with the van lexy??.".

" You'll know soon.....but for now be patient". He said helping her up to the car.

" Mary!!". he called out and she came out running.

" As much as i hate to say this....." he said to himself though

" You'll be coming with us....so stay in the van behind us".

" okay sir". She said turning to go.

" Hold up...." she turned back .

" I think its better you minimise your formalities....like the sir thing..." he was saying before anne interrupted him suddenly...When did she get down from the car....he didn't want her to hear Anything.

" Yes...don't call him sir anymore...i told you its weird" she said to mary and then turned to him.

" lexy.....what should she call you now....oh i know....how about your name" She said suddenly avoiding his gaze and then looking back at him

" No dear....i don't think i can call him by his..." she protested but alex stopped her.

" Its okay...get used to calling me by my name...now enough of this talk lets go ". he said dragging anne to the car and putting her in it before going to take his place to drive. They were going to the first beach he had taken her to so he didn't blind fold her in the car to the time they got there.

The sun had not set so they were just in time for it. Immediately they arrived mary placed the beach chairs and table at one corner of the beach that they had chosen and the van was parked right behind them for easy access to the food and drinks. Anne had kept her belongings with Mary before he led her to the water....it was late so they couldn't swim...they just walked around it and took some pictures as well.

The sun began to set so the two love birds stood to watch it hands in hand and with her head resting on one side of his arm considering how short she was when she stood beside him.

" Lexy...." she called out without looking to his face

" hmm".he replied also not tearing his gaze from the sky.

" The sun is set already..." she started but could not finish because alex didn't let her.

" No ".

" Why do you always do this" she said letting go of his hand and standing in front of him.

" Do what".

" Say no to things i haven't even asked for yet."

" Thats because i know what you want to ask for and i can't let you that ".

" Nothings wrong with it". She said.

Alex looked at her and then raised a brow.

" Nothings wrong with swimming in cold water on an evening like this.".

" Yes"

" No"

" Why???". She said almost crying.

" You'll catch a cold....and i hate it when you're sick". That was true...it seemed like she looked only more beautiful when she was sick and he hated having his demons having her when she was sick...he thought it wrong

" You won't let me". She said boldly

" What makes you so sure that i'll always be with you".

" Do u intend leaving me??".

" No ".

" Then Don't even protest or i won't talk to you through out tonight."

Alex laughed before answering.

" Are you going to swim in these clothes??" he asked staring at her gown.

" Hmmmm...i didn't think about that....hold on...i'll be back" she said going over to the van.

She had an undergarment on so she let her gown slide down. Though the under garment was short she didn't let it stop her from having fun. After handing over her dress to Mary she went to meet alex.

They were also alone in the beach so the short gown didn't bother her much.

She felt alex's gaze on her from her legs up to her waist and then her chest and face.

" Stop staring...."

" I wasn't".

" Liar....come on lets start."

" Hold up....you don't know how to swim ".

" Thats correct".

" Wait....so you want me to hold you up while you swim."

" Also correct....what were you expecting".

" But i don't want to enter the water".

" Well you have to....no excuses...now pull off your clothes so we can start or do you want to swim with them on....those are designers so u know."

Alex felt lost, he hated swimming the way he hated witches but he had to get into the water all because of annes protest. As instructed he had to go to the van as well to pull of his clothes and returned to anne.

" Shall we". He said.

" We Shall." she replied.

He took anne by the hand and led her to the water and in no time at all helped her to swim across half the water. From the water she could see the moon as if it was just right before her.

" Its beautiful". she remarked inwardly.

" Are you getting cold" he asked her.

" A little....lets get out....its already too late and besides am starving."

Without a word he lifted her up and carried her over to the van, he placed her in it and was looking for ways to dry her up when mary cam holding up a bag.

" Here are a few comfortable clothes to put on" She said handing it over to alex.

" There are two towels in it as well.".

" Thank you....but how'd you know we would need them". Alex asked before anne could say anything.

" Knowing who she is give me a hint...i knew she would love to swim when she got here no matter how late so i decided to pack some clothes also putting it in mind that she wouldn't take extra clothes with her."

Anne chuckled lightly.

" Thanks momma....At least someone understands me".

" Are you saying i don't??". he asked suddenly.

" Am not saying that but you thought my idea of swimming was wrong"

" It was" Mary chipped in.

" Thank you". he said.

" Wait.... whose side are you on". anne directed her question to mary.

" No one's side".

" But you just Said my idea was bad."

" Honestly it was.....who swims at night". mary said. Anne raised her hand to indicate herself as the person who swims at night.

" Hello...me.....i swim at night...like i just did."

" That enough now....you'll catch a cold if you stay in those clothes for long....now change...i'll go change as well." He said handing over the bag to her.

" Kay....and hurry i'm starving" she said getting her clothes out of the bag.

She wiped her body fully with the towel and put on the blue bubu gown alex had also got her.....it seemed like the color of the day was blue...her favorite color.

Mary helped her slip into the free blue bubu gown and redid her hair.....this time around it was packed in a pony tail with a small amount of hair coming out from the sides of her fore head.....her little makeup was wiped off from her face so she was left bare faced and her beauty untouched.

" He must be outside awaiting you now...go....i'll bring the food in a jiffy so my darling won't starve to death." she said helping her out of the van.

" Thank....." before she could finish she missed a step and tripped over almost having a bad fall to the ground with her face flat when alex caught her....he had been in front of van awaiting his beloved when he saw her tripping over...thank goodness he caught her just in time.

" Careful..." he said dropping her on her chair.

" U have to learn how to take care of yourself even when am around".

" Are you getting tired??".

" No.....its just that.....you know what...you won't get it now...."