

Arthuryasmin008 · Others
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37 Chs


He got to his room and collapsed on the couch,he was still on devin. He knew his words had an effect on camilla and that she was going to come back am apologize at least then she would be back to normal even though he knew her feelings would still be there.

Zain suddenly appeared in his room.

"You're here" Zain said clearly confused though he tried to hide it.

" Anything??" Alex asked sitting with his legs crossed.

" it's just that you only come when something is gonna happen"

" This is my kingdom so can't i come here at anytime"

" You know what am talking about Ramirez"

Alex rolled his eyes. Axia materialized in to the room.

" Good morning guys"

" Morning " Zain was the one to reply her while alex just kept staring.

" I have news" she said breaking the silence and then continuing.

" The humans have mobilized some forces that are going to take you down from the throne...They have started piling up cases against you so we have to act fast."

" we won't do anything" Alex replies shortly.

" Huh....bu"axia said but was cut short.

" We won't do anything" he repeated with finality.

" They would not be able to bring up any valid case against him and that is when they would start having troubles" Camilla said Materializing into the room.

" Camilla??".Axia said in surprise.

" So..." Alex said standing up from the couch and walking over to camilla.

" When should i do it" He asked her.

" Do what??" Axia asked clearly confused.

" Camilla wants to be killed...by me" He said. He saw axia blink a few times and zain just chuckled while camilla's face spoke of guilt.

" Thats not true...right" Axia said turning to her sister. The look on Camilla's face gave her an answer.

"Didn't you think about our mom once". She said tears in her eyes.

" Didn't you think about me?? were you seriously going to kill yourself for a guy with no emotions" she said in between sobs.

" I'm sorry axia". Camilla said hugging her sister.

" You better be" axia replied.

The two sisters stopped hugging and cleaned each others tears.

" So i don't need to rip your head of ur body".

" You don't" Axia said sharply.

" Now that you guys are done i have somewhere to be." Zain said plainly before leaving the room.

Zain unlike any of them lived like the humans, he owned a hospital and was a very good doctor he was a demon after all so he had to be good.

Alex sighed knowing he had to stay back in devin for a while, he was expecting some demon lords concerning his kingdom and he had to Talk to them personally cause Zain wasn't going to be available. He hated doing anything that concerns devin so he just let zain take over anytime he Didn't feel like it, but now he had to talk there was no going back.


"Where is she??" Anne asked herself while standing in a corner by the road outside the orphanage. Gaby had phoned her and said That she was coming to pick her up so they could hang out for a while but here she was waiting for her. She tried calling again and that was when gaby pulled up in front of her. Anne got into the car and gaby started driving.

" I'm sorry darling" Gaby apologized

" its ok, just focus on the road."

" should we go partying,clubbing or we should just eat out" gaby asked while steering.

" I think should just eat out i don't think i can handle clubbing or even partying tonight"

" Yeah, ok we'll change from the house and then go to a nice restaurant in town."

" hmm" Anne replied and sunk back in her seat, she was damned tired, she had been busy at the orphanage since and she just needed a break what better way to have a break than to have food.

Gaby drove down to her house and they got into more comfortable clothes. Instead of the red fitted gown she wore that morning she put on a bright yellow flare gown that was above her knee length while gaby put on a pitch black flare gown above her knee length with silver adornings, they were both on heels that matched the color of their dresses.

They stepped into one of the best restaurants in town and ordered for some food. Anne didn't even eat much cause she wanted to still have some food with alex when she got back Home.They laughed and chatted away happily during the dinner that they forgot to look at the time, by the time they had desert it was close to pitch black outside if not for the street lights and the lights from the passing cars they wouldn't have been able to see anything. They walked up to their car parked in the parking lot of the restaurant, they got into it and gaby started the car.

" Whats wrong now" Gaby asked angry.

" What happened to it"

" the damned car has been giving me problems lately."

" You tried fixing it??"

" yeah, for like a million times and its getting frustrating". she replied hitting the steering hard with her hand.

" Calm down, we'll figure something out."

Anne thought of calling alex but she felt he was going to be busy so she just let him be. Gaby tried calling her house but know one was answering. What were they going to do now, Trekking was by far the only option they had left, the lights were going to help them see. They left the car and wandered into the streets of new York city, it was a cold night and they were on short dresses and heels that they had to leave in the car.

Gaby had tripped over a rock laying on the road and her left foot was bleeding but only a little due to the scratches she got from the rock. She limped instead of walking.

" Why don't we sit for a while". anne suggested noticing her friends pain.

" i'm guessing You don't know how the streets of new york city are at night."

Gaby was right they were two good looking girls walking in short dresses on the road at night they could be in big danger if they don't go back home fast.

Anne took gaby's hand and began to help her walk. Just then a blue sedan pulled up in front of them blocking their path forward. Anne already smelled trouble and Gaby was not in any prepared to defend herself not to talk of both of them.

Two Hefty built men came down from the car anne could tell that there was still one person left in the car.

The men had an aura she could recognize. They were demons their eyes told them off as well anne could also tell that they were from devin because Alex once told her that demons adapt to their environment, that is if they live with humans they tend to look like humans and these people in front of her looked nothing like humans which meant they didn't live here.

" We need the one on yellow right" one of the men asked the other.

" Yes" The other replied.

Anne saw the men walk to wards her she stood fixated holding on to gaby. As the man got closer gaby quickly got in front of anne and was about to punch the man when he held her by the hand and threw her over to the pavement by the side of the road.

" Gaby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Anne screamed and was about to rush to her friend when he held her back.

" Let go of me!!!!" She screamed.

" I will " he replied and the next moment they were in a darkly lit room. How she got there she didn't know, all she knew was that her friend was lying on the road in pains she needed to help her but how. The man tied her to a chair like she was being kidnapped even her mouth wasn't spared. The other man also appeared in the room and anne had to blink a few times first. The man had sparkling gray eyes with a tint of silver in them, he must be a smoke demon she guessed.

He walked over to her and bent so his eyes were on hers.

" I'm guessing you know what we are"

he said to her. Anne didn't utter a word it wasn't like she could do so anyways.

" You'll be here probably for a few days or so and then we'll let you go....probably" He told her again trying to intimidate her with his eyes. He should know that wasn't working on her cause she had seen eyes much more intimidating than those ones on his face.

" You'll enjoy being tortured". He said with a chilling tone while caressing her cheeks. Anne felt disgusted by his touch who the hell did he think he was.

" You aren't even married to him yet and you already feel obliged to keep your body for him." He said to her

What was he talking about, could he listen to her thoughts.

" Yes "

that's right he was a demon so he could read her mind.

Once he finds you, he'll kill you, she thought to herself hoping he had listened to her thoughts.

The man chuckled and grabbed her by the chin. Anne squirmed, his long nails were piercing her skin.

" That dumb ass couldn't even save his family from mere witches, what makes you think that he would be able to save you from demons."

i'll watch him rip you apart she thought again and the demon got angrier. He seemed to hate alex.


" You've been restless, whats going on".

zain asked alex who pacing round like a impatient husband awaiting his wife on delivery.

" Something is not just right i know it" he answered.

" You can't leave now" zain was right he still had a lot of things to do in devin that was why he stayed longer but he was not in the right frame of mind he felt something was wrong but what.

" My lord". A demon stood by the door. Alex had sent him to search for anne in all the places he thought she would be by this time.

" Did you see her". He asked walking closer to him.

" No my lord"

" Her friend??"

" No my lord". Alex knew it something was definitely wrong, he had to find her as soon as possible it was going to be hard knowing that he hadn't marked her yet. Without a word he vanished.

zain dismissed the demon and vanished as well to help alex.


Anne was still bleeding profusely because of the injuries he had inflicted in her chin and neck. She tried her very best no to panic so it wouldn't trigger her illness. But the pains she was getting wasn't helping issues. The room had poor ventilation issues so that made her sweat. Her sweat touched the injuries on her chin and neck and that made then hurt the more and more blood seeped through it.

The pains were bad and she had a hard time bearing it. The weird eyed guy kept going and coming back to torture her. First it was his nails then he just kept hitting her on her face and her body. He then untied her and kept her on the floor with only her mouth tied, he knew she didn't have the strength to even walk. Anne just lay on the cold floor patiently hoping that alex would get her out of there.

Suddenly the floor began To warm up to her, she struggled and helped herself sit up, her back against the wall. She couldn't see anything but she knew he was there. She didn't even hear his footsteps but he was now beside her hugging her.

" I'm sorry i'm late". He said before untying the cloth on her mouth.

Anne just kept crying in his arms and alex didn't let go of her he kept on stroking her hair to calm her down.

Alex couldn't believe what he saw when he arrived the place his senses took him to. Anne was lying on the cold bate floor and she was freezing. He felt his heart sink when he saw her eyes he was going to make those fools pay. He went up to her taking her in his arms and stroking her hair to calm her down.

" Here he is to save his princess" Oh no he was back again. Alex got up leaving anne to the floor.

" Ethan " alex said

" Ramirez"

They seemed to know each other.

" Its nice meeting you again" he spoke

" If you weren't weak you would come for me alone but you decided you were going to be foolish and harm her instead".

What alex said seemed to have infuriated him cause then he placed his hand on neck as if to strangle alex But alex held him instead on his wrist. He was fast.

The next moment Ethan was screaming in pain. Anne wondered how holding someone's wrist in that manner would make you scream. Alex didn't even look like he was doing anything to him but the guy was screaming in pain, what anne saw next was terrifying, she saw his eyeballs fall out from it's sockets. like how is this even possible, Alex was nowhere near his eyes yet his eyeballs were falling off like they was being plucked and a lot of blood seeped through it. Anne closed her eyes and used her palms to cover her ears the screams were getting to much but after a while she didn't hear them anymore, she felt something touch her feet so she opened her eyes to look at them.

Anne moved back as she saw Ethan's head on the floor, she gasped and heard the sound of a thud she looked up and and saw alex; he had just dropped Ethans headless body on the floor. Anne looked at alex she could see that his eyes were now golden with a tint of fire in them he was angry, she also noticed his nails, they were longer than usual and his fangs were out. The moment his eyes met hers they turned normal again but his fangs were still out and so were his nails. Anne got up slowly and steadily walked up to him and hugged him like a daughter would do when she sees her dad. Alex's nails did go back to normal but his fangs didn't, it wasn't because he was angry it was because his demon and him desired her at that moment. she broke the hug moments later when she felt he had calmed down and she remembered someone.

I felt he needed to calm down and that was when i rushed towards him, he was cold at first but then his body began to warm up to me, i saw his nails go back inside so i presumed that his fangs should have done so as well. She didn't want to stop hugging him especially when she felt no pains when she was with him but she remembered gaby, she knew she was going to black out soon, she had lost a lot of blood and was very weak so she needed to talk to him before darkness swallowed her. "Ga.....gab...gaby.....She's...hu...hurt"

And she blacked out.

Alex felt his heart skip a beat when she almost fell but was relieved when he heard her hear beat.

" She's just unconscious" Zain said materializing into the room.

" Take her with you unconscious and a a treat her i'll go find her friend" He said handling anne over to zain, if it wasn't zain he wouldn't have handed anne over to him. He knew how important gaby was to her so he needed to find her.

" Take good care of her" He said before teleporting to find gaby. Zain smiled within himself, alex was becoming more human with feelings this was the first time alex had asked him to take care of someone in a good way though.