

Arthuryasmin008 · Others
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37 Chs


" You wanted to see me Raymond" Alex spoke walking into the throne room where Raymond awaited him.....he was going to show that greedy pot bellied fool who's in charge.

" Yes Your Majesty.....Well I wanted to....wanted to... tell.... tell you...that....the...uhmmm....I...want to...give up my....my po...my post" he stammered because of fear...pure fear very visible in his eyes.....Alex laughed his ass out on the inside.

" Okay" He replied simply and took a sip from the drink beside him....He could feel Raymond's heart rate decrease by the second.....He was going to love this.

" I can??"

" Yes....leave now if you want".

" Are....you...are you sure about that??" He asked but the state he got from Alex made him quiet.....He picked up his phone and dialled up his PA.

" Send a message to my aid to pack my clothes and then ask the remaining chauffeurs to send the cars to my personal Mansion...we're moving out of the villa". He said sounding proud but his pride broke into pieces the moment Alex chuckled.

" When I said you can leave I didn't tell you to leave with MY things" He said emphasizing on the word my.

" What!!" Raymond said shocked.

" What's what...I picked you up from the gutters and brought you a life on a platter of Gold....You literary sold your soul to me and you should be lucky I'm letting you leave willingly and alive though....Back to my point, you know this saying you were created from dust and you'll go back as dust??.....That's your situation right now...You came in a pauper and you'll leave as one....The person who promised you a good life should probably know how to give you a good life.... I've said too much already...leave" Alex spoke with finality.

" But..."

" Get out" He said with an angry tone and next he was gone....he had just done his part and ready to await the results of his deeds.....Alex had teleported himself back to his house to meet his Alma.


" So here's the plan we'll go home to drop our luggages and then to my house....how does that sound Lexy?? she asked with the cutest voice he had ever heard.

" Sounds good...you made it after all why won't it be good??"

" Flattering me again....you have to stop that....just kidding please continue". she said causing him to laugh.

" Hey don't laugh like that when driving be careful" she spoke pointing her hand to the direction of the windscreen.

" As my lady wishes" he spoke like a charming prince to his lady in distress.

" Do you need to take anything before you leave??" Mary asked unpacking Anne's luggage in her room

" Nope...just going like this" she said turning round in front of the mirror....She was on a black and blue stripe spaghetti hand fitted dress that reached her ankles and accented her curves.

" You look stunning princess....have this" Mary said handing out a hick jacket to her.

" Why mother...It's scorching hot outside and u want me to wear this....it isn't even showing signs of the weather changing anytime soon".

" It will...later on...Just have it.....and here's one for Alex"

" Hmmm..... Okay.... we'll go now" Anne spoke before leaving the room to meet Alex downstairs.

" Ready??" Alex asked standing up facing his fiancee

" Yes let's go".

" What's up with the jackets??"

" Mother said we should take them with us"

" But he weather doesn't look like something that'll change...hold up it is going to change.. how'd she know"

" Don't know she just said she did" she answered moving out of the door and then turning back when she realized Alex wasn't following....she went back to the spot he stayed glued too and held his hands....he seemed to be thinking

" What's wrong" she asked looking at him with the cutest eyes.

" Nothing....it's nothing....let's go....I want us to be back early....you need to rest after the long drive".

" Yeah... you're right...let's go... they'll be waiting already"

After a 45 minutes drive they arrived Anne's lovely home....

" Didi!!" She screamed as she saw her grandmother and ran to hug her.

" Oh my princess how you doing??"

" Great....now that I've seen you... Where's dad" Anne asked as they entered the building.

" He went out concerning your marriage preparations...we'll talk about that later though...You look hungry and tired....I had made spaghetti and meatballs...care for some??"

" Yes please Didi" Anne answered

" Do you care for son??" Didi turned and asked Alex sweetly.

" Yes ma'am thank you".

Mr Raymond stepped in when they were having dinner...he joined them at the table and after dinner they excused themselves to talk about her wedding.

" Dad....you aren't looking yourself what happened??."

" Well...we have an issue...or rather some issues,but all lie on one issue"

" What issue??"

" Your wedding.....as the brides family we have to make arrangements for the wedding.....our main issues for now are now to get hold of the resources to plan the wedding.....we don't even have enough money for the invitation cards" He spoke worriedly.

" So we thought of a loan..... getting a loan is the only thing that can insure this wedding" Didi said

" A loan that we would have to pay for the rest of our lives..no way dad.....if it's that way then I'll go for a simple wedding.....even if it's without a gown, a wedding gown I'll go for it as long as we don't have to pay off a loan for the rest of our lives". Anne spoke out of care for her family not minding the fact that that wasn't what she wanted even though she was from a poor family background Anne had always dreamt of a luxury wedding with luxury and beautiful outstanding designs that has never being done before.

" That won't be possible Alma.....Didi...Mr Raymond..... Don't worry about anything.....I'll personally foot the bills for I and your daughter's wedding....you don't have to spend a dime on the wedding sir....And as for you Alma....you don't have to give up on your dream wedding...you have me right by your side....so don't worry"

" You don't have to do that.... we'll just get a loan from the bank and t..." I heard my dad say but Alex interrupted.

" And have you payback w lifetime loan??...No...I will handle everything.....even if it means breaking customs and traditions of the wedding I will pay for the expenses all I need is a list of what has to be done and I'll take care of it".

" Son just let him do it.....I can see he's so much in love with our princess let him do as he pleases" Didi requested of My dad since he still wasn't comfortable with Alex's decision to foot the bills....As much as I didn't want him to take care of the expenses he was adamant about it so we just let him do as he pleased.