

Arthuryasmin008 · Others
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37 Chs


" What!!!...He did what!!" Anne screamed as Zain told her what Alex had done to himself while she was not talking to him...she was so shocked at what she heard she turned to him...

" You did what to yourself Alex....why would you do that to yourself.....Why did you do it..why would you try to lock yourself up in a coffin and drain your powers, why??"

" That was punishment for my son's" he replied simply.

" What sins?"

" I made you lose you sense for living Alma.... I didn't mean too but when I saw your state of mind after what I did I couldn't just sit and watch you go through pain alone I had to punish myself for it and that was the only way for me to do that."

" Are you serious right now Alex...Why would you??" she asked coming closer to him making his demons want to devour her right there. Calm down she's ours after the marriage he told them.

" Alma.... I'm very sorry for what I said...I shouldn't have said that to you...please forgive me...not talking to me for two days made me owe my senses and that's why I did what I did to punish my self...please forgive me " he pleaded grabbing her hands in his....Letting go of him she hugged him tightly.

" Who told you i was upset with you...I was upset and angry but not with you with myself...I shouldn't have asked for that which was impossible...if I had listened and kept quiet you wouldn't have mentioned my dead mother....But I didn't....it was because of my persistence that You said that to me...I should have listened and kept quiet but no I just had to be stubborn..... I'm really sorry Alex...please forgive me".

" be quiet you fool why would I be upset with you over such a trivial matter.... I am not upset so stop crying please or else I would join you".

" Why would you.....I thought Aljers don't cry...cause they're Aljers." she said and both of them burst out laughing.

" I'm glad you are fine now" He said cupping her cheeks in his hand.

" Promise me you won't do that again.... promise??"

" I promise it won't ever happen ever again...Now you promise me you won't ever be so upset with me that you wouldn't want to talk to me.....promise??". he said grabbing her hands in his.

" I promise.... I'm starving Lexy.....let's go eat....momma has prepared my favorite and I can literally smell the food from here" she said making him giggle which in turn made her tummy churn gleefully.

" Is this okay princess" Mary asked while serving Anne's food but instead of an answer she got a stiff bodily look in return.

" Anne?" both Alex and Anne called out....she jerked out from her train of thoughts.

" Huh.....yeah...uhmm...what did you say....I'm sorry"

" What happened.....what were you thinking about??" Alex asked.

" Uhmm.....it's just that when she called me princess I... remembered my....my...mother...she always called me princess...when she died my dad started calling me that....and now... I'm sorry.....let's eat"

" I could stop if you don't like it."

" No....please do call me that.....I love it." she said sweetly beckoning on her to sit next to her so they could eat.

About two weeks later... In Devin.... Alex's personal Mansion.....

" Good morning ma'am.....Please I am here for the King" Rhyan spoke standing outside the door....he had come to speak with Alex concerning some kingly issues and he had been told he was in his house so he came to see him...Mary had opened the door for him.

" He's in his study.....come in". she replied calmly and stepped aside for him to step in

" Good morning my lady" He stopped and curtsied when he saw Anne..

" Good morning...I'm guessing you are here for Alex right.... He's upstairs in his study" she said pointing towards golden plated stairs on the left.


" Come in" Alex uttered from the inside of his study

" Your Majesty " he curtsied and Alex directed him to a chair to sit in with his eyes

" Yes??" he asked not looking away from the file in front of him....not that he was reading it Anyways.

" It's the president your Majesty"

" What about Raymond??...what does he want".

" Well....he says he wants to see you and speak to you"

" Why??" Alex asked still not looking up to Rhyan.

" He...He..he wan....."

" he wants to step down right??"

" Yes your Majesty... how'd you know....oh right"

" I knew that bitch had something on her sleeves....I just knew it...And that fool....I'll deal with him....fix up a date between now and tomorrow for him to meet me".he ordered

" Alright Your Majesty...I'll do that straight away" he said standing up to leave...just as he was bout to leave he stopped and sat down again.

" What is it Rhyan... Anything else??" he asked sounding a little impatient.

" Uhmmm....sir.... There's a lady downstairs...asides Her highness.."

" She's her highness's mother.... Anything??"

" It's just that.....uhmmm....Does she know your true identity??" he asked....Alex raised his head and gave out his emotionless face again.... looking directly at Rhyan.

" No... why'd you ask".

" Well when I knocked at the door she had opened it for me to step in...I referred to you as King and she directed me straight to you...If she doesn't know about your identity as an Aljer then why didn't she ask who the king was??....or rather why I was referring to you as King??"

" Hmmmmm...Strange" Alex said rising from his seat and walking towards the window....Rhyan stood up also as a sign of respect.

" She led you to me directly..... asking no questions at all??" he asked to confirm

" Yes your Majesty....I have strange feelings about her" Rhyan said.

" I'm listening"

" I just feel that she's not human but she doesn't have the same charisma demons carry...and then another thing...Lady Camilla and lady Axia.....both are witches and they might or maybe not have the same charisma as Her highness's mother"

" You're saying she might be a witch??"

" Yes your Majesty...it's just...." Rhyan was interrupted by Alex's chuckle.... that was the first time he heard it and it sounded so dark and evil and treacherous..

" That's like highly impossible....I have known her for years now Rhyan....You are probably just overthinking things right now....I also had that same thought during my first weeks with her and even tried finding out if she was actually a witch but instead I found out she's human just like you.... Don't worry... that's just how she is about things".

" Hmmm.....I guess you're right though....but I advise you be careful...you can never know who..."

" Okay that's enough....I believe you came for a purpose and that has been done and you were giving an assignment so just follow it....You may leave". Alex spoke sternly after turning towards Rhyan avoiding the gaze from the window.....As instructed he left without a word but only a curtsy.


" Alma " he called out.

" I'm in here" she said from the garden....it was her favorite spot in every one of Alex's homes so she spent most of her time there just sitting on the swing and enjoying the view and breeze together.

" come here" he said bringing her closer to himself and making her body lie on his

" We will be returning to new York tomorrow morning...I dialled up your dad and informed him about some preparations for our wedding.....he should start some of the preparations like fixing a date and then wedding invitations and the rest....we'll be there tomorrow to finalize it...I have waited too long to have you as mine.....I hope that's not a problem"

" it isn't Lexy....as long as you'll be with me all the way through I have No issues with the plans....I have waited too long as well to have you as MINE" she emphasized on the word mine.

" Ok my darling wife to be please ur future husband has to take care of just a few things before we leave for New York tomorrow so can he be excused" he said sweetly.

" Sure he can....but make sure he's on time for lunch "

" I will Alma...later" he said and kissed her softly on her plump lips and left.