

Arthuryasmin008 · Others
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37 Chs


" Get straight to the point...i really don't have time" Alex said sitting on the chair in front of the dresser with his legs crossed.

" it's not like you don't know whats going on in devin" zain said. Alex ignored him.

" is that all you want to tell me" he asked looking at axia, he knew there was something else she wanted to say.

" The girl...." she said looking at him.

" she's close, very close but we still don't know who she is" she continued.

" Thats Good" he replied shortly leaving camilla and axia wide eyed. zain wasn't the least shocked he expected it.

" why" Axia asked..

" i don't feel like dying anymore"

" Is it because of her" Camilla asked in a low tone.

" Yes....".

" but i...." camilla was about to say when zain interrupted.

" i think thats all...we can go now"

" yes, lets go" Axia said.

" No, i have something else i want to say to him in private, so you can go i'll stay".

Camilla replied. Axia looked at her worriedly while zain just rolled his eyes.

" we'll Leave now." Axia said turning to zain.

" You'll have to walk out the door like humans" alex told them and they nodded and left the room without a word.

Alex was left in the room with Camilla.

" Are you sure you want to leave here alive." he asked standing up from his seat.

";you already know what i want to do..so can you not make it hard for me."

alex looked at her and then chuckled, she had stayed to seduce him.

" Go ahead, try your luck" as the words left his mouth he suddenly thought of anne who must be waiting for him He felt like allowing this woman to seduce him wasn't right. She was beautiful no doubt but she wasn't as enticing as anne. To him, anne didn't have to seduce him to get his attention, only her face was capable of doing the job.

He watched as camilla walked towards him seductively she was staring at him, she was casting a spell with her eyes and he allowed himself fall under it, he hadn't been with a woman for so long so he thought it right for him to allow her put him under a spell.

she touched him, kissed him and dragged him over to the bed, before he could even think she was already naked and on top of him. He didn't even feel the least aroused.

she unbuttoned his shirt and took it off, she was very much in the mood, she did not have patience.

she placed tiny kisses all over his chest and went to his face and found his lips.

Alex wondered why he was still not aroused, maybe she wasn't doing it well enough so he turned her and pinned her on the bed with him on top.


Anne had seen Zain and one of the gorgeous ladies walk out the door,which meant that alex was still in there with one of the women. Both the women had a striking resemblance to each other so she concluded that they were sisters,if not twins.

Knowing the fact that such a gorgeous lady was in the room alone with alex made her restless. Why was she restless.

She had left the dining a long time ago and was at the sitting room that was where she saw zain and the other woman leave. It had been a long time since they left and alex hadn't come down yet with the other sister, she was becoming so restless. She decided to go to her room and wait, while in her room she just got the urge to see alex, something told her that something wasn't right. She got up and left her room, as she got closer to his room she couldn't hear any sounds. She didn't even think about knocking, she just swung the door open and gasped the moment she saw what was going on.

"i....i....i..i'm.. s....orry.....i didn't mean to". she said with tears streaming down her cheeks before she turned and left without even shutting the door behind her.

Alex didn't know when his reflexes kicked in and he pushed Camilla off him. He stood up and looked at the naked shocked woman in front of him staring at her like he could rip her head off. Turning round he rushed out the door in search of anne.

Anne didn't know where she was running to but she kept running, she couldn't even see,her tears kept blurring her eyes. She knew she was heading for her room and she kept running up the stairs, she didn't see one stair cause of her tears and tripped, she thought she was going to fall until she felt his arms around her protecting her from falling.

She looked at him with tears still in her eyes. He was still half naked and that got her more upset. Some lady had seen him like this, she didn't like it.

She freed herself from his hands and kept running towards her room she entered and then shut the door behind her.

She felt the room warm up to her and she realized he was inside. But how, she had made sure she locked the door. She turned and looked at him and cried the more.

" why did you have to that" She asked in between sobs.

" if you wanted a woman u could have at least locked the door" she said again.

" Why Alex, why" she said again, crying even louder.

Anne finally understood her feelings for this man. She realized she was jealous and that was because she was in love with him.

Alex also got the clue that she was in love with him and not just her, he was also in love with her. That explained his anger when he saw the tears in her eyes or why he was so protective over her.

"I love you"she blurted.

"i love you more Anne.....i love you" he replied pulling her in for a hug. He stroked her hair as she cried some more in his arms.

" What was she doing to you"

she asked looking up to him.

" something that she thought she could get away with" he replied simply.

" don't do anything " she said leaning on him again.

" i can't promise you that" he told her simply.


Alex had left anne in the room after a while and told her he was going out for some time. He left for devin without wasting much time.

"Camilla!!!!!" He shouted the moment he materialized in the palace.

" Alex she isn't here" Axia said walking towards him. Ignoring her he went straight to zain, he knew zain was helping Camilla hide.

" You know exactly why am here "

" You have to calm down."

" Don't test me Zain" he said with clenched teeth.

" If You get angry now, it's not gonna end well..." He paused and looked to see if his words were having an effect. he then continued.

" listen Ramirez, i'll deal with her in my own ways, just relax."

" I want to hear screams" He said with finality and vanished.

Zain understood what he meant by hear her screams. He had to torture her a lot.

He immediately went up to camilla who was in the cave he had kept her.

" Did you have to be that foolish" He asked her.

" I love him."

" And he doesn't....You don't need a god to tell u that"

":I don't need him to love me back"

Zain rolled his eyes. he couldn't believe the witch,sometimes he wished she was more like her twin. Quick yet sensible enough to know when to stop.

" I just want to let u know that am not gonna take it easy on you okay...And don't think locking you up here is enough"

She looked at him wide eyed in shock and disbelief and looked at her and gave her a devilish smile before he vanished. He had to rest for a while before he started his torture.