

Arthuryasmin008 · Others
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37 Chs


Oh no, I didn't want her to see my fangs and now she was in front of me staring at my fangs like they were some piece of art. His demon was losing control he needed to get out of there as soon as possible, but she was blocking his way.

" Please just leave or at least let me leave" He was literally begging her she was taunting him with those eyes alone.

" No"

" i'll hurt you" He said hoping she would listen.

" You won't and i am sure of it"

Alex was about to explode. Didn't this woman know she was getting herself into trouble. The next thing he felt was her hands on his cheeks, she was cupping his face and surprisingly he's demon wasn't raging the way it was before instead it felt like she was putting his demon under control.

He suddenly got the urge to kiss her and make him his but he decided to take things slow for a moment.

He kissed her and carried her to his bed .

" Aren't you scared" He asked knowing fully well that his fangs were out and that his eyes had changed.

" If i didn't love you i would be scared"

Alex smiled for the first time, The smile caused her cheeks to flush red.

He kissed her and then his hands went to the sleeves of her inner gown and pulled it down. He helped her pull of her gown and kissed her breasts, anne moaned as he did that, he went ahead to kiss her tommy and then her hips and her thighs, he went back to her lips and kissed her and then whispered in her ears.

" You taste good baby"

He stood up and looked down at her, he thought she looked amazing when she wore clothes but she was even more better without clothes. He took off his shirt and noticed the blush that crept through her face

I had to look away when he pulled of his shirt, it wasn't the first time i was seeing him like that yet it felt like it was. The kisses he had laid on my body made me numb. I felt my cheeks burn when i thought about it. I looked up to him and saw him naked i couldn't even look away i saw him smile when he noticed my stare. He climbed up to the bed and was on top of me in a split second, he had the blankets cover both of us before he asked me.

" Are you sure you want this" Anne didn't reply all she did was pull him closer to her and kissing him. While kissing him she could feel his hands on her thighs opening them slowly and then she felt his body on hers, she had no idea what was going on but then she felt it.

It was painful at first but only for a few seconds and whatever she felt next exited her.

Alex strokes were slow and satisfying, he would kiss her now and then in between his strokes. He also loved hearing her moans. He stopped the moment he realized she had had three orgasm in thirty minutes. He collapsed beside her and turned to see her face. He could tell that she was tired with the look on her face, he turned to her and dragged the sheets up to her chest and then placed a kiss on her forehead before he lay back down and dragged her close to him. They slept off in each others arms.

Alex stirred in his sleep, wow he had actually slept and without

nightmares,that was the first time he slept without having nightmares he rarely slept because of his nightmares.

He turned realizing he wasn't the only one on the bed. She looked so pretty in her sleep he listened to sounds of her heartbeat and his demon raged and that was when he realized she had seen his fangs and his eyes. Oh no, what was he going to do now, he wouldn't feel good of he erased her memories but he wouldn't also feel good if she ran away because she was scared of him.

Anne's stirring causes him to look at her.

" Good morning" she said with a morning voice that sent his demon to the top. She had woken up and was staring at him as usual.

" Aren't you scared"

" Should i be??".

What was wrong with this woman she had seen a supposed human with fangs in his mouth and she wasn't scared. He had even made love to her and she wasn't flinching even for a bit.

" You saw it, didn't you" he asked just to confirm.

" Yes, and i want to know all about it. No, all about you"

Alex blinked a few times.

" Huh" was the only thing he managed to say.

" Who...no, what are you??" She asked while sitting up and still looking at him.

" You really want to know" He asked in disbelief and was even more shocked when she nodded in affirmation.

" Have you heard of an Alger" He asked then saw her expression change into that of excitement and surprise.

" That book...it's about you right" She said her voice sounding faint.

" Yes "

" Can you tell me more....please"

Alex was in shock, she was asking to know more about his demon side.

" But you've read the book"

" I feel there's more to the book than what's in it.....please tell me".

" I was a failed experiment, Centuries ago God wanted to create a particular demon but he didn't know which demon to create first so he just created all five demons in one go."

" Five...i thought they were just four types of demons"

" No....you'll hardly know about the last types of demons".

"tell me.."she said with the eagerness to learn in her eyes.

" They are an extra two sets of demons.

The Ancient demons or the dijins which is both a smoke demon and an ancient demon, we have very few of those demons And then we have the Alger, a combination of all Five demons in one. The Alger is also given supreme power to rule over the entire demons as King..."

" If You're a king which kingdom do rule"

" Devin"

" I've heard that before, that's in the Northern side of the city. You rule devin??".

"The hidden kingdoms in devin, the side of the country meant for demons alone with only a few humans residing in it."

" Thats amazing"

" Not when everyone wants you dead."

" why would they want that"

" Being An Alger is amazing especially when you are the only one of its kind but when it comes to being the most powerful and unbeatable demon its not amazing anymore it becomes dangerous, deadly and painful." He said.

" But you an Alger and from what you said you are indestructible so how is dangerous or painful or even deadly."

Alex looked at her and stood up from the bed, he really didn't like talking about that. He went to one of the large windows in the room and stood by the side leaning by it and staring out the window.

" I once had a family, God thought it nice to give me a family since i was the only demon he had created. I had a mom and a father..... i even had a little sister. Things were going fine until God decided to create more demons and witches; the dijins then smoke demons, the fire demons next then the water demons, The Earth demons were the last to be created before God created witches. The enmity between witches and demons was something no one could explain even till now but its easy to understand, The witches think that demons are evil and should have never been created by God and that they the witches are better than the demons. The witches were so bad that they even manipulated some demons to join them. However i made sure not to get involved in their issues and stayed far away from them as possible, that was until God decided to make me king over all demons." He paused to see of he was making sense.

" But isn't that Good" she said standings up and walking up to him.

" It was for a while but then it became easy for the witches to manipulate more demons into their plans. As demons we were created with different ranks, We had the highest ranked demon; me and then the highest ranked by creation; also me and the rest follows after me. Most demons with high ranks became filled with pride and chose to side with the witches but this time was to take the throne."

" Even after knowing that they can't kill you??"

" Thats when they took the thing most precious to me.....My family."

" The demons and the witches??"

" The demons were wise enough to not do that, it was the witches that killed my family....They didn't even spare my little sister" He said with clenched teeth.

" What did you do to them"

" Burnt them all" He said simply. And he could hear her gasp.

" And am not done with them yet"

" You hate them"

" its an eternal hatred " He said then turned to her.

" Lets forget about that for now lets go eat" Just as he finished his sentence anne's stomach grumbled. He took her by the hand and walked her downstairs to the dining. while walking she suddenly spoke.

" will you take me to devin".

" If u want to"

" i want to". she said

" ok, your highness".

Anne giggled making alex's demon rage. Was she really that tempting, her giggles alone made his demon rage.

They ate breakfast in peace and alex didn't have to stuff food in anne's mouth because she had started eating well and so was he. He had to go to devin later he had some issues to take care of , Camilla was going to do something foolish, his guts told him that and no one was going to know about it till after she tried it so he had to go before she even did it.

Anne had asked me to drop her off at the orphanage after breakfast so i had to wait for her to change and freshen up, he would go to devin after that. She came downstairs looking as stunning as always with her mid length red fitted gown that accented her curves, he wanted to tell her to go back and change so she wouldn't attract men but then he thought it wasn't necessary since she would only be going to the orphanage.

He drove her off to the orphanage, he never believed he would enjoy driving or being driven ever since she came into his life he began to enjoy things he had never enjoyed before anyways there was no way he could drive to devin, so he just parked the car at home and then teleported to devin.



" Why You here??" Camilla asked clearly confused and scared at the same time.

" I think you already know"

Camilla looked around confused, how on earth did he know what he was planning, he was an aljer so of course he knew everything.

" Don't try stopping me" she said

" I won't" he replied. Camilla looked up at him in disbelief she couldn't even tell what he was thinking cause he showed no emotions.

" You won't stop me "

" I'll help you instead" He replied then walked up to her.

" Instead of you choosing such a slow way to die, how about i just rip your head of your body now just to avoid pains, taking poison is going to be so slow Camilla" He told her in a chilling tone telling her that he wasn't joking And then he continued

" Besides you want to kill yourself because i refused to have you so i just want to make it easier for you then after ripping your head i would go off to your sister and hand it over to her i'm pretty sure she would be happy to see your bloody head in her hands and then your mother would be super happy to see her daughters head in her hands as well. Don't you think so??" He arched his brows.

" I see what you're trying to do, i won't change my mind" she replied tearing her gaze from his intimidating silver eyes.

" Whose trying to stop you, I'm trying to help and thats all. If you want my hell then u know where to find me in the castle" He said and vanished without even looking at her.