

Arthuryasmin008 · Others
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37 Chs


" Of course i'll forget because i know you won't leave me now or ever". she said playfully dragging his cheeks.

" You never learn " he said sitting next to


" Or listen either" mary said cutting in carrying in the tray containing the plates of food.

" I know both of you were made just to gang up and tease me....i'm gonna let go of this for now because i'm starving".

she said rushing over the food mary had dropped on the table.

" Careful..". He told her handing over a cup of water to her when she choked.

" One question...." she said placing her hand up in the air like a student about to ask her teacher a question.

" Later.....you'll choke again".

" Ughhh..." she said stuffing her mouth with food.

They had dinner peacefully over the sounds of the chirping birds in the dark night...The next sounds heard was that of the plates and spoons clattering when mary cleared them.

" We better go now alma."

" But...."

" No....i am not going to listen to anything you say now....common"

He said grabbing her hand and leading her to the car.

With no eyes on them as they got to Alex's gray painted mansion He teleports them to their huge room and he immediate sat her on the bed. He did the honors and took off her slippers and went in to get her nightie he then helped her change out of the huge bubu gown she was on. He let her fall to her back and then gave her a peck on the cheek telling her to go sleep.

" Good night" she whispered holding unto his hand not letting him go but he had to go to Devin.....he had important information and work to do there but his woman was not letting him go yet. He decided to lay beside her at least to assure her that he wasn't going anywhere....then leave after a while.

When he felt she had been long gone in her sleep he decided to leave but she wasn't still letting go.

' Taking her with me might only cause more danger.....leaving her here might put her in harms way...what do i do now' He thought to himself. He decided on taking her along he had no time to think.

Still on her nightie he took with them only a few clothes she would need in the morning and a thick robe and thick jacket because devin was really cold at that time.


" What a surprise....you're here" Axton said standing up from alex's throne unsteadily....he wasn't supposed to be on it in the first place...and was totally shocked to see his cousin standing in front of him unannounced.

" What do you mean....its my city i come in when i want to"

" Yes but you come only Official visits....only when something is wrong or about to".

Ale rolled his eyes.

" At least you know am here for important business so i'll go straight to the point but first i need zain, you and Rhyan at my study and fast." he commanded. Axton was about to make a statement but the glare from alex shut him up and he went ahead to do as instructed.

" His majesty....." Rhyan called out from the door.

" Come in Rhyan... we've been waiting for you". Rhyan was alex must trusted soldier and his military coup commander in chief. He was also the only human in devin that was aware of alex's true nature and Devin

" My sincere apologies my lord i had to dismiss the soldiers in training first before meeting with you."

" Lets get down to business now that he's here." Zain spoke.

" Yes...There would be war soon its literally not a big war that needs more soldiers its a war with critically minded soldiers."

" War????".

" You're not deaf Axton". zain combated.

" Not now you both...this is serious".

" Is it Thaliavi lord??." Rhyan cut in

" Yes...".

" The one who goes about claiming countries that don't belong to her by luring the dastardly men". zain asked already knowing the answer

" Wait..hold up...she goes around from country to country luring its heads to hand over authority to her". Acting said.

" Exactly.....And now she's headed here...to meet with Raymond to talk about handing over." Alex spoke

" She's gonna meet the wrong person".

Acting thought aloud.

" Was she supposed to come directly to him...did you forget we're hidden". zain asked with raised eyebrows.

" But we rule devin...."

" ...From the inside sir Axton". Rhyan cut in.

" To everyone outside devin and even some inside of it Raymond is the executive president of devin but The aljer rules Devin.....All decisions are made in this palace then directed to Raymond for the release of information passed to him....Clearly Thaliavi is unaware of this fact so she's headed directly to Raymond as the head". he continued.

" Then Raymond would not accept the offer she has.....". Zain said.

" That's when we go into war." Axton completed.

" Yes...Rhyan you're in charge of the army...It's a war led by a woman but fought by men...these men will be fighting Skeptically and we have to fight back critically." Alex spoke standing up from his sit.

" Their army count??". Rhyan asked

" 2000".Alex replied.

" 2000??" Axton screamed in shock

" Why on earth will you shout that way.....You've fought more than that amount of people before.". Zain combatted.

" i'll prepare three thousand men". Rhyan spoke ignoring the two brothers.

" No.....Prepare 500 men". Alex replied.

" If i may ask Ramirez... Why??". Zain asked.

" They would fight skeptically....if we bring more men they would pinpoint the matter on the fact that we cheated and if we produce lesser men they would realize their army is not good enough and want to improve their army by reducing the risk of them coming again for other countries for a very long time" he replied.

" That's a good plan though.....but how sure are you that they won't feel cheated when we produce lesser men". Axton asked.

" By Announcing that we have lesser men they would go around telling everyone their story of a future win giving in less interest for the war....in that way even if they tell the country about us cheating they would remind them of how they were lazing about instead of preparing...." Rhyan answered.

" Nice one Rhyan" zain said impressed...Rhyan was truly a wonderful soldier he was intelligent when it came to matters like this and he never failed to show his intelligence when it was much needed.

" Okay...so when do we start??". Axton asked.

" Today...she'll meet up with him tomorrow but our preparations start from today". Alex answered.

" Are you participating in the war??". Zain asked.

" With the look of things i guess so". he replied.

" What happens to the lady you left over there.". Axton asked

" Thats seriously none your business" Alex replied sternly.

" I Think she's here...." Zain spoke.

" What Makes you think so??".

" Alex is well to protective over her to leave her all alone."

" This meeting has ended we shall continue tomorrow as we retire to our rooms tonight". Alex said avoiding the topic.....Ryhan left the room and alex expected to two brothers to do so but instead they stayed watching him....he decided to walk away as well when they stopped him.

" Bringing her here is not the least safe".

zain spoke serious as ever but concern clear in his voice.

" Leaving her alone there isn't also safe.....". i told him.

" Besides i was too confused in what to do....she didn't let go of me on time and i needed to be here as soon as possible." i continued.

" Awwwn.....thats called love" Axton squirmed like a woman causing zain and i to chuckle.

" But on a more serious note....what was i expected to do". i asked.

" You did the right thing.....sort of". zain answered.

" Sort of??" I asked raising a brow.

" At least while you're with her you can protect her........bringing her here does not mean she wouldn't be in danger." he answered. That was true i knew some fool would come wandering in here to attack her thinking i wouldn't be on guard.