

Arthuryasmin008 · Others
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37 Chs


The rest of that week went so well with anne having a lot of fun doing things she had always wanted to do all her life but was restricted because of her health issues. She had already figured out that alex had seen her bucket list and was trying his best to fulfill them, she like him for that. She had also gone to see her parents and gaby during the week. She had also made alex to start eating as well, she noticed he barely ate so she had to force him sometimes. She wondered how a human would stay fit without eating anything, this guy still looked gorgeous as ever even when he barely ate.

it was brand new week and gaby had woken up already, she had her bath and dressed up to stay at home, she wasn't going anywhere today,it was a Monday and she felt like staying home. Her hair was still wet from the bath she had, she walked downstairs first to inform mary of what she was going to prepare, she was becoming found of her lately, Mary was an elderly woman in her mid forties and also very hard working, mary never complained about anything, she did everything she did with joy in her heart and clear on her face. She didn't have to inform mary about breakfast because she had already prepared it so she just went up to alex's room to call him.

Alex's room was quite different from the other rooms, it was painted with a very dark shade of gray and had dark curtains hanging from the two large windows in the room. There was a dressing table at the left side of the room and then a bookshelf by the right, next to the bathroom door, the bookshelf always looked dusty like no one ever read books from there.

she walked into the room like it was her first time in the room, she didn't see him but she could still smell his scent. He had to be in the bathroom so she decided to wait, she went and stood near the window, his room also had a good view to the outside. She looked outside for a while before she felt the temperature in the room rise and then go down again, she realized he was in the room and turned to look at him.

She was shocked and was wide eyed as she looked at the beauty in front of her.

Alex was half naked with only a towel round his waist, he looked so breathtaking, anne couldn't stop staring plus she had never seen this much of a males body before. He wasn't huge yet he had a perfect body that every girl would want to be on, his dark hair was still wet from the bath and that made him look more amazing.

anne saw him walk towards her and she realized her mouth was open so she shut it immediately and looked down shyly before looking up and meeting the eyes she loved so much.

" Br.....b...breakfast is ready, you should come down" she said still shy.

Alex felt his demon rage again,why did she have to come to his room this morning just when he was craving to have her. He had thought that having a cold bath would at least remove the cravings but it didn't work and now she was here right in front of him and talking like that as well. Oh good lord.

He crossed the distance between them and put his right hand around her waist forcefully but gently pulling her by the waist so close to his chest.

anne didn't know what was going on cause it happened so fast, the hand, the pulling, everything was fast she felt his hand around her face, he was holding her chin up so that she was looking directly at his eyes, they had turned gold now cause of his demon.

i saw him look into my eyes like he was searching for something in them.

"I've wanted to kiss you so badly anne" He said in a low tone.

" Then kiss me" She blurted out but before she could even think about anytime his lips came against hers. he kissed her so slowly and lovingly. it was a kiss that expressed emotions that they had been hiding for a long time now, they both the want to accept it.

Anne felt her knees weaken and felt like she was gonna fall but his strong arms kept her from falling. The next minute she was on the bed with him on top of her. Why wasn't she breaking away, she thought to herself.

Alex broke the kiss after a while and looked at anne who looked breathless.

" Are you Ok" he asked

she was to breathless to reply so she just nodded.

" i think you should leave" he said

Anne looked at him confused. Was she really that bad at kissing that he wanted her to leave so suddenly. The kiss had made her feel so good and she didn't want him to stop because she loved it and now he was telling her to leave.

" Why" she asked with a pained voice

" just leave" alex said with clenched teeth not realizing he was hurting her.

" No....i am not leaving" she replied boldly.

" i am asking you politely to leave now before i hurt you" he said while standing up and facing the other side.

" you won't hurt me" she said standing in front of him.

" You don't know me "

" Even if i don't know you, i at least know that the alex in front of me wouldn't even think of hurting me " she paused and looked at him only to see his eyes raging with anger, that was the first time she could tell what he was feeling and the next moment he grabbed her by the neck and pinned her to the wall behind her.

He felt her life been sucked and her breathing slow down before he released her neck. Realizing what he had just done he wanted to apologize

" i.." she hugged him so tightly before he could complete his words leaving alex shocked. He felt his clothes dampen as she cried on the same person that hurt her. What was wrong with this woman.

he held her close to him and coaxed her. He tried reading her mind and he found out that she felt pity for him because she thinks he has been hurt. she wasn't even crying because she was in pain, she was crying because of him. Strange, he thought. she broke the hug and cleaned her tears before looking at him.

" Are You ok" alex was shocked wasn't he the one supposed to be asking the question.

" let's go eat " she said again before telling him to dress up and come down, and then she left the room but not before kissing him on his cheeks.

What just happened, first it was the hug and then the concern and the peck, what was this woman, she wasn't like the others who would run away. He pushed his thoughts aside and went ahead to dress up so he could join her at the table to eat.

" Have this" she said stretching the loaf of bread to him. She had been stuffing food into his mouth and he loved it. They were having lunch like nothing happened a while ago. She was still pushing more food into his mouth before he felt Zain's presence, he noticed that he stood there for a while looking at anne and him and alex didn't want to say anything to ruin this peaceful moment he was having, he was glad zain the ruin it but that wasn't for long cause a while later zain materialized into the room.

" I see you're having fun so early in the morning". zain spoke. Alex rolled his eyes and turned to him. Zain walked towards the couch in the living room like it was his.

" Good...." anne was about to greet when alex cut her off.

" Don't...he isn't worth your words".

" Wow alex, what a nice way to introduce a guest."

" i believe a guest isn't supposed to come uninvited" Alex asked, his mood changing causing the temperature to rise, so hot that anne looked like she could pass out any second from now.

" you'll kill her if you don't calm down"

alex turned and saw anne sweating heavily and calmed down immediately. He went to her and wrapped his arms around sure of the fact that his cold body would cool hers down.

Anne felt a blush creep through her face as he hugged her in front of the man whom she still didn't know his identity.

she had earlier felt so hot that she wanted to pass out and now she felt alex was cooling her body with his hug but how. she heard the green eyed stranger say if you don't stop you'll kill her, what did he mean by that. Anne didn't have the time to think about that cause she felt so good in his arms; why on earth does he make me feel so good, anne thought to herself.

" Is he a brother or a cousin" Anne asked innocently. Even though they both had different eyes she could still feel that the man carried almost the same aura alex carried.

" He couldn't be.....he's just a friend" alex replied looking at zain with a disgusting look on his face.

" Just a friend huh" zain said standing up and walking over to anne who was trying to understand what was going on.

" Hi, I'm zain and i'm JUST a friend " he said holding up his hands for a kiss on her knuckles, anne giggled and zain couldn't feel any form of anger or jealousy coming from Alex. God he was good at hiding literally everything thing, zain just wanted to confirm his speculation about alex being in love, just when he wanted to let go of her hand he felt the temperature in the room rise but it was only for a split second, He was right, alex was actually starting to fall in love, somehow he was happy about it because then he wouldn't break his promise and this fool would have a reason to live.

" welcome, You can have break fast with us". Anne told him.

" No " Alex said suddenly standing next to anne. Anne looked at him asking why with her eyes.

" That's because we're here for important stuff". camilla replied from the door staring at anne like she was going to kill her. Alex stared at camilla and told her telepathically. " i'll kill you if you even think about that again." Camilla turned away immediately. He turned to axia who was at the door with her sister and then to zain, why did they have to come now. He looked at anne and told her.

" why don't you stay here and continue with your breakfast while i attend to them." She nodded and he placed a kiss on her forehead. Both anne and alex felt the tension in the room rise the moment he kissed anne. Alex knew that the tension was coming from camilla and no one else, she was jealous and he didn't care. He held anne by the hand and led her to the table and sat her down then he turned to them and walked upstairs allowing them to use their brains to know he was telling them to follow him.