

Arthuryasmin008 · Others
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37 Chs


"Are...You...Serious!!!!" Gaby screamed. Anne nodded and then they both hugged screaming like children.

" Someone's in loveee!!". gaby said making Anne to giggle. Anne's face turned sour after a while.

" What's wrong"

" What if things go badly from here"


" I mean...what if he finds out about it and then its too late" anne said worriedly.

" Hey dummy, i really don't think u should be thinking about that now.....You literally just found love, let it last for a while, You deserve the happiness."

" I guess your right"

" Of course i am" gaby said proudly.

The honk outside broke in on their conversation.

" I guess he needs u now." Gaby said looking at her friend.

" i can stay longer if u want."

" No, no....go on, he needs you more than i do"



Gaby waved towards the black Mercedes as it drove off. The few hours she spent with her friend was enough.


" Would you like to ride a horse" Alex asked anne who was beside him in the car.

" Yes, i'll love to"

Anne found herself in a stable after some time. She could see different species of horses but there was one that caught her attention. It was a white horse with shiny black crest, she chose to ride on that one while alex chose a black horse.

He was to ride with her for a while then let her ride by herself. She wanted alex to ride with her for longer but she had to ride by herself this time. She was already getting the hang of it with alex trailing behind her and she chasing after nothing.

She suddenly saw the trees upside down. She tried getting up but she couldn't, her leg didn't let her.

"Anne!!!!!!!" Alex screamed and rushed to her side.

"Am fine " she said trying to pull her self up.

" No you're not" He told her lifting her up and taking her to the car, instructing the driver to take them home.

He placed her on his bed the moment they got home. He walked over to the edge of the bed where her feet was.

" let me see" he said grabbing her injured foot.

" Am fine " She said again. Alex ignored her and continued examining her feet.

" Alex..."

" Don't speak.... You have a sprained ankle and it's bad which means double bed rest and also you will have to listen to me....understood."

"hmm" she replied.

" Mary!!" he called and she came into the room like she had been waiting to be called.

" Get me a bowl of iced water and a small towel".

she nodded and left, within minutes she was back and with the stuffs in her hands.

" You may leave." he told her and she complied.

He sat down and tended to her wounds, it was a bad sprain and she needed rest. Knowing who she was he decided not to go anywhere for at least seven days.

" Just so u know baby, you won't be going anywhere for at least one week, so just forget about the orphanage or gaby or your family for now."

" Am i under house arrest"

" If thats how you see it then yes".

Anne didn't even protest, she loved the care she was going given.

" You should rest, probably even sleep" Alex told her raising up the blankets to cover her while she lied down.

" Why don't you sleep with me" Anne said. Alex looked at her as if trying to tell her what she meant

" i mean just sleep beside me" She said shyly. He nodded and walked to the other side of the bed and lay down.

He lay facing her while she had her back towards him, he wrapped his arms around her drawing her close to him.

The seven days went by so fast that anne didn't want it to end, she loved Alex's care and didn't want him to stop caring.

" Anne, i think you've added weight" Mary said to anne in a whisper. Mary had come to inform anne about dinner being ready and that alex was waiting for her downstairs. Her period of house arrest had being over about three days ago. She had gotten closer both to Alex and mary.

" I've been fed like a animal, so of course i'll be fat"

Mary giggled,

" it's not funny"

"Am sorry"

" You don't have to apologize.....come on lets go before he comes here."

And they left the room.

As usual at the table alex began to stuff food in my mouth.

"Alex.." Zain called out from the door.

"Keep eating and don't move" Alex told me before walking towards to Zain who was already inside.

Anne watched as the two men walked in silence, she couldn't see any of their expressions so she couldn't even tell what they were talking about.


" Its been more than a week Ramirez" Zain said.

" I don't care"

"She'll die if i don't stop now."

" I also don't care"

" You promised to keep her alive."

"i've changed my mind"

" You can't just change your mind"

" i think i can zain"

" Even though...come on she's gonna die, have you seen her lately"

" I think she would have been dead if u actually tortured her the way i wanted u to"

" Taking away her powers so she wouldn't heal from the injuries i caused isn't enough torture???" zain asked

Alex raised one of his eyebrows into an arch.

" Okay, how about this you come over to devin and see her then u decide if she needs more torture or not" Zain told him.

" Fine".

Alex turned and back to anne who was still eating and told her to wait he was going to come back soon. He kissed her on the forehead and left for devin with Zain.


"Alex..." Camilla called out her voice so low that you could barely hear her.

Alex looked at her, she struggled to stand to her feet and struggled even more to walk, she had lost so much weight and looked so ugly in that state. She had been locked in this cave for more than a week and she was still alive but that was because he wasn't the one that punished her.

" I just hope you learn after this because zain won't be able to stop me next time". He said to her in a cold tone.

" Y....e....ss."

" you can let her go" Alex said before disappearing. He had gone to the palace. Anglo was waiting for him.

"Lord Ramirez " He said bowing down.

" Tell me"

" Some high ranked demons have decided to dethrone you my lord."

Alex chuckled. Those demons never learn.

" Smoke demons again right"

" Yes my lord"

Smoke demons were like the most stubborn demons ever created, they liked trouble and they thought highly of them selves. He was partly a smoke demon but he wasn't stupid like them. How on earth would someone see fire and still walk in it knowing they would burn, Even though smoke demons could absorb fire they couldn't absorb his type of fire due to his demon type yet they still walked into it. Well he was happy to burn them all.

" They will also instigate the humans against me for the throne"

" So what do we do"

" Nothing". Alex replied shortly. Anglo was surprised but he didn't show it. He was aware of alex's awesome tactics and way of thinking so he just decided to wait for instructions.

" You know i won't be able to understanding you so please just explain." Axia said from a corner in the room. She had been there all along and the two men talked like she never existed.

" The demons are clearly using the humans as bait but the humans also think they are using the demons as bait, so clearly both sides are going to end up fighting themselves. We don't have to do anything they'll do the killings them selves." Alex replied calmly

"Sorry to ask but how did u know all of this" Axia asked

" Clear logic Axia.....Clear logic" he answered.

" No fighting" She said clearly


" You can if you want". He said and chuckled. Axia loved trouble.


"Why isn't he taking my calls" Anne asked clearly worried. He hadn't been home since he left during dinner and it was getting late. She had planned to decide him tonight, she wanted him all to her self, she felt that maybe if she at least made love to him she wouldn't have to feel insecure, not that she felt that way anyways.

Mary had helped her with everything, her clothes, bath and perfume.

She was on a red lingerie gaby had put in her bag. She painted her lips with a nude lipstick and put on her best perfume.

She was ready and confident but now she was waiting for her man to arrive.

Mary had thought her everything she needed to know about seducing a man so she just had to wait for alex to arrive.

Mary had left her long ago. Anne sat in front of the dresser in alex's room she looked at her self and wanted to have a change of plan because she thought she was overdoing things. She looked for a way to get distracted so she walked over to the dusty book shelf in the room and stood there for a while. They were many books in the shelf but there was one that caught her attention. It was different from the others, it was bigger than the others and also more dusty than the others which meant that it was never touched and it felt like she had seen it somewhere. She picked up the book and looked at the title, it read 'ALJER '. she was right, she had seen it somewhere, In a library it was the only book there on the shelf back in the library as well. She had read it but always had the urge to read it again. It was a fascinating story about a certain demon the only one of its kind, it had immense powers, it was said to be Gods first creation and that it was a result of a failed experiment according to the book. The book showed horrifying images of Aljer, she really could not tell what the images looked like but they were quite scary. She saw how the aljer killed and destroying and went on a rampage. Then she noticed something identical in all the images of the aljer he had multicolored eyes just like Alex, and then in some pictures where he was talking to his subordinates she saw the aljers eyes as silver that showed intimidation. When alex tried intimidating her she noticed the color of his eyes turn silver but when he noticed she wasn't liking it, it went back to been multicolored.

Hold on, is alex t...No no i'm just over thinking.

The warm breeze told her he was here. She turned and met the nicest pair of eyes, she smiled an ran towards him wrapping her hands around his waist.

" i missed you" she said hugging him tighter. He hugged her back. He pulled away after sometime.

" you really didn't have to go this far" He told her while cupping her cheek and pressing his lips against hers.

He kissed her so lovingly that anne felt she was on top of the world. She felt numb all over and was so weak in her knees that if not alex's strong grip around her she would have fallen. He pulled her even closer carried her and took her to the bed and lay her down with him on top. He kissed her lips more and then her cheeks and her neck her bare hands and then he helped her take off her robe, she was left with only the sleeveless short inner gown. He could feel she wasn't shy. But seeing her like that wasn't easy she was stunning. His demon could barely be controlled.

Anne moaned as he kissed her she was loving the kisses and she didn't want it to end. He kissed her back on her lips and anne felt a sharp pain on her lips, just as she felt it he got up and turned away as if she was disgusting him.

Anne touched her lips after she felt the taste of blood in her mouth. Had he bitten her but why. she got up and went to face him, she looked again just to clarify that her head wasn't messing with her.

'Are those fangs' Anne said to herself.