

Arthuryasmin008 · Others
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37 Chs


" i wonder what the surprise is "

Anne had phoned gaby while she was in her room.

" Just chill darling and go with the flow"

" Yeah, you're right "

" Alright, go enjoy ok"

" hmm " And gaby disconnected the call.

Anne looked at her self in the mirror and said to her self that she looked good. These days she noticed she had been self conscious about everything, her clothes, her appearance and everything she didn't just know why.

Alex waited and waited until he could finally hear her heartbeat clearer which meant she was coming. He looked towards the staircase and saw her she wore a bright red top and a blue jean short perfect for the surprise. He took her hand and led her to the car outside this time he wasn't the one driving, he had asked one of his drivers to drive them so he sat at the back with her.

When he realized they were close to their destination he asked her to please let him blindfold her and she agreed.

The car stopped and he helped her gat down and lead her to the place.

Anne wondered where she was but she heard sounds of people talking and music, she thought she also heard the sounds of waves. Was she going to a sea or something. she felt alex's cold hands behind her neck then she felt it on her hair, she knew he was getting rid of the blindfold, she felt the blindfold fall and then she slowly opened her eyes.

i couldn't believe it, i was so shocked i didn't realize my mouth was open. She saw the water and it was beautiful, the sky was still a little bright so she could see that the water was crystal blue. she looked at him asking him with her eyes of she wasn't dreaming.

" Do u like it??"

Anne was still in shock from the fact that she was seeing water so she just nodded.

" How did you know"she asked finally talking.

" I just know...Don't you want to walk inside"

she nodded and he knelt down in front of her to pull of her shoes, he pulled his after and walked her inside the water.

The water was cold under my feet but his hands kept me warm. i couldn't believe i was doing something i have always wanted to do since i was little.

alex took me deeper into the water until the water reached my knee almost to my shorts.

" should i let go" he asked me

" yes" I said and i felt his hands leave mine. i looked beneath me and i saw how the water moved and i could still feel it's coldness, it was an amazing feeling. i decode to walk further and then i felt a huge wave and i was knocked off my felt almost falling inside the water until a strong arm came around my waist from behind. i looked and it was alex he smiled and told me to be careful before putting back up.

" look down" he said to me and i followed orders. i saw the sun it was very dark orange which meant it was about to set. the sun felt do close to me and i could feel like i was right in front of me.

Alex saw her smile and felt his demon rumble inside of him. Her smile always set his demon on fire. when he looked at her list of things she wanted to do he was shocked st first because they are things she should have normally done. going to the beach, walking in the water and then seeing the sun set were the first three things on her list and he had fulfilled only two of them the next one was going to be done in the next few minutes so he led her out of the water a little so she wouldn't trip again.

" it's setting already"

" it's beautiful" she said with her smile on. There was silence and the only thing that was heard was the sound of the waves.

" Thank you" she said while looking at the water as the sun had already hodden itself then her stomach grumbled she looked shy immediately.

" let's go home and eat" he said to her before putting one hand around her waist and crouching to put the other hand around her legs lifting her up swiftly like she weighed nothing leaving anne shocked.

He carried her to then car and and told the driver to take them back home.


Anne had finished everything everything on her plate cause she was starving and even asked for more, alex happily dished out more food for her. Anne noticed he wasn't eating so she asked.

" won't you eat anything"

" am ok"

" Bit you haven't had anything today"

"Am not hungry"

" please eat" she said pushing his plate towards him.he looked at the plate and grabbed the spoon before he began to eat.

Anne yawned so widely because she was tired and filled up to the brim.

" you can go sleep, you're tired."

she nodded and went up stairs leaving him in the table alone.

" you know that's invasion of privacy right" He spoke to Camilla. she was there the whole time.

" how did you sense me"

" is that supposed to be a question camilla" he said in a serious tone. She should know by bow that it wasn't hard for him to sense her no matter wwhat spell she cast to hide her self.

" Since when did you start caring for people" she asked in low tone.

" Thats none of your business"

" do u love her"

" why do u care"

" Because i love you" she blurted out.

it wasn't a shock to alex though cause he was aware of it. The witch was obsessed with him. She spoke again.

" and you know about that yet you don't give me a chance to love you.....listen i know you don't want to fall in love but at least let me love or even teach you how to love."

Alex laughed. it was an intimidating sound to hear one who hears it would be afraid and Camilla was afraid. He stood up and walked closer to her.

" I have expected you to be a lot more wiser than you are right now but i see you aren't even willing to be wise.....You want to teach me how to love, could you hear yourself when you said that......"

he paused and continued.

" Now you listen to me, the only you are alive right now is because i am not in any mood to kill so before my mood changes leave while you still can" He told her in a cold voice sending chills down her spine. She vanished without a word.

what a witch, all of them had the same attitude to annoy just anyone, it was their talent to do so.

He left the food and teleported to the room where he laid down on his bed he blocked all entrances a demon could use to see him in the room and went to sleep he felt drained he hadn't slept in years.